I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 2578 What's the matter with a bad feeling?

Chapter 2578 What's the matter with a bad feeling?

"Are you awake?" There was still a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shi Muyang didn't intend to tease Tan Su.

But as soon as he entered the room, he saw the little woman who had just gotten up under the quilt scratching her ears and scratching her cheeks, with an annoyed, cute and silly expression on her face, so she couldn't help but have evil thoughts of teasing.


Tan Su was still caught in the man's yuppie and modest smile and couldn't recover, her brows were dazed. When she realized it, Shi Muyang had already sat sideways beside her.

"Drink this glass of honey water." He handed over the glass, and rubbed the broken bangs on her forehead with his big palm like coaxing a pet dog.

Tan Su stared at Shi Muyang's nonchalant expression for a long time, especially his pair of narrow and long eye tails that were slightly raised, showing a bit of unconcealable joy.

Feeling like... not bad? ? ?

Tan Su touched his nose again guilty, and obediently took the honey water from Shi Muyang's hand to drink.

While thinking about how she should explain that she overslept... and then how to say "Happy Birthday" to her boyfriend dryly...

When I heard Shi Muyang added three words lightly,

"The hangover."

Just as Tan Su was about to take a sip, the corners of his mouth twitched, "唰" all of a sudden, his big round eyes rolled over and stared at him, and he stuttered in his throat.
"What... what?"

Hangover? ? ?

What wine! ! !

Some fragmentary pictures in my mind began to be assembled in a jigsaw puzzle.

Only now did Tan Su feel the back of his head was heavy...the pain was severe...a typical symptom of a drinking hangover...

Seeing the man's gloomy eyes and the playful curve of his thin lips becoming more and more obvious, Tan Su's heart skipped a beat.

Ah hey, don't laugh so coquettishly!

She laughed so hard that she was all hairy!

Suddenly, there was a not-so-good premonition, and the eyelids jumped up with a "chug chug".

"I—" Tan Su weighed it for another half a second, and just as soon as he opened his mouth, he was abruptly interrupted by Shi Muyang's words,
"You were drunk last night, and you can't do it when you come out of the bathroom after taking a shower, have you forgotten?"

As he spoke, he curled his index finger and hooked her pointed chin. His tone was very casual, as if he was saying "the weather is very nice today".

Tan Su was so frightened that the honey water in his hand shook violently, and his face turned pale instantly.

She was...drunk, drunk, last night! ! !

The fragments in his head have been pieced together into complete pictures, and the fragmented memories are slipping past his eyes like a revolving lantern.

["Shi Da, I can't help it, I want to kiss you, what should I do?"] It was a picture of her hooking her boyfriend's neck to tease him...

["Shi Da, you don't want me anymore, woo woo woo..."] is the picture of her curled up on the bed, rolling around, acting wildly...

【"I'll teach you..."】It's a picture of her getting drunk, raped, and kissing the boss...

【"It hurts, it won't hurt anymore when you give me a whimper..."] It's the picture of her poking her head like a fool, acting like a coquettish and rascal at a male god...

In the end, she actually dragged him to the bed together...

The more Tan Su recalled, the paler his little face became, and the corners of his stiff and tightly pursed mouth collapsed little by little visible to the naked eye.

I was almost suffocated by my own drunk show operation!
Now she is performing a bare-handed digging on the spot, is it too late to bury herself in it?


(End of this chapter)

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