Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1009, Act 34 Through the Sea of ​​Clouds

Chapter 1009, Act 340 Through the Sea of ​​Clouds
Fang Plover watched as the huge floating ship was being built little by little in the dry dock.

After all, this is just a competition. Thanks to the help of the goblin dolls, the speed of sailboat construction is naturally far from comparable to that in the real world outside.Its hull has long been built, and its materials are increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

MTT, Weiyu, Xiaoyao and Wuxie discuss the design of the magic engine. Kingfisher Workshop's series of engines benefit from the special design of the magic reagent in its internal operation, which makes it far better than the The ability of other types of magic engines.

This is not only reflected in the naval magic furnace, in fact, all the magic furnaces of this series have such characteristics. Fang Ploy has systematically studied this type of magic furnace when he went to Elpaxin. structure.

For the Colin-Ishurian delegation, many of the designs of the Kingfisher Workshop are more familiar than eating and drinking water. Those are advocated by their artisan association and school, and some of them even It comes from artisan societies like Southland and Yisi.

It is in the same line as Kingfisher Workshop.

As a crystal craftsman, Xiaoyao has a good understanding of any kind of magic furnace, not to mention that he is from Silver Wisland - the latter has a deep cooperation with Kingfisher Workshop.

Now that the people at the Hill of Giant Trees have set the challenge, they are not afraid of challenges. None of the people who can be here are the best in various fields, at least they are geniuses at this stage.

On the contrary, Fang Plover is not very familiar with the new series of Kingfisher Workshop. The Kapuka Society itself is an alternative to Colin-Ishurian, and it is a school of its own.And after leaving the society, his experience is even more unique——

During his adventures, he learned a lot of magical skills and worshiped many teachers, but most of the people who taught him, except for the president of the southern warlocks, had a knowledge system that was incompatible with the mainstream orthodoxy on the mainland. .

Ordinary craftsmen want to update their own magic furnaces, and they usually have to choose from the most popular types of magic furnaces in the continent, and at worst they also have to consider the latest styles of the imperial people.But he is different, almost all of his magic furnaces are designed and completed by himself.

Therefore, when discussing the magic furnace of the Kingfisher series, he could neither intervene nor be of much help.It's not that the idea of ​​his zero-type magic furnace can't be applied to the floating airship, and the construction of the Seven Seas Traveler used the heart of the fairy.

But the subject set by the Hillman of the Giant Tree is Potions, so it has nothing to do with his Type Zero crystal.

Fortunately, this is not too difficult for a group of geniuses. Xiaoyao and MTT jointly proposed the plan, came up with the latest design of the Kingfisher Workshop, and Weiyu and others were responsible for completing it. The most complicated part is actually still the Magic Reagent.

The magic furnace of the Kingfisher Workshop does not have any innovative design in terms of structure. It mainly relies on the extraordinary performance of the special magic reagents operating inside. Even the Imperials are hard to come by in this regard.

Otherwise, this series of magic furnaces would not stand out above Kukai and create their own reputation.

Xiaoyao and MTT have mastered the formula of special magic reagents, but it is not easy to make stable deployment, not to mention that the number of naval magic furnaces needs to be not small, and it needs to be mass-produced stably.

And this job fell on Roland.

Ming and Soul regard this young man from Yasha as a surprise soldier, but in fact, whether in the previous game or in the current session, he has played the due role of this surprise soldier.

The problem of the central area delayed the imperial people for a long time before they had time to defeat the Allied Forces of the Austrian side. The problem of active metal must have left a deep impression on the people of the Imperial Workshop——

The key point is that the mechanical enemies in the central area are also determined by the direction of the topic. If the last active mechanical army that appeared last hadn't been for the imperials to finally use the means they obtained in the Nozpitz underground mining area.

——I'm afraid it's not that easy to reach Tower No. [-].

As for the progress on the Hill of Giant Trees, Fang Plover was a little surprised to be honest. That Forin had been indifferent in the previous games, but he didn't expect that he was not inferior to the Twin Stars of the Empire.

However, he chose such a topic in the tower, which was a surprise to the Colin-Ishurians.

Fang Plover looked away.

He doesn't need to worry about the magic engine, and the focus of his work is naturally on supervising the construction of the floating ship itself.

"This ship seems to be a bit different..."

Shui Wuming held a thick stack of design drawings and said from the side.She is acting as Fang Plover's deputy here, and Luo Wei is also on the side—because of Miss Tata's presence, she didn't actually spend too much effort, and she still had time to look over.

