Chapter 81


A group of girls ignored Lin Tian's words at all, and still surrounded him screaming and exclaiming.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so handsome, I want to be your girlfriend!"

"Go, go... Lin Tian is mine!!"

"Go, go, my god, don't mess around!"

No, no, no... If this goes on like this, I won't be able to bear it anymore!

At this time, Lin Tian, ​​where is there any cultivator's concentration and Taoism, and what image of Immortal Venerable, collapsed directly, and was in a state of embarrassment.

After struggling for a while, he managed to escape from a group of people and squeezed out of the crowd in a flash.

"Do you want to be so crazy and crazy!"

Xiong Zhao, who was not far away, had a look of contempt, but soon muttered in a low voice full of jealousy: "Ma Dan, every time I show off my figure and run around the track and field, why don't I get this kind of treatment!"

Outside the stadium, Huo Xiaoyu stood among several girls who were equally excited to discuss and admire Lin Tian, ​​watching the scene where Lin Tian was surrounded by groups of girls, his pretty face moved slightly:

"It doesn't seem to be useless! Long-distance running is so terrifying that it is possible to enter the national team! But then again, what is the use without real strength and power? Without a background, before entering a professional long-distance running career, it may have been a flash in the pan. It's gone!"

After all, Huo Xiaoyu is still not optimistic about Lin Tian.

Because there were too many reports from China Gatlin, China Bolt, etc., many young geniuses appeared, but after a few years, they soon disappeared.

If there is no accident, Lin Tian will also be an example of it!

Thinking of this, Huo Xiaoyu turned to leave and returned to the classroom.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are so handsome, you are indeed my old Du's brother!"

Du Leisi ran to Lin Tian's side with a smug look on his face: "In the future, the people from the second class will not dare to be arrogant!"

Lin Tian shook his head with a smile and changed his clothes.

"Trash, after school, I want you to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Seeing that Lin Tian was surrounded by a group of girls, enjoying the blessings of others, Lu Wei was jealous and hated, his face twisted, and he threatened Lin Tian.

After speaking, Lu Wei was about to leave with Qian Xinru who came over.

However, how could Lin Tian forget the previous bet, so naturally he wouldn't let him leave easily, he sneered and stopped Lu Wei directly: "You lost the long-distance race, fulfill the bet! Now kneel down and learn to bark, Everyone is watching, don't be fooled!"

Lin Tian's words suddenly made the surrounding area of ​​the track and field quiet.

In an instant, all eyes were cast towards Lu Wei.

Kneel down and learn to bark, Ma Dan, this is a rare show!

The people on the edge of the track and field were all excited.

Including many people from the second class, there was a look of anticipation on their faces.

"Your Majesty!"

"Kneel down! Kneel down! Kneel down..."

I don't know who in the third class shouted first, and then the others followed suit, and it soon became a wave of sound that echoed over the stadium.

Paralyzed, a swarm of reptiles!I will take care of you one by one in the future!

Lu Wei's face was ashen, and his whole body was trembling.

Before the long-distance running competition, he had a bet with Lin Tian, ​​and he also disclosed the bet during the competition, and now everyone knows it.

However, the thought of kneeling down and learning how to bark in front of so many people was an even more unacceptable humiliation.

If he did that, not only would he not be able to stay at school, but if someone recorded it with a mobile phone, how would he see anyone in the future?

"Waste, are you really going to do it to the end? Don't say I didn't warn you, it's going to kill you!"

Lu Wei's eyes showed a vicious look, and he said coldly.

"Something happened?"

Hearing the threat in Lu Wei's words, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing, and said, "I'm still looking forward to how you let me have an accident! However, now you should kneel down and learn how to bark!"

"That's right, kneel down and learn how to bark! Let's see what Master Lu looks like kneeling down and learning how to bark!"

Du Leisi joined in at this moment and laughed loudly.

"Waste, are you really going to offend me to the end?"

Lu Wei's face was full of sternness at this time, and he narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "Be smart, this is the end of this matter, or I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Let me regret it for the rest of my life? What kind of thing are you!"

Lin Tian's eyes froze, and he shouted, "Kneel down and learn how to bark!"


Lu Wei's face was twisted, his teeth clenched.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are enough!"

At this time, Qian Xinru stood up and said, "Don't think that you can be invincible if you are good at long-distance running! Think about the past, how did you beg me to be your girlfriend? I almost knelt down on my toes, hanging silk. After all, it is hanging silk, is it interesting!"

"Please? That's how stupid I was before! But it's just right, I don't want an idiot woman like you!"

Lin Tian glanced at Qian Xinru coldly and shook his head.


Qian Xinru's complexion changed greatly, and he shouted loudly.

"That's right, idiot woman!"

At this time, the third class did not know which girl was the first to scold.

"Idiot woman!"

Many people followed along with scolding and crusade.

And many people also surrounded Lin Tian.

"You all get out of the way, he's my boyfriend!"

At this time, a cold voice came, and then a tall figure came over, pushed aside a group of girls, walked to Lin Tian's side, glanced at Lin Tian with a complicated look, and then took Lin Tian's hand. .

The onlookers were all stunned when they saw the girl who appeared.

The girl has a ponytail, a delicate face, beautiful eyes, and a tall stature.

Yu Tong!

The school's school flower ranks first, the super goddess in the dreams of countless boys!

Lin Tian is her boyfriend?

The boys present were instantly heartbroken!

And the girl who admired Lin Tianman was heartbroken!

