I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2556 Confess to my wife, I will take a kiss scene in the afternoon

Chapter 2556 Confess to my wife, I will take a kiss scene in the afternoon

At a certain time, the great actor touched the high bridge of the nose that almost hit the door,


It seems that I really touched my daughter-in-law's tentacles and made my hair explode.

When he came back to his senses, Qin Su's angry roar of "You are not allowed to direct NG" was still ringing in his ears, his heart suddenly softened, he watched the door panel in silence for several seconds, and finally rubbed the corners of his mouth and couldn't hold back the laugh. He even laughed out loud, short and sweet.

How could he not know what the little girl was thinking, where she was losing her temper with him, she was all for him, afraid that he would give up the career he loved for himself.

But, having said that, didn't the little girl realize that the way she just ordered him to go to work immediately looked like his wife, the Heavenly King?
Shi Muyang thought about it silently in his heart, um, it seems that during this period of time, calling "wife" at the beginning of sending messages on WeChat every day has worked, and we have to make persistent efforts in the future, just to let the little girl "I am Shi Muyang" The psychological self-consciousness of his daughter-in-law!

"Ahem..." Shi Muyang already had a plan in mind, the corners of his mouth curled up more and more complacently, and he coughed twice before shouting,
"Asu, I—"

"Su, what, Asu, get out of here!" Before Mu Yang finished speaking, the little woman with fur inside the door interrupted and yelled at him again, her tits were fierce,
"I heard from Wayne that this afternoon is your main event. Everyone must be getting ready on the set right now, waiting for you to shoot. Hurry up!"

"Okay, I'll go right away."

"Then you are still moaning!"

"I just want to tell you, this afternoon is the kissing scene of the hero and heroine, do you want to go over and see it together?"

"The kiss scene is the kiss scene! It's not a dangerous action scene, and I don't need to worry about any accidents when you're filming, and I don't need to—" Tan Su was suddenly dazed——

It seems that he just heard what Mu Yang said just now, and the words "go to the set to watch your filming" have reached the back of his mouth, and he stuck abruptly.

Kiss... Kiss scene? ? ?
Wayne sent her a message on WeChat before saying that the main scene that the boss will shoot in the afternoon turned out to be... a kiss scene with the heroine in the play! !
Qin Su suddenly became sour, as if he was caught off guard and fed a mouthful of lemon juice, sour.

A deep breath was trapped in his throat, and the color of his originally red cheeks became darker.

"Asu?" Outside the door, after not hearing anything for a long time, Shi Muyang called out tentatively, and leaned slightly towards the door.

The tone, um, is a little weak.

"Click" --

The door opened from the inside.

Shi Muyang jumped back half a step reflexively, looked at the expressionless little woman in front of him holding the doorknob with a dazed expression, and suddenly realized that he seemed to be overreacting.

"Asu." He came back silently with small steps, not too cowardly.

After all, he's going to have a kiss scene with another woman later.

Girlfriends will be upset, very reasonably.

He had to keep his posture low and coax him well.

Just when Shi Muyang thought that Tan Su would have a petty temper with him, Tan Su raised his hand and waved at him casually, with a more natural tone,
"I don't know how many times you have watched the kiss scene in the movie you made before, but now I won't watch your filming, maybe it will affect your performance if I go.

In the afternoon I will catch up on my sleep in my room, so go ahead and take pictures.

No wonder Wayne said it was the main event. It seems that you haven't filmed many kissing scenes in the past few years. When the movie premieres, the fans are probably going crazy with joy, and they may even cry from joy. "

After finishing speaking, Tan Su raised his chin generously towards Mu Yang.

A certain man's face has turned black,

(End of this chapter)

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