I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2444 [Small Theater]: The president's soul asks: What should I do if my wife is too you

Chapter 2444 [Small Theater]: The president's soul asks: What should I do if my wife is too young and disobedient?
"Up to now, you still think I'm angry because of some bullshit separation scandal?" Shi Ming asked viciously with the corner of his mouth twitching.

Rarely, I got angry.

"..." Xi Xiaojiu was also stunned, blinking her eyes in bewilderment, with a confused and ignorant expression on her face, she tucked the corners of her mouth and muttered confidently,

"Then why are you angry with me?"

For the [-]th time, Shi Ming felt deeply in his heart that if he died young, he must have been pissed to death by his own children!
"Xi, Xiao, Nine!"


Ever since they got married, Shi Ming never called Xi Xiaojiu by her full name, and changed the note in the phone book to "my child", and would bend over to her ear and softly call her "Jiu'er" in the dead of night.

But before getting married, once Shi Ming called Xi Xiaojiu's full name, it meant——

Things are getting really big!
She pissed off this man!

Suddenly, Xi Xiaojiu's back trembled, as if a special alarm had sounded all over her body, and the alarm bell sounded instantly. She raised her slender arms high and shouted like a sentinel answering the commander,

"..." Shi Ming's ears buzzed, almost no ringing in his ears, he raised his head and rolled his eyelids to glance at Xi Xiaojiu's high-raised fist, then he couldn't control the corner of his eyes and pulled hard, his heart dripped blood and he said silently "" This is my dear wife... my dear wife... my dear...".

If Xi Xiaojiu figured out why he was angry, he would have been so angry that he had a myocardial infarction and sent emergency 120.

It's better to be straightforward, and he will be less angry.


Shi Ming pinched his throat and took a long, deep breath, then bit his back molars and explained to the child,
"There will be rumors about our [quarrel and separation scandal] in the company because I was not in a good mood this week, and I was in the office all day long with a dark face and scolding people."

"Yeah, your dark circles are really big and dark!" Xi Xiaojiu answered quickly.

"..." Shi Ming's facial muscles were convulsed and twisted, his forehead was jumping violently,
"That's because your aunt postponed it for a week, and I suffered from insomnia for a week in a row, and I was completely out of shape when I went to work, as if I had lost my soul."

Xi Xiaojiu stared with wide eyes suddenly, and finally realized the root cause. The two beads tightly covered her mouth, and her small face became as quiet as a chicken in horror.

Shi Ming was so angry that he "sneered" and laughed, squinting his eyes and speaking harshly,

"Why am I angry when I think about it?"

"Hmm..." Xi Xiaojiu murmured.

"You know that your period is coming, but you secretly ate seven boxes of ice cream at home while I was not off work?" Shi Ming's face was so dark that it almost froze, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became, with a strict parental admonishment to the family. The strong sense of sight of disobedient children.

"It's fine to postpone your period, because you were a bit out of date in the first place.

What annoys me the most is that you rolled on the bed in pain because of acute enteritis caused by eating too much ice cream secretly, and finally passed out from the pain. You went to the hospital at two o'clock in the morning to call the emergency number, and you stayed in the hospital for three days before you were discharged.

You don't have a long memory yet, but you stole seven boxes this time, seven boxes! "

Thinking of the experience of sending her to the hospital for emergency treatment, he still involuntarily broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and felt a wave of fear in his heart.

The doctor said that if she was sent later, she would have intestinal perforation due to acute enteritis. It would not be as simple as taking medicine and hanging a bottle, but she would have to be sent to the operating room for surgery.


Shi Ming pressed his chest on his own, and the rhythmic and accelerated beating there due to excessive tension made him suddenly a little out of breath.

  PS: The big president's soul question, the little rabbits help answer and solve it~! (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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