"God, my goddess, she actually has a boyfriend, I'm going to the rooftop, don't stop me..."

"Lin Tian actually has a girlfriend, it's Yu Tong, he's going to die..."

Countless boys and girls were mourning in secret.

Is that the domineering beautiful girl?

She is also from Meiling High School!

But what is she doing?Did you help me out?It's alright, otherwise I'll be entangled by that group of nympho girls, but something will happen!

Lin Tian recognized the girl in front of him. It was the one who bought the magic talisman with him in Gu Xiangdao.

"Trash, just wait and see!"

Lu Wei said coldly, pulling Qian Xinru to leave.

Just want to go this way?

Lin Tian regained his senses, his eyes froze, and then he secretly flicked his fingers, and two zhenqi powers fell on Lu Wei's knees.


Unprepared, Lu Wei stumbled to his knees on the ground.

"Soul Chaos!"

As he meditated in secret, Lin Tian's face turned pale, but the power of true qi did not enter Lu Wei's mind.

"Wang Wang~"

After Lu Wei knelt down, his face was blank, and then he started to bark a few times like a dog.

"Wow, Lu Wei really knelt down, record it!"

"Haha... It's really like learning!"

The onlookers stared dumbfounded at everything in front of them and laughed, and many even took out their mobile phones and recorded it.

However, in just a few seconds, Lu Wei quickly came back to his senses and looked at Lin Tian in horror: "What have you done to me..."

"I didn't do anything!"

Looking at the frightened Lu Wei, Lin Tian smiled lightly: "It may be that you found out in your own conscience, then knelt down and learned to bark, fulfilling the bet!"

"That's right... Our Master Lu has a great conscience!"

"Haha...a great conscience!"

"As expected of the young master Lu, he is so handsome when he learns how to bark!"

In the crowd of Class [-], Du Leisi took the lead in booing, and the others followed suit while holding their mobile phones.

Lin Tian glanced at Lu Wei, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

The reason why Lu Wei knelt down and took the initiative to learn how to bark was entirely due to Lin Tian's soul-disturbing technique, which instantly controlled the former's mind.

Soul Chaos, a low-level spiritual attack spell, is effective for ordinary people, but it is useless for immortal cultivators, which is relatively useless.

Now that Lin Tian used it on Lu Wei, it had a miraculous effect.

However, Lin Tian's cultivation base is too low now, he hasn't cultivated his divine sense yet, and he has used the Soul Disturbance Technique, which made his head dizzy for a moment, and he almost lost his footing.

And Lu Wei's face has turned into a pig's liver. Seeing the ridicule of the people around him and the shooting with his mobile phone in his hand, he glared at Lin Tian fiercely and shouted:

"Waste, you are dead! Not only you, but also your relatives and friends! Today you made me a fool, and I will make you pay the price in blood in the future!"

After speaking, Lu Wei's gloomy eyes swept across many people present one by one, and then he turned to leave regardless of Qian Xinru.

After speaking, Lu Wei turned around and hurried away.

However, at this time, Lin Tian had already murdered him.

Threatening my family and friends?

In the future, I will let you regret it in the days when you come down.

Now, just get started!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianqu flicked his fingers again, and several small bursts of infuriating energy hit the waistband and heel of his trousers.

The next moment, Lu Wei stumbled, facing the ground, and fell hard.


A dog gnawed at the mud, and Lu Wei screamed.

This scene made everyone on the track and field stunned. After learning how to bark, he had the habit of a dog!

"Boy, wait for me!"

Lu Wei was miserable enough to be bitten by a dog.

Especially when he was surrounded by so many people, his face was completely lost!

He turned around and spoke harshly to Lin Tian, ​​got up and prepared to leave.

But only a few steps away.

He fell to the ground inexplicably!

This time, the soles of my feet slipped, and I fell on all fours to find the sky!

"Depend on!"

Lu Wei was so angry that he scolded angrily and got up again.


After getting up, he stumbled and fell again.

When he got down, he got up and took a few steps before falling.

"Wow, Master Lu, which one is this? Hurry up, put on a pose!"

"Yes, turn around, aim at the camera, and fall handsomely, we want a close-up!"

"Damn it, it's a good posture to fall..."

Many people kept pointing at Lu Wei with their mobile phones and taking pictures.

Lu Wei collapsed at this time, and he stood up again and again to run away.

But after running away not far, I fell a dog and gnawed on the mud, wanting to cry but no tears!

"Wow, snap it! This video is absolutely explosive!"

"'s so funny..."

The hilarious laughter continued, Lu Wei gritted his teeth and kept getting up, looking in the direction of the men's toilet.


Lu Wei collapsed so badly, he roared, staggered and fell over and over again and ran towards the men's bathroom.

"Wow haha... hurry up, brothers, hurry up and upload the video of Lu Wei kneeling down to learn how to bark and gallop on the school forum!"

Du Leisi laughed excitedly at this time, and urged the third class to upload videos one by one.

Soon, the school forum exploded.

——Lu Wei, Young Master Lu knelt down and learned how to bark, which shocked the eyes!

——Lu Wei made a fool of himself in public with a crazy dog ​​nibbling mud and running away!



"Wow hahaha... This dog's bark is so beautiful!"

" sister, this Lu Wei is crazy!"

In less than 10 minutes, the replies on the school forum continued to rise, and it was quickly pushed to the homepage, which shocked the eyes of countless people in the school. Almost everyone was discussing the video about Lu Wei, which became the hottest topic in the school that day.

 This is a bit late, sorry!Ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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