I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2278 The triplet son of the honor family, "Sister is so amazing!"

Chapter 2278 Triplet sons of the honor family, "Sister is so amazing!"

... murmured incredulously,

"This is...our daughter??"

Even Xuan Chenhao, who was promoted to be a grandfather, was dumbfounded. Xuan Fei roared in shock and surprise on the spot,
"My dear! Is this little doll really my eldest niece?!"

Later, whether it was a little girl who was just able to walk, or a young girl who had grown up to be sixteen or seventeen, Xuan An'an was the most beautiful and eye-catching one in the crowd.

Because God gave the little angel the most unique pure golden thick natural curly hair like glass, and the pair of very shallow brown eyes are like two of the most natural amber crystals hidden deep in the bottom of the sea. .

However, these are not enough, the most breathtaking beauty is the angel's snow-white skin.

When Xiao An'an came out of her mother's stomach, her body was still covered in blood, but Xiao Jintang noticed it all at once. He had lived for more than forty years, and he had never seen a child who was born so white, even in the West. No one.

It is not the kind of paranoid and weak cold white, but a particularly soft and gentle white skin, just like seeing the white snow that has never been polluted by the world next to the blooming snow lotus on the top of the snow mountain, it is so white that it shines, It was so crystal clear that I didn't even dare to touch it with my hands, for fear that it would desecrate this thrilling beauty.


So both Xuan Yu and Rong Li were stunned, and Rong Li stared at him for a long time, then murmured to Xuan Yu,

"Really... I gave birth?"

Although she is of mixed race, her facial contours tend to be deep and three-dimensional like that of Europeans, but her hair color is black, and her facial features are delicate and delicate, revealing the ingenuity of oriental people, so she can be seen at a glance that she is of mixed race.

But my little girl, with blond hair and brown eyes, and snow-white complexion, no matter how you look at it, it is absolutely impossible to imagine that she married the husband of a pure oriental man and gave birth to a baby!
It was Xiao Jintang who popped out to answer the doubts of the shocked family. The blond hair may be inherited from another generation. Rongli’s father Adelson is American. It may be due to the sequelae of Rongli's drug withdrawal in the early pregnancy.

Rong Li raised doubts about the previous explanation, her daddy has curly dark brown hair...o(╯□╰)o
But when Xiao An'an grew up, Xiao Jintang's second explanation was also overturned, because it was only then that they discovered that their little princess had other sequelae.

Doubts come to an end, my daughter was born so peerless and beautiful, of course the young couple who are parents are very happy!

Xuan Yu almost ran around the incubator, and when his emotions calmed down, he squatted next to him with a protective face, looked at the sleeping baby Jindanzi and giggled all day long, even Rongli couldn't even talk to him. Can't hear, completely automatically screen the sound and become the second deaf state...

Collectively, ... (¬_¬)

Later, every time the girl An An wanted to go out to play, a certain doting girl, madman and gentle father instantly turned on the runaway and roaring mode, and yelled at his triplet sons who were still practicing guns and shooting in the hot sun on the shooting range,
"Protect my daughter every step of the way! If any young boy who is not afraid of death dares to have sex with your sister/heart—"

"Your precious Jindan went up and dealt with him by himself." Rong Li said lightly beside him.

The triplets said in unison, "That's right! My sister is so powerful!"

Xuan Yu, "..." Unable to hold back, the corners of his mouth twitched.

At first, he also thought that the little princess would grow up to be a big princess, but he didn't expect the reality to be so slightly off...

(End of this chapter)

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