I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2517 4 rounding 5 rounding 1, the future father-in-law has already recognized his son-in-law

Chapter 2517 Rounding up, the future father-in-law has already recognized his son-in-law?

Qin Su, "..."

she cried...

woo woo woo...

Tan Su pouted his mouth in pain, and jumped up like a rabbit in the next second to sit next to Shi Muyang, his movements were crisp and neat.

Comrade Old Tan, "???"

Is it too late to bring my daughter back now...

A certain man who finally had a girlfriend to protect his body could not hide his joy and raised the corners of his lips, and a pair of straight sword eyebrows were also raised high.

Sure enough, she is my daughter-in-law!

Looking at the little girl beside him who turned her face away and winked at him, Shi Muyang smiled even more indulgently, his bright black eyes seemed to crush the stars in the sky, they were so beautiful.

The expression on Tan Su's face has turned into worry about her boyfriend being abused by her father's chessboard.

"If you want to play chess, play it seriously, what can you do well with half-heartedness." Comrade Lao Tan's thick voice suddenly rang out, obviously these words were said to Shi Muyang.

Qin Su, "..."

Comrade Old Tan, you are going too far with this.

Obviously you asked my daughter and me to come and sit. I haven't said a word to the master yet, so I'm not focused enough.

Shi Muyang nodded respectfully to admit his mistake,

"I see, Uncle."

Comrade Old Tan snorted heavily.

Is it true that when I am old and my eyes are dim, I can't see the little tricks of the two of you hiding your hands under the chessboard table as soon as you sit together?
Let me tell you, I can see your father clearly!
Seeing the tangled and depressed expression of his own daughter who was worried for Shi Muyang but did not dare to hate her, Father Tan sighed deeply in his heart for the [-]th time:
[The little cabbage raised at home was really kicked away. 】


The next chess game.

It becomes the old Qin father-in-law vs the young son-in-law, and there is an extra crowd, Tan Xiaosu, watching the battle silently.

As soon as Qin's father raised his head, he saw that the heads of the two children on the opposite side had already touched each other.

Both Shi Muyang and Tan Su frowned tightly, staring at the chess board that was about to decide the winner with bright eyes.

You Qi looked at the chess pieces that were about to fall in Papa Qin's hands, the two of them didn't dare to take a breath, and the hands hidden under the table held tighter.

Comrade Old Tan couldn't help curling up the corners of his mouth, thinking silently in his heart.

Not to mention, just looking at his face, this kid is a good match for his daughter.

They all look good!
Qin's father glanced at Shi Muyang in distaste again, his eyes darkened slightly, and the black [pawn] that was about to fall was placed in another place.

Shi Muyang raised his head suddenly with a "shua", his face was full of bewilderment/compulsion,

"It's your turn." Comrade Old Tan glanced over and interrupted without showing any signs of interruption.

"... Oh." Shi Muyang pursed his lips, looked at Comrade Lao Tan with a complicated face, and then picked up his red [car],

The next second—

Qin Xiaosu's surprise scream resounded in the whole room:

"Wow! Shi Muyang, you actually beat our old Chess Master Tan!

I really thought you would be directly tortured and killed by Lao Tan into cannon fodder, and I was so worried that my head would go bald..."

Shi Muyang, "..."

Comrade Old Tan, "..."

They all looked at a certain girl without words, really, such a naive girlfriend/daughter.

Shi Muyang carefully looked at Papa Tan again,


Just now, you deliberately let me play a chess game, right?

Comrade Lao Tan is very arrogant and ignores people, but the expression on his face is a bit unnatural.

Shi Muyang grinned instantly, his teeth showing.

Rounding it up, the future father-in-law already agrees with him as his son-in-law! !

  PS: Today is a special day!

  Have you all bought your hands? ! (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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