I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 527 Ten, welcome to Chapter 3

Chapter 527 Ten, welcome back... 3

On the other end of the phone, there was a man's low-key laugh,

"Ten, welcome back..."

A phantom flashed out of the half-open French window, and 2 minutes later, at the end of the forest outside the castle, a black car that had been waiting for a long time started and disappeared in the dark night.

An hour later, when Ai Qianqian brought the fruit and saw the photo on the computer screen, she fell on the carpet unsteadily, her face pale,

"Cheng Xiaocheng..."

On the screen is a photo of Ji Yicheng after recovering from illness when he was 11 years old.

When everyone rushed to the room together and saw the photos in the mailbox and the two wedding rings discarded on the desk, everyone felt cold, and felt a cold wind blowing on their backs, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end .

Ten... woke up.

Ji Sanshao suddenly shouted, "What are you still doing in a daze! Find someone!"

The atmosphere in the castle is tense like never before...


In the dimly lit room, Jing Qingge looked at the man standing in the dark, what he just said was,

"Ten, welcome back..."

There was a sharp pain in her chest, as if her heart had been gouged out, Ten woke up and took away Ji Yicheng's consciousness, so, she couldn't wait for him?

When Shi Ming hung up the phone, he chuckled with obvious joy, and looked at Jing Qingge even more coldly,

"Jing Qingge, the worst thing you did was to fall in love with Ji Yicheng. You have to know that all the pain you are suffering now is caused by him, including... the next, bigger one. torture."

"Shut up!" Jing Qingge wiped away tears indiscriminately, and even shook his head violently, "No, Ji Yicheng definitely won't! Anyone can, but he will never hurt me! No ! Shut your stinking mouth..."

Jing Qingge grabbed the empty glass beside the bed, and slammed it at Shi Ming.


Shi Ming turned to one side, raised his arm, and caught the cup with incomparable precision.

On the other hand, Jing Qingge, as if all her strength had been sucked away, collapsed on the bed, the rounded curve of her chest was more obvious due to the violent ups and downs.

Embarrassment, humiliation, overwhelming, suddenly, a strange dryness/heat surged in the lower abdomen.

Shi Ming smiled coldly, "Don't get angry, or the taste will be very uncomfortable, Ten will not arrive until an hour later."

He was playing with the glass in his hand, rubbing it with his slender fingertips, adding a bit of weirdness.

Jing Qingge suddenly realized something, her voice became tight,

"What did you drink for me!"

"What do you think it will be?" Shi Ming asked back.

"You lunatic! Crazy dog! You're going to die..." Jing Qingge roared hoarsely, her body was filled with heat, and her snow-clear skin was covered with a layer of pink.

"Jing Qingge, as I said before, the really crazy person is Ji Yicheng."

"He didn't! He was just sick!"

"It seems that you are still obsessed with your obsession." The smile in Shi Ming's voice gradually cooled down, "Do you know why Ji Yicheng has a split personality?"

Jing Qingge was taken aback.



After a long time, the air became colder, and the too treacherous aura finally disappeared.

On the side of the bed, Jing Qingge shivered and curled up, her widened eyes didn't move at all, and next to her ear, she kept repeating Shi Ming's last words.

How is it possible, impossible, Ji Yicheng...

(End of this chapter)

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