I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2274 Rongrong, I gave our daughter a name

Chapter 2274 Rongrong, I gave our daughter a name

It was only then that Feng He remembered that he had a question to ask Xuan Yu before cooking, but he was so angry that he forgot it.


Xuanfei let out a "wow", looking at a table of dishes with excellent appearance.

Among them, Feng He made Chinese-style fish fillets with pickled cabbage, fresh shrimp and soft tofu, roasted chicken wings with mushrooms, as well as Western-style broccoli and black pepper steak and fruit and vegetable salad.

"Feng He, as expected of a mixed race, this Chinese and Western dinner is quite good." Xuan Fei said while feeding a crystal clear fried shrimp, "tsk tsk" nodded to show that it was delicious,
"Otherwise, you can join our family in the future and forget about it, and you won't be charged for meals. Anyway, we have a lot of family members, so we don't need a pair of chopsticks, so you can just cook a few dishes."

Feng He naturally knew that Xuan Fei was joking, but after a long time, he had a very deep understanding that this family really belonged to an international terrorist organization, each one was more insidious and cunning than the other.

"I'm fine, I'm just afraid that if I really join your family, some people will binge drink with a jar of old vinegar every day." As he said that, Feng He rolled his eyes and gave "some people" a cold sideways glance glance.

Everyone also looked at Xuan Yu with comprehension, and couldn't help laughing, this is the rhythm of continuing the table fight.

Xuan Yu's face turned dark as expected,
"Otherwise, Feng He, you can leave after this meal, and I'll send someone to fly you back to Toronto by helicopter."

"Told me to spend the night at the castle tonight."

"I thought about it again, you should be in a hurry to go back to the hospital to report to work."

"Not urgent."

"You are in a hurry."

"I'm in no hurry."

"You said you were in a hurry."

"Xuan Yu, are you finished?"

"Didn't you pick it up first..."


"Hahaha..." The people at the table who watched the fun couldn't stop laughing, and Rong Li also laughed so hard that his shoulders shook.

Only then did the two men come to their senses, their expressions immediately turned awkward, and only then did they feel that their bickering behavior was too naive, they scratched each other's eyes, and shook their heads left and right.

The one with the bandage on his arm was busy picking up vegetables for Rongli, and the other one helped serve the soup.


Feng He handed a small bowl of fresh fish soup to Rongli, remembering the question that some people forgot to ask when they were so angry,
"Have you mentioned the name of the little princess?"

Hearing this, everyone also looked over one after another, Ji Tianmo laughed "Hey",
"I was about to ask, too."

The two who were going to be parents before were in poor health. After Rongli woke up, he was only thinking about the second child who was injured and comatose. The second child had just woken up, so he definitely didn't have time to think about the little princess's name. .

So during this period of time, Xuan Chenhao was looking through the dictionary every night before going to bed to study what name he would give his granddaughter. His posture was as serious as working in the boss's study, but after turning over and over, he still hadn't come up with a name for his granddaughter. He is very satisfied.

Looking at the curious family at the dining table, Xuan Yu and Rong Li looked at each other and smiled, Rong Li nodded,

"It's already up."

"So fast!" Everyone exclaimed in unison, and asked in unison, "What's your name?"

Rong Li raised his eyes to look at Xuan Yu, the smile on his brows became brighter,

"You said."

In the morning, she was still in his arms in a daze and didn't want to get up. There was an intimate caress in her ear, accompanied by the warm breath in Saluo's ear, and she heard his nice voice,
"Rongrong, I gave our daughter a name."

Xuan Yu had a look of pampering and pampering, and a more gentle smile overflowed from his mouth,

"An'an, Xuan Anan."

(End of this chapter)

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