I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2509 So Miserable 1 Man: The Movie Emperor When He Wasn't Seen by His Father-in-law and

Chapter 2509 What a Miserable Man: The Time Movie King who is not treated by his father-in-law and mother-in-law

"Are the parents here specially to welcome their daughter home?!"

The other three, girl, you smile so fake!
Sensing three unspeakable eyes from her parents and her boyfriend, Tan Su silently touched her nose.

Yes, I got a bad nose and got rejected.


The second person present to react was Empress Dowager Shen.

Empress Dowager Shen glanced at Shi Muyang's face several times, exclaiming in her heart, "It's really that Shi Muyang on TV", and then she turned her eyes to Tan Sujiong's spirited face, which was very slow said with a smile,

"Yeah, I'm too busy to see my daughter Ying'er every day. If I call and ask, you probably won't be able to remember your old father and mother at home."

The Queen Mother Shen was indeed the devil class teacher who had been in charge of the third year of high school for more than ten years. As soon as she opened her mouth, Tan Su and Shi Muyang, who were already sweating coldly, were so guilty that their faces turned pale again.

Obvious subtext:
【If I don't call you, how long are you going to keep your secret relationship behind your old parents' backs? 】

Shi Muyang and Tan Su looked at each other in a tacit understanding, yes, the eyes are very weak...the expressions are very stiff...

He finally understood what happened to the frightened and cowardly expression on Asu's face yesterday when he said, "You'll find out when you come home with me tomorrow."

Because he is now such a virtue!

It's just...too much pressure! ! !

Tan Su was so frightened that she almost knelt down. What she feared the most since she was a child was that Teacher Shen would talk to her with a smile on her face.

Yes, it is the way she is now. Her beautiful appearance is inherited from the Queen Mother Shen. Now the Queen Mother Shen is almost 50 years old, but she still has the charm, especially when she gently smiles with her lips in her arms, she has a good temperament.

But Tan Su knew that when her mother laughed like that, she was really angry.


Tan Su was a little flustered for a moment... No, she was very panicked...

Even Lao Tan, who would cover for her every time Empress Dowager Shen taught her, ignored her at this time, and stared at the Great God, getting more and more unhappy...

If things go on like this, the awkward atmosphere that is faintly flowing in the air has a tendency to roll around...

Tan Su was already worried that in the next second, Lao Tan would slam the door on him and shut the Great God away with her.

Tan Su blinked her eyes, and raised her eyes to say something, but was taken aback for a moment, and when she looked up, she saw the man standing beside her.

He has always been a shining light in front of the screen cameras, more dazzling than the stars in the sky, but now in front of his parents, he lowered his eyebrows and pleasing to the eyes, all the noble and proud aura in his body was completely dissipated, and his drooping eyes were lowered. Covered with a faint shadow, it concealed the annoyed and disappointed look of being unwanted by others that she could still see.

Qin Xiaosu's heart twitched, and she curled her lips, feeling a little unhappy all of a sudden.

She just said, she shouldn't see her parents so soon.


Just when the atmosphere was so embarrassing as if it was about to freeze, Papa Tan suddenly retracted the death stare that stopped on Shi Muyang's face, and then glanced at the big and small bags in Shi Muyang's hand A lot of tinkling things, said,

"What are you doing outside the door if you don't go in when you get home?"

Tan Su's face brightened in an instant, and he grabbed Shi Muyang's arm tightly, smiling so much that his eyes narrowed, looking up at him,
"Come into the house!"


  【Big Brother Shi: Weak, pitiful, and helpless...┭┮﹏┭┮】

(End of this chapter)

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