She doesn't know much about sailboats, but she can roughly recognize the core part of the giant ship, which is somewhat similar to some of the knowledge she is familiar with.

Luo Wei also asked, "That doesn't seem to be a Guy generator?"

There is indeed a difference between the giant ship in the distance and Fang Plover's impression, but it's not surprising that Luo Wei can recognize it, because the crystal device at the core part was originally born out of the technical route of the Fairy Envoy.

That was the design left by the great alchemist Luo Zhen—that is, the last legacy he left for this world—the Fairy Heart.

He chooses tower five.

Choose Miss Tata.

It is also for this moment.

"That's the heart of a goblin," Fang Yan had explained to them the existence of a goblin dragon soul before. Although the concept of a goblin-type dragon knight sounds shocking, it is after all one of the ultimate technical routes that craftsmen have pursued all their lives. one.

It is unimaginable in reality, almost no one has ever reached that area, and the secret of the Silver Tower is unknown, even judging from the appearance of Miss Tata that Artush saw in Aiyinbulok...

Maybe even the occultists themselves don't know that they have reached that ultimate goal.

What's more, even if the second technical route is realized, what matches the dragon soul must be a non-attribute holy crystal, and the sixth technical route has long been buried under the dust of history.

Even Fang Plover himself brought the star dagger carrying the soul of Miss Tata into the temple located in the underground of Vanna Forest by chance. There is only one link broken in these coincidences.

Fairy-type dragon knights are also unlikely to become a reality.

But since this place is in a high tower, both the existence of the fairy-type dragon soul and the heart of the fairy can be reasonably explained.

"You should be aware of the grievances and entanglements between the Fairy Workshop and the three major families in the southern border, especially Senior Sister Luo Wei, who was born as a Fairy Envoy, and you must have heard of Luo Zhen, a great alchemist," Fang Yan told the history that happened. Come on.

Luo Wei nodded, she naturally understood.

"This is Luo Zhen's legacy," Fang Yan replied, "This blueprint later fell into the hands of Sir Ma Wei, and finally passed into my hands."

He didn't mention more, after all, it was related to Sylvaide's personal privacy.What's more, most people in the regiment have heard the story after that, and know the origin of the lady ship officer on his ship, so naturally they don't ask too much.

Shui Wuming looked at him enviously, "You still have such an experience with that ship officer lady, it's really romantic. If someone is willing to do everything for me..."

She still couldn't help holding her face and fantasizing for a while.

Luo Wei looked at her calmly, "Wu Ming, do you have any ideals you want to achieve?"

Shui Wuming got stuck, coughed and said, "Sister Luo Wei...I just haven't thought it through yet..."

The two chatted one after another, diverting their attention.Naturally, no one thought that the fairy-type dragon knight could really be realized in the real world, and it might even be realized earlier than in this tower——

Fang Plover is also happy to see this. After all, the fairy-type dragon knight is the most important secret for him, not only related to Sylvaide, but also related to the safety of Sir Mawei and many people related to a series.

Before the situation of Colin-Ishurian is still undecided, before the mystery he left about Hein-Fam has not been answered, and before he understands the enemy facing the Silver Tower, he will never be able to easily open this secret.

But Luo Wei is much more sensitive than Shui Wuming after all.

She glanced at Fang Plover, and suddenly asked:

"Ed, if the elf-type dragon knight you mentioned exists, the No. [-] dragon soul must rely on some kind of medium to appear in reality, right?"

Fang Plover was startled, and nodded involuntarily.

After hearing this question, Shui Wuming also reacted: "Yes, in fact, the fairy-type dragon knight also exists in the ultimate conception of craftsmen. Because after all, we craftsmen can't become dragon knights, and people have thought of many ways for this. , among which the fairy-type dragon knight is already the one closest to reality."

She paused, "But the difficulty of the fairy dragon knight is actually the carrier crystal. Craftsmen can only accept the blessing of non-attribute crystals, but non-attribute crystals are too fragile to be used on vehicles."

She suddenly thought of something, and looked at Fang Plover, "By the way, Ed, haven't you mastered the design method of a type of crystal? In my opinion, this route will go to the end, and maybe you can design a non-attribute that is really suitable for the dragon soul." Where's the crystal?"

"The difference in strength between the core crystal for the magic furnace and the dragon soul crystal cannot be counted," Luo Wei replied, "There is still a long way to go, but this can indeed be a direction. "

She looked at Fang Plover and said, "That's why the meaning of a crystal is so great. To be honest, Ed, all the abilities you showed in this game, whether it was the later Valkyrie construction or the creation technique, The real meaning is not as important as a crystal. After you leave this place, many people will definitely come to your door, you have to be careful of your own safety."

