I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2542 Waiting for the production team of Mrs. Tian Wang to visit!

Chapter 2542 Waiting for the production team of Mrs. Tian Wang to visit!

"Sister Su!" A brisk and cheerful voice came over.

Before Qin Su realized that he was calling her, another honking sound——

A white BMW commercial vehicle taxied over and stopped in front of her.

Shi Muyang's special nanny car.

Of course she does.

When she was still a fan of male gods and girls, she had chased after this car countless times with a camera on her shoulders, and every time it was a crazy shot of "click, click".


The handsome guy in the crew is still an intern, a young man who just graduated from the director department.

"Sister Su." The handsome man from the field service poked his neck and shouted again from the lowered car window, then quickly opened the door and got out of the car, and ran around the front of the car.

He grinned at Tan Su, showing a mouthful of neat white teeth, cheerful and down-to-earth, but scratched his head embarrassedly and said,
"Brother Wei En asked me to pick you up."

you? ? ?
This title and attitude is like an incomparably respectful elder...

The corner of Tan Su's mouth twitched, and he coughed without holding down his throat.

Before boarding the plane, Wayne sent her the photos of the field staff who had been sent to pick her up, and also explained in an old mother's voice:

[Miss Boss, you must look for someone, if it's not this person, don't follow him! 】

Qin Su silently rolled his eyes and replied:
[The girl is twenty-five this year, not a three-year-old child, OK? 】

So Wayne switched to text messaging:
[The boss said that his girlfriend is stupid and needs to be protected. 】

Qin Su blushed to the base of his neck immediately.

Wayne is still blah blah:
[If you get lost at the airport, I will be directly wiped by the boss, even if I have a hundred lives, I will not be able to apologize! ! ! ┭┮﹏┭┮】

Qin Su couldn't help laughing.


After all, it was the first time I met the handsome guy in the field, and she was not familiar with him. She had a slow personality at first, so she had no choice but to accept it and pretended to be inexplicably dignified and Shuxian nodded.

"Thank you, sorry to bother you."

"No trouble, no trouble!" The field manager repeatedly shook his head with a rattle, his face flushed from being tanned with the group in the mountains, and he roared silently in his heart again——

How could it be troublesome!
Does he want to be better?

Who is the actor's girlfriend when the entire crew has been gossiping wildly in the past few days!

Unexpectedly, he would have this opportunity to pick up the boss's girlfriend!

So he was the first person in the crew to meet Tian Wang's wife!
I'm so excited that I can't wait to take out my phone and "Kaka" to take a photo and send it to the crew's WeChat group, hurry——

The legendary sister-in-law of the Heavenly King, she is very beautiful in person!

"Sister Su, you get in the car first." The handsome field manager helped her open the door of the rear compartment of the nanny's car with a "crash", and then automatically took the luggage trailer from Tan Su's hand, which is called hospitality.

Tan Su was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he nodded "ahhh", and quickly climbed into the car with all his hands and feet.

As soon as he got in the car, before the car drove out, Wayne called, and it was for the handsome guy in the field management trainee.

"Yeah, I picked up Sister Su...yes, I'm already in the car...Okay, bro, wait a minute..."

Sitting in the back, Qin Su saw the handsome guy from the field service pointing at the mobile phone, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, then stretched out his hand, and handed the mobile phone directly to her, with a very excited tone.

"Sister Su, Brother Wei En wants to tell you!"

Qin Su smiled and reached out to take it.

As soon as it was attached to the ear, Wayne's soaring voice on the other end killed the ear,

"Waiting for the boss lady crew to visit the set!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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