I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 630 How could the girl he likes so much be bad?

Chapter 630 How could the girl he likes so much be bad?

"Xiaoyin, protect the young lady."

"I swear to protect the young lady's safety to the death!" Xiao Yin yelled on the phone brightly.

Ji Yicheng raised his eyebrows slightly. He was a little curious. It seemed that his subordinates didn't deal with Qing Bao'er often. Why did they defend her so much, so he asked after thinking about it.


"You all like Young Madam?" The corners of his thin lips softened involuntarily when she was mentioned.

"Ahem..." Apparently, Xiaoyin was startled by his young master's sudden question. If he answered that he liked it, would he be exiled by the young master to mine in Africa in the next second →_→...

"Huh?" Another monosyllabic word pierced through, and Xiaoyin shivered three times, let out a groan, and nodded heavily, "I like it!"


"Hi, Young Madam!" Xiao Yin blurted out, "When we were guarding outside the villa in the morning, Young Madam specially baked a small cake and shared it with us. Young Master, this is my dear Young Madam, my dear!"

Xiaoyin finally had the courage to accuse her young master, with a very strong subtext, master, you have to learn from the young lady...


A certain big boss directly ignored the second half of Xiaoyin's sentence, and only heard the first half, because she is good.

Yes, how could it be bad for the girl he likes so much.

Her frowns and smiles appeared before her eyes again, her raised thin lips smiled warmer in the sunlight falling into the car window, and her heart seemed to be filled to the brim.

"Young master..." Xiaoyin called weakly and faintly on the phone, silently drawing small circles in his heart. It is not easy to tell the truth these days. If he is encouraged and rewarded, will he really be wiped out by the young master? right?

Unexpectedly, Ji Yicheng snorted coldly, "Nonsense, it doesn't matter whose wife it is, everyone must love it, flowers bloom when flowers bloom, and workshop cars have a flat tire."

Then, he told her again to protect her, "snap", and hung up the phone.

"..." Xiaoyin choked in his throat, and Yuan Gun rolled his big eyes of the globe. It was obviously the young lady's own personality charm, but the young master attributed it to himself, it was simply too shameless. →_→

Ji Yicheng turned his face slightly, then glanced at the fashion shopping street in the distance, raised his eyebrows, and dialed another phone number, which was quickly connected.

"Uncle Xiao, I'm coming over now..."

Soon, the silver Cadillac sports car merged into the traffic flow, and stopped in front of Xiao's villa 10 minutes later.


Xiao Jintang was already waiting at the door, and the two went to the study on the second floor together. Xiao Jintang asked Ji Yicheng to sit down on the prince's sofa and recliner. Deng Wanting quickly brought two cups of brewed hot coffee. Ji Yicheng greeted, "Thank you, Aunt Wanting Aunt."

Deng Wanting smiled, made eye contact with Xiao Jintang, then went out and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Xiao Jintang sat on the opposite chair and looked at Ji Yicheng carefully, "Do you feel bad again?"

Ji Yicheng frowned, and roughly talked about the sudden auditory hallucinations in his ears when he was shopping in the supermarket yesterday.

"Are you sure you heard your own voice?"

Ji Yicheng nodded slightly, "I'm the one talking."

"This is the sense of hearing." Xiao Jintang put down the coffee cup in his hand, with a serious look on his brows, "Do you hear what you said clearly?"

Ji Yicheng slightly lowered his eyelids invisible, and said lightly, "No."

(End of this chapter)

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