I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2551 The Goddess of the Heavenly King's Sister-in-law has collapsed into a sand sculptu

Chapter 2551 The Goddess of the Heavenly King's Sister-in-law has collapsed into a sand sculpture
Then, according to the previous rehearsal, collectively shout,
"Hello, Sister-in-Law of the Heavenly King!"

Qin Su's ears are going deaf...

Looking at a group of dramatists pretending to be serious, Tan Su suddenly had a strong sense of sight of the chief reviewing corps, and even said what was in his head without paying attention.

"Comrades have worked hard." Even, he said a bit.


The audience was so silent that there was no sound, and the expressions on everyone's faces changed,

Even Shi Muyang was taken aback by his own wife.

The next second—

There was a "boom", as if a pot had exploded, and everyone couldn't help laughing like crazy, shaking their heads vigorously while answering the conversation with a smile,

"It's not hard, it's not hard..."

"Hahahaha, Sister-in-law Tianwang has worked so hard..."

"I even rushed here from City A. The mountains are high and the water is far away, and the journey is difficult. I must be exhausted..."

"Muyang, you have to take good care of Xiaoqin tonight!"


Tan Xiaosu, who had already realized that she had said something stupid again, was almost unable to manage her facial expressions, especially when she heard what Director Yang said, she almost dug a hole with her bare hands to bury herself.

She strongly suspects that the director is driving! ! !
Or the high-speed rail direct!

She obviously wanted to appear dignified, knowledgeable, and gentle in front of her movie star boyfriend and colleagues, even if she pretended to be a goddess, she must not embarrass the boss!
But now...

Tan Su's eyes were red with embarrassment, wiped his face and looked up at the man next to him, and said very unlovingly,
"Sister-in-law of the Heavenly King's goddess has collapsed into a sand sculpture and criticized netizens."

Still the kind that can't be saved.

Seeing Tan Su's collapsed expression, Shi Muyang couldn't help but let out a low laugh. There was undisguised joy in the short magnetic laughter, and he stretched out his hand to the tip of the little girl's wrinkled nose. I scratched it lightly, and didn't care at all.
"pretty good."


"It was originally 'My Sand Sculpture Girlfriend'."


"I just like your naive look."


"However, in the future, our daughter should inherit more of my genes and be smarter, so that she won't be fooled by those bastards who can only speak dirty words."

Tan Su's head was already so low that it was touching Shi Muyang's shoulder, but he suddenly raised his head and almost missed Shi Muyang's chin.

Our... daughter? ? ?
Shi Muyang smiled calmly, the end of his eyes slightly raised,

"Am I right?"


At that time, when Mu Yang heard the word Tan Su answered, his whole body seemed to light up in an instant, especially those pair of dark black eyes as deep as the sea, which were as hot as fire and astonishingly bright. Not bad staring at her deeply, the thin lip line curled up with a smile, each word was light and flirtatious,

"it is good."

It wasn't until Qin Su was hugged by Shi Muyang and sat down to eat, several long tables were pushed together, and the director, producer and main actors of the crew were all sitting and eating, that Qin Su finally realized.

When did she promise to give Shi Muyang a daughter!

Is she being tricked by the boss again?
[Boss: Yes! ! ! 】

The little prince: I heard that my future father-in-law said that I am a son of a bitch who only speaks gossip? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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