I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2268 Ji Da Boss actually stared at his wife with a straight face!

Chapter 2268 Ji Da Boss actually stared at his wife with a straight face!
...the corners of the mouth that were raised high hadn't been closed yet.

After Jing Qingge took a shower, she was comfortably lying on the bed, brushing Weibo with an iPad, her two delicate and fair calves were dangling dangling.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a certain man entering the room smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, wishing he could show all the gums in his mouth.


"This rippling face of spring, was confessed by your daughter?" Jing Qingge guessed it at a glance. After all, there is no one in this world who can make the evil boss such a stupid and cute character, except for her. Only Britney is left.

So, no suspense!
Ji Yicheng kicked off his slippers and climbed onto the bed, quickly rolled to Jing Qingge's side, turned his body sideways, hooked his long arms, and covered the soft waist of the woman, supported his head with the other hand and nodded, with a happy expression on his face expression said,

"I asked Xiao Tiantian whether she liked Shi Dagou more or non-fairy, and Xiao Tiantian said she liked me the most, hahahaha..."

Jing Qingge expressed her envy with a very cooperative "Aiyo", and just happened to find the trending Weibo search for "Daughters' Love", and smiled wickedly,
"The number one man in Xiao Tiantian's heart must be you. After a few years, she will be the prince who grew up with her day and night, and then when Xiao Tiantian grows into a young girl, she has just opened her heart. The heart-beating boy of the year, by then..."

"At that time, Xiao Tiantian's favorite will still be me!!!" Ji Yicheng suddenly roared.


Jing Qingge roared until his ears were buzzing. Seeing the man who was still blooming in the sunny sky just now, his face turned dark and cloudy in an instant, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, and wiped the spray on his face. The spittle star shakes it around,
"That must be her lover."

Ji Yicheng almost bounced off Simmons' bed,
"What do you love and not love? My daughter is still young!"

"I'm still young, but I'll grow up slowly." Jing Qingge blinked her almond eyes and smiled innocently,
"One day in the future, your daughter will bring a young talent home, stand in front of you and introduce with a blushing face, 'Daddy, this is my boyfriend', Ji Yicheng, do you believe it?"

Jing Qingge swears that this must be the first time Ji Yicheng stared at her so hard after getting married and having a baby, as if he wanted to eat her.

Oh, and a little creepy.


However, Jing Qingge wasn't afraid at all, he squeezed the guy's puffed and handsome face more playfully, then pinched his stiff chin, squinted his eyes and smiled like a cat The black-bellied little fox deliberately said comfortingly,

"Don't be angry!
I'm giving you psychological preparation for becoming a father-in-law in advance. This is the foreseeable reality 20 years from now. My dear father has to accept it! "

"..." Ji Yicheng was so angry that both of his eyebrows stood upright, he gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and held back a sentence,

"Qing Bao'er, I don't want to talk to you at all right now! Really!"

Jing Qingge was already laughing so hard that he was rolling on the bed, hahaha, this man is so cute.

Unexpectedly, when this scene really happened later, apart from my father not accepting it, my brother, the prince, also deeply resisted.

The father and son both expressed a hundred thousand tons of...dislike to the man who wanted to marry their precious golden egg!

Hang up the other side of the phone.

Xuan Fei has already publicized the information obtained from Ji Yicheng to the whole family with a loudspeaker.

(End of this chapter)

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