I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2535 A movie star boss is a scheming boy!

Chapter 2535 A movie star boss is a scheming boy!

Your actor and actor is too heartbroken! ! !


Two minutes later, Sina increased the V vest [Mingyan] updated a Weibo:
[I never thought that one day I would be brutally abused into a dog by your national husband! ! ! (dog head expression)]

Attached is a freshly released photo below, which is just after Shi Muyang said "Of course", Ming Yan took out his mobile phone very quickly and turned on the front camera to point at himself and the boss next to him. "Crack——"

The beat is done.

In the photo of the two men, Ming Dao has a face of being abused and collapsed, while a certain boss is smiling with a smile on his face.

In less than 10 minutes, a large wave of fans who climbed over the wall from Shi Muyang successfully sent Ming Yan's Weibo to No.1 on the Sina hot search list.

Netizens were all excited.

[Montage of everyone at the time]: [Oh my God!My husband has been out of business for almost a month, and the grass on Weibo is too high!Thank you Director Ming for posting photos for my husband, begging for more photos...]

[I will never change my Weibo name so that the male god will not lose weight to a hundred catties]: [I want to cry Liao!This is the first time I saw a male god smiling so softly when taking pictures! 】

[Madam Shi Bobo Wine]: [Agree upstairs!Brother, what kind of fairy smile is this!My heart is going to melt! 】

[Mu Yang, Mu Yang]: [I frantically spun around and licked the screen, screaming like a groundhog...]



The following is the true love of rainbow farts for fans who are like the Great Wall of Muyang Shengshi Beauty, and finally——

A detective-type netizen possessed by Conan raised a question online.

[A thoughtful fresh fish chasing male gods]: [Don't everyone wonder why my brother smiles so softly and tenderly, which makes people's hearts flutter?And you all read Director Ming's Weibo, saying that he was brutally abused by his brother... Could it be, brother is in love! 】

The netizens who saw the content of this fan's comment all stared across the screen of their mobile phones, and then there was another skyrocketing comment.

Netizens who are not rational online reply as follows:

【! ! ! 】

【? ? ? 】

[Sister upstairs, please withdraw quickly in three seconds! 】

[My husband is a single dog in the entertainment industry, absolutely impossible to fall in love! 】


Netizens who regained their sanity replied as follows:
【correct!Look at the photos carefully, don't you think that Shi Da is really smiling so pampered and spoiled, his eyes are full of sparkles. 】

[Raise your paw silently, I want to say that I saw this kind of look when I was videoing with my boyfriend on the phone, it was all me! 】

【sky!Is my husband really in love? ! 】

【I'm a little flustered...】

【I also! 】



After Ming Yan posted the blog, he didn't care about it. Of course, he wanted the meticulous and passionate netizens to make up a series of romantic novels about the actor's love based on his microblog, but he wasn't worried at all.


This Weibo was posted at Shi Muyang's hint! ! !

Warm up his fans in advance about his love affair, so that it will not be so unexpected when it is made public in the future.

Tsk, I have to say, Shi Muyang is so scheming!

Ming Yan must still feel that he hasn't been abused enough, so he came over secretly and said,
"As far as I know, at least half of the actress Xiao in our crew misses you, and I heard that Li Wanyue even ran to knock on your door last night.

Since you didn't plan to keep your love affair a secret from the industry, then ask your wife to visit the set, and let Tian Wang's sister-in-law directly kill all the fat, swallows and thin people in a flash. "

  PS: It’s December, and 12 will be over in a blink of an eye. I hope my little ones are safe and healthy. I love you so much~
  Good night (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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