I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2504 The film king is too difficult: a group of bosses are so happy to swipe the screen in t

Chapter 2504 The film king is too difficult: a group of bosses are so happy to swipe the screen in the group


[Shi Muyang]: [...It's not a script! ! !I'm really in love! ! ! 】

A movie star is about to explode...

Another half minute later.

Shi Ming, who was half a world away in New York, received a WeChat message from his brother:

【elder brother!I'm going to my future father-in-law's house tomorrow!As a parent, you have to hurry up and prepare for marriage proposal! 】

Shi Ming stared at the message in the dialog box and read it back and forth several times, his stern eyebrows raised slightly, and his bony fingers landed on the screen of the phone to edit it in the dialog box.

At that time, when Mu Yang saw his brother replying to him, the corner of his mouth twitched, he almost hiccupped in his chest, and his expression "crackled" instantly collapsed.


[Brother] Reply: [Which play is this again?Afraid that I will force you to get married, just tell me that you are really addicted to acting. 】

Shi Muyang was so angry that he couldn't help shaking his hands, because no one believed what he said!Even his elder brother took it for granted that he was acting! ! !
He is really in love!
Does he look so lonely?
It's just... my heart is so stuffed that I want to vomit blood...


A group of people in the group are still hotly discussing the topic of the son-in-law coming to see the father-in-law caused by the news sent by Shi Muyang.

[Shi Yingdi, you don't want to change suddenly, do you? 】

[The gentle and noble son has become a rough man in his parents? ? ? 】

[F*ck trough!This style of painting... feels a bit creepy! 】

[Shi [-], I think you'd better be a quiet and unworldly exile, a down-to-earth son-in-law is really not suitable for you. 】



Everyone swiped the screen so happily that Shi Muyang directly sent a photo and added a sentence:
[My wife! ! ! 】

In front of the dining table, Shi Muyang suddenly raised his mobile phone, hooked his long arm, and hugged Tan Xiaosu, who had his head buried in his mouth and was still gnawing on pork ribs, and took a photo of the opened mobile phone's front camera.

"Smile." A certain boss leaned his head over, and Tan Su raised his chin and grinned reflexively.

Then, I heard a "click" sound——

The photo with my girlfriend is complete.

Qin Su,...? ? ?Still confused.

Shi Muyang had already lowered his head and quickly sent out the photo he just took with his fingers. He still didn't forget to explain to Tan Su,
"Public official announcements are not allowed, but the small group of men must show off."

I can't even believe that he got out of the order!
The group photos are for real, let’s see what you all say!
snort! ╭(╯^╰)╮

Tan Su glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and then faintly saw the group name of [Men Gang Base] on Shi Muyang's mobile phone WeChat page. He sent the photo he just took and sent a message.

Tan Su saw the word "daughter-in-law", and his face burned hot the next second.


However, the facts proved that Shi Muyang was really too naive.

How could he think of these poisonous monsters in the group with ordinary people's thinking?

Of course it won't work!
Just after Shi Muyang sent the photo message, a group of boss presidents swiped the screen happily again.

[Li Xize]: [Oh, I'm going, actor Shi, you are here to prove that you have a girlfriend, did you temporarily take a photo with an actress on the set? 】

[Little Prince Owen]: [He still put his arms around his shoulders, leaning his head against his head, tsk tsk, you really put your heart into it! 】

[Young Master Situ]: [I almost believe it. 】

[Tang Haotian]: [To tell the truth, Mr. Shi, it’s not enough. You see, the three above are single dogs just like you, so you don’t need to feel inferior. 】

【Young Master Shangguan】; 【Yes, it won't happen. 】

[Li Xize]: [But having said that, Film King Shi, is the actress in the photo with you a newcomer in the industry? She looks strange, but she's pretty good-looking. 】

[Little Prince Owen]: [I checked the eyes, it's the one I like!Shi Er, do me a favor and push me this beauty's WeChat business card! 】


  PS: Shi Daxie is going to faint Guqi, hahaha
(End of this chapter)

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