I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2506 The son-in-law comes to the door: the film emperor Shi also sometimes counsels

Chapter 2506 The son-in-law comes to the door: the film emperor Shi also sometimes counsels

Both hands were still pressed on the steering wheel, motionless like a bottle of Buddha...

Tan Su's bright black eyes rolled, and he moved closer and shouted,
"When is it big?"

However, a certain Da Da didn't seem to hear it, completely... didn't make any sense.

Qin Su couldn't hold back, and smiled with the corners of his lips curled up.

Well, it turns out that someone bigwig is nervous.

Did not run away.

On the way they drove here from the apartment complex, Shi Muyang didn't say much. You must know that these two days, this man has always been chatting and slaying his provocative image online. It's so quiet now, even more than before The appearance of the cold and noble young man in her cognition is much quieter.

If you didn't know Shi Muyang, you would think that this person was very angry, and his whole body exuded a cold aura of "don't get close to everyone else".


Tan Su narrowed his eyes again, stretched out his hand, and pressed his paw on the exposed part of the man's wrist under the rolled-up cuff, and deliberately raised the volume a little,

"It's my house, get out of the car now."

Shi Mu Yangwu was startled, as if the wandering seven souls and six souls had all returned to their places suddenly, he sat on the driver's seat and bounced.

When she came back to her senses, she raised her head and saw a porcelain-white cheek with the corners of her eyes crooked when she smiled, and her black eyes were too bright.

Shi Muyang's face became inexplicably hot, and he nodded his chin stiffly,

"it is good."

Then they opened the door and got out of the car, and ran to the co-pilot to pull Tan Su off, and then went to the trunk to get the door-to-door gift he had prepared for his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

When Tan Su saw the fully stuffed SUV trunk again, he still couldn't hold back his laughter, the corners of his eyes and brows seemed to have melted into honey juice, very sweet.

Before going out today, she realized that this person had already prepared these gifts and kept them in the trunk.

Here's what someone said,

"Every day, I eagerly look forward to the day when my girlfriend will hold hands and take me home to meet my parents."

Listen, what a grievance.

I didn't expect you to be such a stinky and shameless Shida!
But look at this moment again, the boss has a shy face full of fear of being ravaged, he is simply... more cowardly than her.

Shi Muyang was taking out the gifts in the trunk one by one.

"Shi Da, are you nervous?" Tan Su hooked his arms again, tilted his head, and stared at this man with innocent eyes.

Shi Muyang shook his head almost reflexively, and blurted out his denial,
"of course not!"



"That's fine." Tan Su bit hard on the corner of her mouth that was almost unable to hold back, "Then let's go in!"

"it is good……"

Then I saw the man with a lot of hands full, following the brisk little girl step by step, and the screen was filled with the visual sense of the pissed off daughter-in-law.

Yes, the little daughter-in-law is a certain fashionista.

Until the two stood side by side at the door of the house.

After thinking about it, Tan Su still felt like knocking on the door, and brought a movie star boyfriend home, so she didn't take the key to open the door, which also shocked the Queen Mother.

Just when Tan Su raised his hand and was about to land on the door——

"Asu, wait a minute." Shi Muyang suddenly said.

Tan Su paused, and when he looked up, he saw Shi Muyang's handsome face was as stiff as if it had been frozen by ice, his brows were tightly frowned, and it was so sinking that it was almost dripping water.

Qin Su raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shi Muyang's heart twitched when he saw it, "DuangDuang" was beating faster like a bell, and he was silent for a while, and then he held back a sentence with a complicated and apprehensive face,
"I'm a little nervous..."

That tone... don't be too wronged, hey!


  Little Rabbits: Shida, whoever agreed is not to be persuaded?
  Film Emperor Shi: ...Who am I?where am iwhat am i doing
  hhhh, good night, love (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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