I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 784 She Has A Lover, She Loves The One She Loves 3

Chapter 784 She Has A Lover, She Loves The One She Loves 3

Mo Nuannuan endured it, not knowing whether to say it or not, she glanced at Ji Yinuo and Xuan Zhihuang from the corner of her eye.

Xuan Zhihuang pursed her lips and bared her teeth, and smiled wickedly, "Because you already have a lover, and you love the person you love very much!"

Jing Qingge was slightly taken aback, Kong Luo's heart seemed to be pinched by something suddenly, and someone whispered softly in his ear,

"I love you, love you very much..."

Suddenly, her shoulders trembled, the faint headache became severe, her flushed cheeks paled in an instant, a look of extreme pain appeared between her brows and eyes, she clenched the corners of her mouth tightly, her voice trembled slightly,

"I don't remember, I don't remember..."

Ji Yinuo, Mo Nuannuan, and Xuan Zhihuang were all shocked, their noses were sore, and they hurriedly hugged Jing Qingge's trembling body tightly.

"Little cute..."


When they came out of the bathroom, the magnetic field around the coffee table was already a hail of knives, and their eyes were fighting fiercely.

Seeing Jing Qingge approaching, the faces of the men froze instantly. Those who drank coffee drank coffee, and those who flicked their sleeves could even hear the bang bang bang bang when the hostility was let go. With Yan Huan's posture, he smiled infinitely softly.

Leng Mofeng sat next to him, silently holding his forehead, dripping sweat from his forehead, obviously there was only one actor, but all of them were comers, the style of painting changed instantly, instantly...


Shi Ming took Jing Qingge's hand, and suddenly frowned slightly, "Why is your face so ugly, are you uncomfortable?"

Xuan Fei and Xuan Yu also looked over, their brows tightened, and Ji Yinuo and the others also looked unhappy.

Jing Qingge shook her head, her voice was muffled, "I'm a little tired."

"Then let's stop shopping, let's go home now." Shi Ming's tone became softer, he rubbed her hair lightly, then turned his head around again, his voice became cold for a moment, "I'm sorry, let's say goodbye first, you continue to drink Cafe."

Xuan Fei gritted his teeth, Xuan Yu squinted his eyes and watched the three leave.


Royal Mile Road.

The car had already started, Jing Qingge was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly raised his head, opened the car door and jumped down, which shocked Shi Ming and Shi Muyang.

"Dougou, wait for me, I'll be right back!"

The doors hadn't even had time to close.

That delicate and charming figure had already quickly ran up the steps, and ran straight towards the cafe.

Shi Ming's eyes darkened, an invisible glint flashed across the bottom of his eyes, and bitterness suddenly appeared at the corners of his tightly pursed mouth.


Beside the coffee table, several people held their chins together, frowning, each with a bitter face, with the words "I'm not happy" written in bold on their foreheads.

"What happened just now, did you look like that when you came back from the bathroom?" Xuan Yu asked the three princesses.

The three girls thought of the painful expression on the little cutie's face just now, and their hearts were stabbed, and the cheeks they held were even more wrinkled.

Xuan Fei also asked what happened.

Ji Yinuo thought for a while, and organized his words, "I feel that the person who cutie is the last person to think of is...Brother Cheng."

Although Qing Ge has lost her memory now, she was still relaxed when getting along with them, but when her lover was mentioned, she became very nervous and even lost control of her emotions a little.

Xuan Fei's face collapsed in an instant, with a face of beating his chest and stamping his feet and wanting to jump into the river, he was covering his mouth and howling, when suddenly a voice came down from the top of his head.


(End of this chapter)

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