I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2450 It turns out that he already liked her at that time!

Chapter 2450 It turns out that he already liked her at that time!

After watching the movie, the two drove all the way back to Qin Su's apartment complex.

When Muyang turned the steering wheel with one hand and drove the car into the parking space, he glanced at Qin Su and asked,
"Shall we cook at home tonight?"

"Ah?" Tan Su was still in the chic posture of the nympho male god parking the car with one hand, his girlish heart was uncontrollably swaying, and he raised his head abruptly for a moment when he heard the words.

Shi Muyang had already parked the car, and parked it quite beautifully, and continued,
"Then let's go to the supermarket first and buy some food."

"Shopping???" Qin Su seemed to have not understood.

When Shi Muyang saw Tan Su's little confused expression full of question marks, he couldn't help but lift his lips and smile, and scratched lightly on her pretty nose, with a teasing tone,

"If you still want to eat dumplings, it's fine, but it seems that there are not many of the package of quick-frozen dumplings with three fresh stuffing we bought yesterday, and there is nothing in the refrigerator except ham sausage."

Shi Muyang paused intentionally, the bright smile in his eyes became more playful,

"Oh—and milk, instant noodles."

Tan Su's ears became hot, and he stared at Shi Muyang's eyes with a silly expression, so he naturally knew what he was laughing at.

Didn't it mean that when she was filming "The Beauty of the Long Song" with the crew in City F, one night she couldn't sleep and went to the mall opposite the hotel to buy a big bag of snacks. When she came back, she happened to bump into He Chuchu knocking on the male god's room Door.

Naturally, she also bumped into Shi Muyang, and in the end He Chuchu walked away resentfully, she and him stared at each other inside and outside the door, and finally he walked away on the grounds that "it happened to be hungry". A bucket of instant noodles, a carton of milk.

Thinking back on this incident now, I suddenly realized that Shi Muyang treated her differently from the staff of the drama group at that time.

It turned out that at that time, he already liked her!


Qin Su blinked, and the tip of her nose was a touch of tender and beautiful pink.

Shi Muyang raised his hand and rubbed the bangs on her forehead again, his tone was like coaxing a child,

"So, think about what you want to eat at night, and go to the supermarket to buy it later."

"But I don't know how to cook." Tan Su blurted out, and after she finished speaking, she realized that she had exposed her nature of a kitchen idiot who could only cook instant noodles and sausages in front of the male god, and suddenly became more I'm sorry.

Shi Muyang didn't care much, and stretched out his arms to help her unbuckle the seat belt.

"I know you won't, I will do it."

"Ah—?" Tan Su's mouth was opened in shock, his eyes were stared straight, and his voice trembled slightly, going straight up.

"Man, you know how to cook?!"

Shi Muyang nodded amusedly, hooked Tan Su's wide chin with his fingers and lifted it up, raised his eyebrows not at all modest,
"And the cooking skills are pretty good, basically I can cook anything you want."


"I'll let you have a taste of my craft tonight."

Both Qin Su's eyes are glowing green,

"Then I want to eat Coca-Cola chicken wings, fried pork chops, garlic mashed potatoes, and a spaghetti bolognese!"

Shi Muyang couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard that,

"Qin Su, are you sure you're not ordering takeaway?"

"Eh..." Tan Sujiong touched his nose with enthusiasm, "What's the matter... Isn't it hard to do?"

"It's easy to do." Shi Muyang smiled and shook his head, this little girl is really stupid, he touched her face again, his eyes became more doting,

"I'll do whatever my girlfriend orders."

A screenwriter girl's face was so hot that she could fry a poached egg again, and the corners of her mouth couldn't stop turning up.

Just when the two were about to get out of the car and go to the supermarket to buy vegetables together, Shi Muyang's cell phone rang.

  PS: Back in the day, the big actor and little Susu Sa Tang Liao~
  Good night, little bunnies~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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