I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2564 Beibei ate tofu when the prince was caught!

Chapter 2564 Beibei ate tofu when the prince was caught!
"I have cleanliness, not only physically, but also mentally.

Unless it's my true love, I won't even touch anyone else, even if it's just acting. "

Between the four petals sticking together, another low and inaudible sigh overflowed.

Helpless, yet exceptionally complete, he conveyed all of his great tenderness to her.

For a moment, Tan Su was stunned, the tip of his slightly sore nose became hot again, and he looked straight into his smiling eyes.

It was at this moment that Tan Su finally knew why, why she fell in love with this man like poison, and it was hopeless.

He is gentle by nature, neither arrogant nor angry, as if he is too ungrateful.

However, when he looks at you, it is the most straightforward and deepest concentration.

That pair of shining lacquered eyes gathered into a ball of scorching fire, scattered into shattered starlight all over the sky.

It seems that there is only you left in the world, and no one else.

It burned straight to the bottom of her heart, igniting a kind of firework called "love".


Seeing the little girl's ignorant eyebrows and eyes, which couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, and her long curled eyelashes still trembling slightly up and down, Shi Muyang couldn't help smiling again.

When he spoke again, his low and mellow voice was so gentle that it seemed to have melted into water, and he said three words softly,
"I love you."

Tan Su felt that she must have been spoiled by Shi Muyang, so she drifted away.

She began to be more and more arrogant.

Otherwise, at such a critical moment when she heard a man confessing to her, how could she ask without thinking——

"What if we have a daughter in the future?"

Don't you own your precious daughter?

a few years later.

At the dinner table of the New Year's Eve party, Beibei, who had just turned five years old, dragged seven-year-old Ji Jingchen to the corridor outside the box.

A chandelier with crystals embedded in the ceiling casts a bright light.

But Shi Beibei's big purple grape-like eyes were even brighter, looking up at Ji Jingchen like a puppy, two pink blushes floated over her pink and jade-carved little face, one by one. Stared at him without blinking.

Ji Jingchen leaned against the wall of the corridor, his legs were long and straight, one leg was lazily resting on the knee of the other leg, one arm was around his chest, and the wrist of the other hand was tightly held by the little girl's chubby little hand.

The narrow and noble peach blossom pupils narrowed, and suddenly a lazy and willful monstrous temperament appeared, and he poked the little girl's head impatiently, with a careless expression on his face, but when he was asking Cursing the corner of his mouth slightly,

"Shi Xiaobei, if you don't eat well, what are you doing pulling me out?"

The voice just fell-

Ji Jingchen didn't even have time to react.

The little girl in front of him suddenly stood on tiptoe, and pulled down the hand that was holding his wrist, and he bent down unexpectedly.

The little girl grabbed his collar faster with her other hand, sending her beautiful, fluffy head forward.


Ji Jingchen only felt his lips soften.

One piece is soft and sweet, because I just ate strawberry panna cotta, and it has a rich milky flavor that feels like jelly, so it spreads wantonly.

Ji Jingchen's originally lazy and half-closed peach blossom eyes widened in an instant, his throat tightened, the tips of his ears turned red, and he locked onto the little girl with the tip of his nose in front of him in disbelief.

After being silent for a full half a minute, Ji Jingchen took a deep breath, almost gnashing his teeth, exuding a faintly angry boy's voice, one word, one pause,
"Shi, Bei, Bei!"

The little girl trembled all over for an instant, and a soft and soft voice that was pretending to be calm but clearly showing panic and timidity sounded,

"Papa said that you can only kiss the person you like, so Papa only kisses Mama, and I have no one to kiss."

After finishing speaking, she pursed her mouth aggrievedly, her round black eyes were filled with steaming steam, her eyelashes fanned like cattail fans, and tears rolled in her eye sockets.

Ji Jingchen choked again, his forehead popped up.

Why... Are you going to cry again?

He is the one who was raped/kissed by the little girl to eat tofu!

  ps: The big rabbit's right eye suddenly swelled the day before yesterday, and it kept crying, and couldn't open it at all. It was keratitis when it was checked at the hospital. I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry my little ones~o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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