Urban Medicine Martial Immortal Venerable

Chapter 461 Kong Chenfei's Weirdness

Chapter 461 Kong Chenfei's Weirdness (First Update!)

"Dandan, how are you talking!"

Hearing her daughter say such ugly words, Bei Zhiqi's complexion changed slightly, and she angrily reprimanded.

"Mom, am I wrong? We invited him to this banquet before, and it was fine if he refused, but now he came by himself again!"

Seeing that Lin Tian ignored her and didn't even look at her, Guo Dan suddenly felt very upset in his heart, and continued to shout: "She came with this woman and refused us, which means there was something shameful in the first place! Now it seems that they You took something belonging to Brother Chenfei's master, and was caught by Brother Chenfei! And Lin Tian, ​​I really don't know what you think, being taken care of by this kind of woman, and foolishly following along, becoming someone else's back..."

"Dandan! Brother Lin Tian may just be confused for a while..."

Seeing that both Lin Tian and Xu Tangge looked ugly, Bei Zhiqi frowned, and scolded Guo Dan again.

"Mom, it's because of this that I can teach him more! No wonder he is called Mu Lengzi, he is so stupid outside, and he is so dizzy when he sees a beautiful woman! This woman not only keeps him, but also uses him Already!"

Seeing Lin Tian, ​​Guo Dan just frowned and didn't even look at her. He immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Lin Tian, ​​did you hear what I said?"

"What kind of quality do you have? Without knowing the situation, you slander others, be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

Xu Tangge couldn't help it now, glaring at Guo Dan with her cold beautiful eyes, and shouted in a cold voice.

"What? I'm slandering?! Huh, my parents know the situation of his family the best. They barely manage with a small business. If he doesn't go home during the summer vacation, he will stay and work as a summer job! Can I be your bodyguard? Even a fool can see it Nothing tricky!"

Guo Dan screamed and said coquettishly: "My lady will enter Harvard University in the United States next year for further study. I don't need you to judge my quality! I don't want a woman like you who only has an appearance, makes a sign and erects a memorial archway!"

Ever since he was a child, Guo Dan has been used to being complimented and admired by the stars, whether at home or abroad, and he has hardly been questioned or ignored. Wherever he goes, he is admired.

Now Lin Tian ignored her, and the woman in front of her was more beautiful than her and scolded her. Her state of mind, which had never encountered such treatment, was suddenly shattered, how could she bear it.


Xu Tangge gritted his teeth and trembled with anger at Guo Dan's pestering words.

"Aunt Bei, you'd better shut her up, or don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lin Tian's face turned gloomy and cold, he took a cold look at Guo Dan, and then said to Bei Zhiqi in a deep voice.

Facing Shang Lintian's gaze, Guo Dan trembled subconsciously, and became inexplicably frightened, and couldn't help but shut up.

"Dandan, if you say one more word, you will not be allowed to return to China in the future!"

And Bei Zhiqi also hurriedly pulled Guo Dan away and scolded her angrily. After seeing her daughter shut up, she turned to Lin Tianyu and said earnestly: "Xiaotian, if there are difficulties at home, you and your Uncle Guo can help each other." Help! You... don't need to do this, so as not to spread to the ears of the folks, how can your parents bear it? And if you take something from an expert, hand it over, it's useless to you!"

"Aunt Bei, things are not as simple as you think! I can handle my affairs!"

Lin Tian looked as usual, shook his head and replied.

"Then...then you can figure it out yourself!"

Seeing that Lin Tian was ungrateful, Bei Zhiqi shook her head helplessly.

Guo Hetong remained silent, walked away with his mother and daughter, and sat down on the more conspicuous banquet sofa at the side of the banquet hall under Kong Lifu's warm hospitality.

And Kong Chenfei ignored Lin Tian, ​​and sat down with his father Kong Lifu at the main seat in the rest area.

"Chen Fei, is this matter really ordered by your Great Elder? Don't make a mistake, if something happens, it will not end well!"

After sitting down, Kong Lifu looked solemn and said in a low voice.

"Dad, don't worry, the Great Elder personally ordered it! My junior sister also knows about this matter. Moreover, not only the Great Elder, but also the big figures above ordered it! My master and teacher's wife don't know about it yet, wait for them Here we come, just to give them a surprise!"

Kong Chenfei raised the corner of his mouth, showing arrogance and arrogance, "Besides, these ants, whether we want to kill or cut them up, or do we follow our mood? I am waiting for a cultivator, and what I pay attention to is doing as I please! Even those from the National Security Bureau When the person comes, I will not miss it!"

Hearing this, Kong Lifu sighed and said, "Then you can figure it out, but it's better to be cautious!"


Lin Tian heard the whispered conversation between the two very clearly.

However, Lin Tian didn't pay much attention to what the two said.

His eyes fell on Kong Chenfei from time to time.

The young man in front of him looked arrogant and domineering, as if looking down on the world.

"This person has been arrogant and domineering since he appeared, and he always gives people a very disobedient feeling, so strange!"

After a long time, Lin Tian withdrew his gaze and frowned slightly. That Kong Chenfei gave him a very weird feeling, but he couldn't put it into words.

After a long while, Lin Tian looked at the other party again, and the corner of his mouth suddenly raised slightly, showing a thoughtful look.

As time went on, guests began to file in.

Kong Lifu got up in person, walked to the entrance of the banquet hall, and greeted the many state leaders from Nanzhou.

There are eighteen states in Nanzhou, and the big bosses from Ningzhou, Yunzhou, Yangzhou, and Yuzhou, which are relatively close to each other, have arrived first.

In every state city, there are almost only one or two big shots, representing the top strength of that state city.

The East Continent Martial Arts Tournament is about to be held, and when the envoys from the East Continent arrive, they will naturally have to come in person. This is related to the allocation of places to go to the East Continent.

That martial arts meeting was not officially held, but held by a mysterious organization, even if it was an official one, they were not qualified to intervene.

Of course, these are the information that these big bosses have learned.

More they don't know.

They can't wait to come here this time because they heard that the Kong family has a genius who has joined the mysterious and powerful force. The rise of the Kong family is unstoppable!

"Mr. Gong, stay safe and sound!"

"Mu Lao, please..."

"Haha, Mr. Wang can come, it really makes my Kong Mou's face glow..."

After exchanging pleasantries, Kong Lifu invited in the first few state leaders who came.

Except for Kong Chenfei who remained motionless, Jiang Lihun and others stood up and greeted him politely. Guo Hetong hurried forward and greeted each other one by one.

"It turns out that the eldest grandson has already arrived!"

At this time, many big shots saw the white cheongsam woman standing up and walking towards her. Some people showed surprise and rushed to meet her.

"Who is this woman?"

Some people couldn't recognize the woman in the cheongsam, they couldn't help being surprised.

"Her name is Changsun Yinghan, the overlord of the underground forces in Liuyuan City!"

Someone explained in a low voice.

"She is Sun Yinghan, the elder of the Liuyuancheng Fish Summit. She is really a woman! She is one of the big gangs of the Southern Thirteenth Federation, and it is a woman who is in power!"

In the dark, someone exclaimed.

Immediately, after learning the identity of the cheongsam woman, many people stepped forward to greet her.

Afterwards, under the introduction of Kong Lifu, a group of people respected and saluted Kong Chenfei one by one. The young man in front of him was the disciple of the legendary master.

Moreover, during the period, Kong Chenfei also showed a small spell to a group of big bosses, which shocked the group of old men almost to the point of pissing in fear, calling them immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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