I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2266 A monstrous dad was rejected by his own daughter

Chapter 2266 A monstrous dad was rejected by his own daughter
"Does that cutie know too?!"

"I know." Ji Yicheng reopened the storybook, and said casually, "Back then, Qing Baoer asked me to give Shi Ming's mobile phone number to Xi Weiran, and Xi Weiran gave it to his niece."

Xuan Fei finally understood, and slapped his thigh and screamed,

"It's because the little cutie sold the dog!"

"Cough..." The corners of Ji Yicheng's mouth twitched silently, he seemed to be saying the same thing about his wife back then.

"I told Bao'er, if you don't secretly sell it behind your back, can you still keep it as a golden noble single dog?" Ji Yicheng replied Jing Qingge's original words to Xuan Fei, and added,
"I don't want other men to think about me, Qing Bao'er, especially that dog every day. I wish he could send me a wedding invitation as soon as possible, and go to Xi's family to be his son-in-law as fast as he can. He wrapped a huge red envelope!"

Xuan Fei gave a thumbs up silently across the phone screen,
"You husband and wife... both! Yes! Ruthless! People!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Ji Yicheng snorted arrogantly, "I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to tell Xiao Tiantian a story."

After finishing speaking, "snap" and hung up the phone.

Xuan Fei, "..." Ah hey, brother Cheng, I haven't finished gossiping with you yet, I met you at fashion week and it was dark!Just with Xi's niece!

"Daddy, are you and Uncle Fairy talking about godfather?" Xiao Tiantian asked softly and cutely.

Ji Yicheng nodded, speaking earnestly,

"Your godfather is old, and he doesn't like to laugh. He doesn't like little girls at all. No one wants him, so I have to urge him to get married quickly and settle down."

[Shi Ming is half a world away: Ji Yicheng, shut up for me!Don't slander me in front of your daughter! ! ! [○`Д○]】

Xiao Tiantian immediately refuted her father,
"No, I like my godfather! I have already agreed with my godfather that I will marry him when I grow up."

Looking at the pink and jade-carved baby golden egg in his arms, holding a beautiful little face and saying that he wants to marry his love rival, in an instant, the corner of the big boss of a certain season collapsed, and suddenly he felt extremely tight in his chest.

"Besides, I haven't told my little uncle to remember to bring me sweet chocolates when he comes to our house next time, so just hang up the phone, Daddy." Ji Yicheng's sleeves.

Ji Yicheng silently wanted to crush a big stone in his chest, because he was rejected by his own daughter because of two other men...


In the rocking bed next to him, the arrogant prince who was entertaining himself by kicking his short legs also glanced at Ji Yicheng, with a kind of gloating meaning of "I told you to despise me, now you should be despised by your sister to the end" .

The corner of Ji Yicheng's mouth twitched, and he suddenly had the urge to throw his son out of the window, his father was so angry!


Ji Yicheng was silent for another half a second, his eyes were full of his father's complaints, he touched the head of the little girl in his arms and asked seriously,

"Xiao Tiantian, do you like your godfather very much?"

"Yes!" Xiao Tiantian blurted out, her big eyes sparkling.

"Does that mean you also like your fairy uncle?"

"extremely like!"

"Then the godfather or the goblin uncle, who does Xiao Tiantian like more?" Ji Yicheng asked questions step by step.

Xiao Tiantian frowned all of a sudden, and her eyebrows were tied into a bow.

(End of this chapter)

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