I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2276 Xiao Feifei is the Prophet Emperor 1

Chapter 2276 Xiao Feifei is the Prophet Emperor 1
An'an is the prince's most beautiful and lingering affection for the princess.

Later, when Xuan Anan was two years old, the summer was scorching hot, the sky was blue and the sea was blue, and the father and daughter were playing with sand on the open-air beach.

Tired of playing, little An'an rolled over with her short legs crossed, her white and tender hands were still covered with gravel, and she rubbed against the leg of the man's white slacks,

"Daddy, I want to hug."

Xuan Yu smiled softly, stretched out his arms and hugged the soft little girl in front of him, and wiped his daughter's little hands with extra patience.

"Daddy, why is my name An An?" Xuan An An asked suddenly, tilting his head.

Looking at the little princess's pretty face, the delicate facial features that have grown up are very similar to her own, except for her pair of light brown pupils, which are like the cleanest and purest amber stones in the world, exactly the same as her mother.

Xuan Yu touched the little princess's forehead, her smile became more pampering, she slightly turned her face to look under the umbrella not far away,

"Because Daddy loves your mommy so much."

At that time, little An'an still didn't really understand the connection between her father's love for Mummy and her name An'an, but she always remembered her father's appearance when he said this.

The eyes seemed to be filled with light, brighter than the sun in the sky, indescribably dazzling.

That was the smile she had never seen on the face of this handsome man who regarded her as the most beloved little princess.

Later, someone showed such a dazzling appearance in front of her.

under the umbrella.

The woman is lying on the beach chair and has fallen asleep in a daze. She still wears a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, only her rose-colored beautiful red lips are exposed, and her still beautiful and sexy body is covered in a snow-white suspender dress , two slender jade-like calves looming.

A gust of sea breeze blew over, and the woman moved lazily sideways. Under the thin gauze skirt, her belly was already bulging.


At the dinner table, everyone was shown a wave of affection by the honorary couple again.

"Second brother, you have chosen your daughter's name long ago, right?" Ye Li raised the chopsticks in his hand.

Xuan Yu nodded arrogantly, and everyone guessed so.

"What about the boy's name, second brother, you should have already thought about it before." Xuan Zhihuang took her husband's words, and everyone became more excited, "Quickly tell us and let's listen."

Xuan Yu pursed his lips and looked around, then said three words calmly,

"have not thought."

Collectively, "..." The corners of their eyes twitched abruptly, and then they all turned to look at Ji Tianmo.

Queen, you just said that the second child is the most reliable father!He is still an eccentric father who thinks he is a spoiled child!

Ji Tianmo,... was embarrassed for a while, she really thought that the second child was not so different from a son and a daughter, but she didn't expect it to be.

Xuan Fei smacked his lips and shook his head,

"Second brother, your son will cry if he knows you treat him like this."

"Rong Rong is pregnant with a daughter, where did the son come from?" Xuan Yu rolled his eyes.

"I know, I don't have a son now, but I believe there will be one. As long as you and your husband are in good health, Ye,, / Ye,, / Sheng,, Ge, a second child is nothing to worry about!" Xuanfei's narrowed eyes made her smile tremble even more,

"According to the family's genetic inheritance, maybe elder sister Rong, like the queen, will give you triplet sons? Then you will have to name your sons anyway!

This is called being prepared, lest you jump up and down in a hurry when you can't think of a name for your son. "

(End of this chapter)

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