I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2540 Birthday Surprise: The actor's girlfriend came to visit the crew!

Chapter 2540 Birthday Surprise: The actor's girlfriend came to visit the crew!

Without lowering his voice at all, he said aloud,
"Take yourself as a gift to the boss!"

Tan Su froze in place, almost unable to react.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, thank you for writing such a hot bloody love script, how could you not understand what I'm talking about?"

An Muxi curled her lips and squinted her eyes and smiled more evilly,
"Think about it for yourself, birthday night, beautiful scenery, champagne cake, lonely men and widows, it's just the right time and place, we are all adults, you..."

An Muxi didn't lower her voice anymore, the shop assistants who were following her heard all of them, and couldn't help but secretly pursed her lips into a smile.

Tan Su's face exploded red in an instant, and he slapped An Muxi's spitting mouth with his paw.

"Xixi, please keep your voice down."

An Muxi smirked and blinked, "Okay, okay."

Tan Su glared again, then let go, and dragged An Muxi to the outside of the specialty store quickly.

An Muxi couldn't help laughing,
"Hey, hey, you said you wanted to give the male god an unforgettable birthday present, so let me give you an idea.

You have all met your parents, what else can't be put on the agenda, this is called the early experience of the husband and wife mode.

What's more, Shi Muyang's mother and child have been single ever since, and in such a big entertainment industry, he is a clean stream with no scandal.


Until Tan Su boarded the plane, the words An Muxi said unconsciously rang in her ears——

[I have guarded my body like a jade for you for 28 years, I must have been suffocated... I have been suffocated...]


An Muxi had already changed her boarding pass, and was sitting in the departure hall, sending WeChat messages with Wayne.

Wayne: [Squeak——has the lady boss already boarded the plane?Flattering JPG.]

Qin Su: [Not yet, there are still 10 minutes. 】

Wayne: [I've already sent the crew to pick you up at the L City Airport by car. It takes about two hours to drive there through the ravine here. Just in time for your plane to land, don't delay! 】

Qin Su: [Worthy of being the gold medal agent of the actor's family, with strong professional ability. 】

Wayne: 【That must be done!Brilliant JPG.]

Tan Su: [By the way, Shi Muyang doesn't know yet. 】

Wayne; [Of course!The promised surprise, how can I let the boss know that the boss lady is here early!Absolutely confidential! 】

Qin Su: [Okay!Then I'm off to board the plane! 】

Wayne: [The proprietress remember to keep in touch! 】

Qin Su: 【Okk~】

After finishing the wechat conversation and returning to the main page of the phone, Tan Su looked at the screensaver photo on the screen, which was secretly taken by her when he was playing chess with Comrade Lao Tan on the day he went home with her.

In the photo, he is sitting in front of the balcony, the sunlight outside the window shines on his side face, his facial features are covered with a layer of soft warmth, his eyebrows are slightly frowned, his thin lips are lightly pursed, and his tall sword eyebrows are drawn into his temples. Serious and dignified.

So handsome.

Tan Su couldn't help blushing secretly again, and her heart that rushed to this person became more and more impatient.

It turned out that tomorrow is Shi Muyang's birthday, and Tan Su booked the flight at 07:30 this morning, but she told Shi Muyang that the flight was at 07:30 in the evening, in order to surprise her boyfriend.

She has imagined countless times in her mind the scene when she suddenly appeared on the set and he saw her!
Tan Su couldn't help but curled his lips into a smile, and suddenly let out a soft "hiss".

I don't know if it was because she was preoccupied with going to the crew to visit the set in the past two days. When she got up this morning, she found a smoldering smoldering on the corner of her mouth.

Qin Su took another photo on the phone screen, it seemed a bit ugly...┭┮﹏┭┮
(End of this chapter)

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