I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2395 Small theater: [After the little prince ran away from home]

Chapter 2395 Small theater: [After the little prince ran away from home]

[Small Theater Season Big Boss hates his son two or three things]

During the day, his father was so angry that he ran away from home and went to the national actor's house next door. A certain little prince has not returned yet.

On the dinner table.

Jing Qingge glanced at the pet girl mad dad who was carefully feeding the bone soup to Xiao Tiantian, and thought of the poor and weak son who ate and drank all day at the actor's house next door. It's really funny and angry.

"Ji Yicheng, go and bring your son back later." Jing Qingge couldn't help but said.

Ji Yicheng didn't seem to hear it, so he devoted himself to feeding his daughter, completely turning a deaf ear.

Jing Qingge was speechless,
"Hey, did you hear that, he is your own son, are you really ashamed to throw it in the neighbor's house?"

"I'm not going." Ji Yicheng resolutely refused, his tone so calm,
"Since he likes Shi Muyang's family so much, then go and be Shi Muyang's son.

Anyway, that little bastard has been talking to me all day long, saying that I am rude, barbaric, and unreasonable, and I have no manly demeanor and gentleman temperament like Mu Yang, just a person who blows up at every turn—"

As soon as Ji Yicheng thought of the word "Old Pig", he had everything in his mind. He only thought that the little piggy who wanted to piss off his father would go as far as he could, so he had better run away from home and never come back!

The corner of Jing Qingge's mouth twitched, with helplessness capitalized all over her face,
"That's not because you are always aggressive with him, and you don't give any face to him when you quarrel, and you also share a little bit of your kindness to your own daughter with others.

In this way, think about it differently, when you were rejected by your father when you were a child, was it very sad and sad, so you couldn't be a little gentler to him? "

Ji Yicheng also let out a cool "Oh",
"It's because I was crazily despised by my father when I was a child, and I also despise my son crazily, so it's only fair."

Jing Qingge, "...What kind of logic is this!"

"It's not logic, it's the ancestral motto of the Ji family, [a son is a root, a daughter is a treasure]." Ji Yicheng said while peeling a shrimp neatly and feeding it into Xiao Tiantian's mouth. His tone changed, and he was extra pampering again.
"My love for my little princess must be completely perfect!"

Jing Qingge, "..."

Ji Yicheng glanced at Jing Qingge, raised his eyebrows, and then said that the old god was there,

"That brat is only three and a half years old now, and he puts on me every day. When he grows up and has a daughter-in-law, he will definitely be focusing on currying favor with his father-in-law all day long.

So, the water splashed by a married son can't be recovered. Why should I be gentle with other people's sons-in-law? "

"..." Jing Qingge's eyes widened, her throat choked, and she finally choked out a sentence, "Ji Yicheng, you really are an old sow wearing a bra—"

A set!

She will believe it! ! ! (¬_¬)
Ji Yicheng's face turned black in an instant, and his wife came up with another adjective for an old sow...

No one is allowed to mention the word "pig" to him recently!He hates this species!I just hate it!

However, what Ji Yicheng never expected was that what he said would become a prophecy after a few years, and his son really went to become the son of the next door family!
At that time, seeing the son of a bitch trying to curry favor with that surname, the big boss of a certain season had a sour expression on his face.



Do little rabbits like to watch this kind of small theater? (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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