I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2493 Seeing parents so soon? ! !

Chapter 2493 Seeing parents so soon? ! !

Qin Su, "...!!!"

Is this still the noble man she has been fan of for many years?It's just... I can't play happily!


When An Muxi saw the door open and the couple walking out of the bedroom holding hands, they had already finished a bowl of pork rib soup, and they were "swiping the screen" madly at someone with their braised pork knuckles in their mouths Sending WeChat messages excited gossip and complaining about the bowl full of dog food that I was just fed.

[Hahahaha, husband, I'm so happy, my best friend is really chasing stars! ! ! 】

【She and Shi Muyang really got together! 】

【Hi Da Pu Ben, I want to tell everyone! 】

【Ah, you know who Shi Muyang is, right?He is the popular actor in the entertainment industry. 】

[I'm at their house right now, Shi Muyang opened the door for me, fortunately my mental quality is so strong that I didn't get dizzy on the spot! 】

[The two of them went to the room to resolve the conflicts within the family, and I was fed a big bowl full of dog food...]

[I feel like an [-]-watt golden light bulb, and the meat doesn't even taste good! 】


A series of messages were sent, and someone never responded.

An Muxi wasn't angry at all, her doctor was probably still holding a scalpel "Kaka" at the moment, and didn't perform the operation.

An Muxi put the mobile phone she was holding next to the bowl, still biting the chopsticks in her mouth, raised her eyebrows, and said "tsk" to the two people who walked out of the room, her beautiful eyes were narrowed and she really didn't gossip at all open mouth,
"Master, have all the conflicts within the family been resolved?"

Although Muyang was asking about it, An Muxi stared straight at Tan Xiaosu and smiled with a "don't say anything" face.

Tan Su,... I'm so ashamed that I almost buried my head in my chest, sister, can we not look like this?
An Muxi: ...Of course, no——can!

The boss’s mood has become extremely good, he raised his hand and rubbed Tan Su’s head, then took it into his arms, walked over and sat down together, the posture was domineering and protective, he nodded and replied,

"Perfect solution."

"Oh?" An Muxi held his tone.

"A Su won't go on a blind date." Shi Muyang picked up his chopsticks and began to help Tan Sub cook.

Qin Su also nodded for a while, silently agreeing.

An Muxi guessed that was the case,
"Then what about your mother? If Aunt Shen knows that you won't go on a blind date tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow, I will go home with Asu to meet my uncle and aunt." Just as Tan Su was thinking hard about how to coax the Empress Dowager Shen who would definitely go crazy tomorrow, he suddenly heard the man beside him say such a sentence.

Tan Su was so startled that he suddenly raised his head, and looked at Shi Muyang with a face full of shock.

An Muxi was also stunned.
"You... see your parents so soon?!!"

Shi Muyang still looked calm and nodded calmly,
"Asu and I just discussed and decided in the bedroom. Although it's a bit fast now, we will meet with both parents sooner or later. It's better to decide on the marriage earlier."

This time, An Muxi was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, he pointed at Tan Su with shaking fingers, with a shocking and exaggerated expression of "you two have arranged such a big thing as marriage",
"Oh my God!"

Tan Su was still in a daze, shaking his head at An Muxi.

In the room just now, she didn't discuss with Shi Muyang about seeing her parents at all! ! !


  Film Emperor Shi: Today is also a day to cheat your daughter-in-law!
  The previous chapter was locked, and the big rabbit silently edited the article...┭┮﹏┭┮
(End of this chapter)

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