Chapter 531 Such a soldier king (third update!)

Seeing the middle-aged couple come in, the eldest grandson Hui showed a complex expression on his face.

Regarding this marriage contract, now she is thinking that it can be resolved smoothly in the end.

However, at the same time, I hope to continue to maintain it and drag it on for a while.

Anyway, Ye Fan never came back, it was just a marriage letter, no one bothered her, it was much better than being pestered by Meng Zhao.

In addition, the family has now arranged for her marriage with Meng Zhao.

It was just one step away from breaking the engagement with the Ye family.

Compared with Ye Fan, who had only a paper marriage certificate, she was even more reluctant to see Meng Zhao marry.

"Zihui, it really doesn't work, just ask for a divorce!"

Glancing at Ye Fan's parents who had already walked into the restaurant, Chang Ying said comfortingly: "Meng Zhao, I will work with you to figure out a way! The Meng family is obviously using power to force others to let you go. It is too much for you to marry in the past!"

"Yingying, forget it, it's not easy for the Ye family! Carrying it under so much pressure! If I still don't want to dissolve the engagement, the Meng family may really take action against them!"

The eldest grandson Hui shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "You also know the strength of the Meng family. In this Liuyuan City, except for the three major families above, who would dare to disobey them? It's just a matter of face, I don't care! As for Meng Zhao, let’s talk about it later..."

Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting on the side, was silent and did not speak.

After all, the eldest grandson Hui is a matter of personal engagement, and there is no need for him to participate.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the middle-aged couple had already walked up to their table.

The two were Ye Fan's parents.

The middle-aged man's name is Ye Ming, and the middle-aged woman's name is Lu Xiaoyi.

"Uncle, aunt, you are here!"

The eldest grandson Hui stood up very politely, and said with a smile, "I know your intentions. Now that you have made up your mind, I won't procrastinate any longer. We have broken off the engagement! As long as I speak, my grandpa will The side will immediately agree!"

"No... Zihui, listen to Auntie first!"

At this time, Lu Xiaoyi hurriedly took the hand of the eldest grandson Hui, and said with apology on her face: "We really couldn't withstand the pressure of the Meng family before, and we had no choice! Now Ye Fan is back, but he just told us Now that the situation has changed, I think this engagement will not be rescinded, let's continue, the two families will get married, and you two will have a good life in the future!"

"That's right...Zihui, Ye Fan said, he's yours to marry!"

Ye Ming, who was standing on the side, quickly echoed: "Over there, Ye Fan said that he already has a solution! When Ye Fan comes, he will tell you!"

Hearing what the two said, the eldest grandson Hui was stunned, her mouth half-opened. She thought she had heard wrong, and didn't react for a while.

Lin Tian and Chang Ying couldn't help being a little dazed.

What I heard before is that the Ye family can't wait to dissolve this engagement quickly!

The eldest grandson Hui is very outstanding, and he comes from a wealthy family. It can be said that he is an existence that can drive countless men in Liuyuan City crazy.

However, the Meng family, which is at the top of the pyramid in Liuyuan City, is a gigantic existence.

The Ye family is just an ordinary family, the elder and younger of the other party have a crush on the eldest grandson Hui, no matter how good the latter is, they can't wait to break off the engagement as soon as possible.

But now, she has changed her mind again. Judging by her posture, it seems that she must fulfill the marriage contract to the end!

"Uncle, aunt, are you right?"

The eldest grandson Hui came back to his senses and asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm not mistaken! This matter is settled like this! If your grandfather mentions it, our Ye Fan will tell him about it!"

Ye Ming frowned, showing displeasure on his face, and then said forcefully: "We have other things to do, and we need to meet some important guests, so we have to go first!"

After finishing speaking, the couple only nodded to Lin Tian and Chang Ying, and walked away with high spirits.

When the two left the restaurant, the eldest grandson Huimei stared at her and said to Chang Ying: "Yingying, did I hear you right? The Meng family dared to use their power to force my grandfather to marry me, but why should the Ye family marry me?" ?”


Chang Ying was also very confused, she opened her mouth and didn't know how to respond.

At this time, Ye Ming and his wife had just left, when a tall and mighty young man walked in from outside the hotel, wearing casual sportswear.

The young man was wearing sunglasses, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and he walked towards this side with a grin.

"Honey, we finally meet!"

The young man directly approached his eldest grandson Hui, took a deep breath, and let out a good sigh.

"This face is perfect, 100 points!"

"The skin is white and tender enough, 100 points!"

"This long leg, slender tun, small willow waist, 100 points!"

After commenting on the grandson Hui for a while, the young man nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "As expected of my Ye Fan's wife, the total score is at least 99.9! Wife, let's go get the certificate now?"

"Ye Fan, please be respectful! I'm not your wife either! That marriage certificate was only made by our grandpa. There is absolutely no way I will marry you!"

Looking at the hippie smiling face in front of him, there is no serious young man, the eldest grandson Huixiu frowned, and said coldly: "Also, even if you go to get the certificate with me now, I am afraid that Meng Zhao will make you rape tomorrow." dead on the street!"

"Meng Zhao? The young man of the Meng family, right?"

Ye Fan smiled disdainfully, took off the sunglasses on his face, and said indifferently: "I don't care about the Meng family! I am no longer the Ye Fan I used to be! I have been in Africa for the past few years Across all directions, what characters have you never seen? A Meng family, if he wants to kill him, he is afraid that someone will already get them. To put it bluntly, after a while, I will enter the Guangxi Warrior Wolf Special Forces. If Meng The family is restless, what do you think the military will do?"

"Enter the Wolf Warriors?"

The eldest grandson Hui's face changed slightly, but soon became extremely cold again, "I don't care if you enter Zhanlang or Zhanhu, it has nothing to do with me! Please go, my friend and I want to eat!"

"Honey, don't be so heartless! When you follow me, you'll understand what I mean!"

Ye Fan also ignored the grandson Hui's expulsion order, and still smiled cheekily and evilly.


The eldest grandson is very kind.

"Toothless? My teeth are healed!"

Ye Fan laughed, and then he looked at Lin Tian, ​​frowning slightly.

Because the tables in the restaurant here are square, Lin Tian happened to be sitting next to the eldest grandson Hui, and Ye Fan wanted to sit next to the eldest grandson Hui, only to find that someone was occupying the seat.

"Little guy, get up and give me your seat! Let me make out with my wife!"

Ye Fan grinned at Lin Tian and reminded.

"It can be seen that sister Zihui doesn't like you! So, you'd better go, don't disturb our meal. I'm hungry!"

Lin Tian raised his eyelids and said in an indifferent voice.

Now he has established the foundation and has completely reached the realm of Bigu.

It's just that now in the world, I'm used to satisfying my appetite for a while.

"Hey, this kid is quite old-fashioned!"

Ye Fan was taken aback, then kicked the chair Lin Tian was sitting on, and said with a sneer: "Get up quickly, or I will just throw you aside!"


Lin Tian's face turned cold, and he shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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