I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2389 Dog abuse, dog abuse

Chapter 2389 Dog abuse, dog abuse

"..." Yi Sixing slid down from the sofa, "Damn it!!!"

Shi Muyang opened the door with Yi Sixing's shocked expression on his face full of disbelief. This person has been holding the sofa legs and doubting the world for ten minutes, and he is still in an extremely mysterious state.



The crisp doorbell sounded from the entrance.

Shi Muyang thought that Wei En came to the hotel to deliver sick meals to him after finishing his work, but when he opened the door and saw the girl standing outside the door, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't hide the corners of his eyes Laughing, a pair of pure black lacquer eyes are like stars falling all over the sky, and the complexion that was still difficult to hide the sickness is shining brightly together.

Qin Su is wearing a light peach pink dress today, the length is just above the knees, revealing a pair of slender legs, and a pair of small leather shoes that are very convenient for walking.

Today, she didn't tie her hair up, and her shoulder-length hair fell down. It was jet-black, which made her skin fair and moist. She had no makeup, and she was in a completely plain state, but she was indescribably beautiful.

It doesn't look like a well-known screenwriter in the circle. If she is a freshman in the school, no one will refute her. The eyebrows and eyes are pretty, and she smiles at him, and the facial features come alive in an instant. .


The smile in Shi Muyang's eyes overflowed to the corners of his mouth, he didn't expect that the person he wanted to meet in his heart when he chatted on WeChat just now appeared outside his door.

"Here we come." Shi Muyang tilted his head happily, speaking very naturally.

The door of the suite in front of Tan Su opened, and the moment the man standing inside the door appeared in front of him, he couldn't stop blushing.

Hearing what Shi Muyang just said, he was even more embarrassed, his ears were burning, did Shi Muyang know that he was coming to the hotel?
"Did Wei En tell you?" Qin Su scratched the bangs on his forehead in embarrassment.

Shi Muyang kept looking at her and smiling,

"say what?"

"He called me and said that you were alone in the hotel, but he couldn't come to the hotel to see you because he was still talking outside, so he asked me to come over and supervise you to take your medicine." Just now when he replied to her on WeChat, he said that he forgot to take the medicine , I didn't take my body seriously at all!

As soon as he said this, Shi Muyang understood why Wei En wanted to raise his salary.

Must add!
For such an assist of worrying about the boss's relationship, he even gave out a big red envelope!

Shi Muyang really didn't care at all that Tan Su came to the hotel to look for him because of Wei En's request, not because she wanted to see him.

Because her appearance here already explained a lot.

"Wayne didn't tell me." He shook his head calmly.

The corner of Tan Su's eyes twitched, so why did he act like he knew she was coming for a long time, and he didn't look surprised (surprised) surprised (joyed) just now...

The blushing girl pursed her lips and remained silent for a while, before holding back an "oh" in a low voice, she was so obedient.

Shi Muyang really laughed out loud now, his throat was still hoarse, but he was extremely pampered,
"come in."

He propped one hand on the door frame naturally, and stretched out the other hand more naturally to hold her thin wrist, and gently held her, leading her in.

Tan Su was still a little unable to react, but his feet had already followed him, following him step by step, and by the time he regained consciousness, he had already walked over from the porch.

I saw a man on the sofa in the living room, "Teng" jumped up suddenly, pointing and shaking his hands,

"F***ing trough! You - abuse/dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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