I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2456 Hot searched: Shi Muyang, He Chuchu Suspected of Being in Love Because of Drama

Chapter 2456 Hot searched: Shi Muyang, He Chuchu Suspected of Being in Love Because of Drama
Unexpectedly, at this time, a Weibo suddenly broke the headline news, which made the whole network excited and eating melons.

When Tan Su saw the news, he was having a meeting with the team members in the small conference room to discuss the next development of the plot.

We have been discussing for nearly two hours, and the scriptwriters are arguing so much that their mouths are almost worn out. In fact, it is not arguing, but everyone’s voice is a bit louder. You are talking about each other, and it sounds like a verbal war. .

There was a 10-minute pause in the middle, and the others hurried to the tea room to make coffee and drinks.

"Susu, bring you a cup of coffee." Another screenwriter said.

Qin Su made a hand gesture, "Thank you, Miss Chen."

"You're welcome."

Tan Su sat on the wheel chair and really stretched. This week, she worked almost every day from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, and she was appointed as the new team leader of the screenwriting team, so After a day's work in the company, she returned to her warm little apartment after get off work and continued to work overtime for two hours.


Tan Su yawned again with his eyes half-closed, his long eyelashes drooping down on his eyelashes, and trembling, under his slightly moist eyelids was covered with an obvious patch of indigo.

It looked like he hadn't slept well.

As long as she doesn't get enough sleep at night, the dark circles under her eyes will be particularly heavy. In addition to her natural white complexion, such a contrast, to use the original words of the screenwriter in the group, is,
"If you go to act in a ghost film, you don't need to put on special effects makeup, you can go directly to the studio, it's scary."

She turned her phone to silent mode and put it on the conference table.

Suddenly the screen lit up.

Tan Su rubbed her eyes vigorously again, and then reached for her phone with a confused face. It turned out to be a hot news push on Sina Weibo.

However, when she saw the title of the push news, her complexion suddenly changed, and when she came back to her senses, the sleepiness that had almost drowned her collapsed suddenly.

[Shi Muyang and He Chuchu had dinner together, suspected to be exposed because of the drama. 】

The photos below are also in GIF format, and they were all taken with a long focus, but you can still clearly see Mu Yang and He Chuchu having dinner alone in the western restaurant on the first floor of Xicheng Hotel in the camera.

It took less than 2 minutes for this news to be released, and it became the number one on Sina's hot search list, and all the melon-eating netizens went crazy.

Among them, Shi Muyang's old fans are still sane online, and they all commented in unison that this melon is too watery. They would rather believe that the male god came out/cabinet than believe that Shi's movie king will fall in love with He Chuchu, which is completely impossible.

On the contrary, some fans of passers-by praised and substituted the roles of the male lead and the second female lead in "The Beauty of the Long Song".

He Chuchu's fans were even more excited. They were all commenting and wishing their goddess Xiti actor's boyfriend. They even decided on the name of CP, what is it called [Suitable for CP].


The group meeting resumed with a 10-minute break.

Tan Su took a long, deep breath against his throat, and the expression on his well-arranged face didn't show anything, but his gloomy face, which had been working late and overtime, looked even more ugly and pale.

"...Susu, what do you think?" Screenwriter Chen touched Tan Su's arm with his elbow.

Qin Su was taken aback for a moment, his eyes were blank,


"Come on, I think that's the end of the discussion for today." Another male screenwriter teased with a smile, "Because the scandal of the male god's new love affair has been exposed, our team leader is no longer interested in working."

(End of this chapter)

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