I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2462 A woman's heart, a seabed needle, even if you get it, it's still stingy...

Chapter 2462 A woman's heart, a seabed needle, even if you get it, it's still stingy...

Shi Muyang, "..." Suddenly the back of the neck is a little chilly, what's going on...(⊙o⊙)
Didn't you just say you believed him?
Sure enough, the group of married wives and slave men who crazily show their affection in the small group all day long are right:
[A woman's heart, a needle in the sea, even if you catch it, it's still stingy...]

It's a classic... a classic!
Of course, when Mu Yang said this, he only dared to murmur silently in his heart, absolutely not daring to utter a single word.


Tan Su smiled slightly again, unexpectedly imitating Mu Yang's gesture of deliberately teasing her before, imitating the example and lazily raising her eyelids, and said in a tone similar to Qiao's,
"Is that so, huh?"

"..." Shi Muyang's heart trembled for no reason, I'll be good, his soft bun and sweet girlfriend actually have such a strong fighting side! ! !
"Almost..." Shi Muyang stuttered in his throat, and then realized that he seemed to have answered wrongly, and immediately shook his head violently like a rattle.
"no no!"

"Why not?"

"Although the situation seems to be like this simply, there are some other situations in the middle, which are not specific enough."

"Oh, then you can talk about other specific details."

"Hmm..." A certain movie star boss nodded honestly, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, just like a little daughter-in-law,

"Didn't Xi Weiran not come? I ate by myself. After a while, He Chuchu came over."

Mu Yang paused when he said this, and suddenly raised his voice and shouted,

"I swear, I really didn't invite her to dinner with me, she sat down without my permission!"

The corners of Tan Su's mouth twitched, and looking at the man in front of him who was eager to survive, she almost couldn't hold back her expression and burst out laughing. She bit her back molars and suffered internal injuries, and nodded her head in a pretentious manner.
"You keep talking."

"...Oh..." Shi Muyang lost his temper again, "After He Chuchu sat down, she told me that today is her lunar birthday.

Her Gregorian birthdays are usually celebrated with fans. This year is her birth year, so her family booked a Chinese restaurant upstairs to celebrate for her.

She might have drunk a little too much, so she came out to sober up, walked downstairs to the western restaurant and saw me eating, so she came over to say hello..."

Shi Muyang pursed his lips silently. He felt that he had explained it very carefully, but why did the little girl in front of him still have a swollen face with a smirk, as if she was... angrier!
Qin Su nodded her head and said "oh",
"Then do you wish He Chuchu a happy birthday?"


"Did you get her a birthday present?"


"It's a birthday present."

"I—" Shi Muyang stared at Tan Su and his voice cut off, his brows were twisted into bows all of a sudden, Hei Qu Qu's face was stern, every word conveyed a full desire to survive,
"It's none of my business that she celebrates her birthday! It's not mine, so I don't give her a birthday present! If I want to give it, it's for my girlfriend!"


"Hahaha..." Tan Su's half-baked acting skills couldn't hold on any longer, the corners of his biting mouth trembled, and he laughed outright, and even kicked his nose and face to laugh,

"Male god, you really don't look like a gentleman at all..."

Shi Muyang, "..."

Dare he kick the iron plate this time and be teased by the soft buns at home? ? ?
A certain film star boss is deeply depressed...(¬_¬)
(End of this chapter)

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