Luo Wei frowned, and said something worried.

Fang Plover nodded, but he didn't think that the spirit creation technique was less meaningful than Yishi crystal.The Knight of Peace is indeed just a wonderful work for him and Weiyu.

But even that piece of work probably has more meaning behind it than people imagine.A lot of people think it's just a main build with a pseudo-Dragon design, but people seem to be ignoring another problem.

Who is the real driver of this main build?
What if it was originally a main build designed for a dragon soul?

Can it be regarded as a dragon knight in a sense?
But this topic is difficult for Fang Plover to discuss with anyone. After all, having two dragon souls is probably more shocking than the Type Zero crystal itself.

As for the zero-type crystal, it was beyond the expectations of Luo Wei and Shui Wuming. In fact, his one-type crystal was not designed from the bottom, but based on the reverse derivation of the zero-type crystal.The non-attribute dragon soul crystal is not the future, but a reality.

On the contrary, the complete version of Yishi Crystal is a future for him.

However, he didn't have any of these topics to talk about. He could only listen to the conversation between Shui Wuming and Luo Wei silently, and at the same time cast his eyes on the huge ship that was about to complete the laying of the keel and ribs——

That was not the Traveler of the Seven Seas he was familiar with.

"It's not that I don't want to complete the follow-up deduction of the Traveler of the Seven Seas here," Miss Tata's original words, "but I don't want to do it, can you understand what I mean, Mr. Knight?"

The goblin lady in the tower was more decisive and assertive than the one he was familiar with, but the feeling of the connection between the two was still familiar.

Miss Tata in the tower also cares about his opinion.

Fang Plover naturally understood the meaning of these words. Miss Tata in the tower didn't want to bring trouble to him——to him and Miss Tata. After all, the fairy dragon soul was special, so it was fine in the tower world.

If someone with a heart contacts him, there will be a storm.

"Then this ship is...?"

"This is the ship shape of the elves," Miss Tata replied, "the design of the elves does not mean that it is advanced, after all, the magic skills of mortals have been developed for 1000 years, but it is indeed more suitable for the hearts of elves. the design of."

"How does it compare to the Traveler of the Seven Seas?"

"Compared with our ship, it is naturally much stronger. In any case, this is a mature design," Tata replied, "but compared with the real full-body Seven Seas Traveler, it is far inferior."

"What's it called?"

"Star Flower," Tata replied, "it is the flagship of the silver ship. It once wounded the dragon king in the shadows and ended the doomsday war of Delater. The silver ship surrounded the giant. Under the shadow of the tree, I witnessed the farewell of the elves from this world—"

Fang Plover was confused, "Why does Miss Tata know this?"

"I know a lot," the goblin lady in the tower laughed, "after I get out, I...she will tell you these stories slowly, those stories with a long history, I remember many, many, if Mr. Knight What I like to hear."

Fang Plover looked at the huge ship half understanding.

"Mr. Knight, don't worry," Tata's calm gaze reflected the same thing. "This is a gift from me. I said I would give Mr. Knight a victory. This victory must be extremely glorious."

Fang Yuan nodded silently.

After the sea of ​​trees.

It is a tower and a sea of ​​clouds.

The two levels of Tower and Sea of ​​Clouds have always been fixed levels in the mainland league. There is no pressure to eliminate these two levels, but the advantages gained from the previous two levels will be concentrated here——

Whether it is a mechanical artifact or a fairy doll, it can be fed back into the gain of shipbuilding in the end.Among them, the mechanical artifact can be used as an important device or core component of the floating battleship.

And more fairy dolls often mean more efficient construction efficiency and more complex projects can be carried out.

But in the final analysis, in the end, it still depends on the abilities of the players——

Because of how to design and build a floating ship—from material selection, to hull design, keel, installation of ribs, cabin distribution, mast and sail selection, and even trivial details to specific rigging components, layout of magic circuits They are all highly specialized and complex projects.

A sailboat is a vehicle that must adapt to the environment of the sea of ​​clouds.

Every part of it must have the adaptability of the wind element. The wind element circulation is generated in the hull through the Guy generator, and the circuit arranged on the entire hull needs to flow this circulation through every part of the hull, so that form a balance.

In this way, the sailboat will not capsize when driving on the empty sea.

In ancient times, about 800 years ago, when the first generation of sailboats were designed, the wind element circulation was often arranged on the shell.The first generation of mortal ancestors in Altaria took this kind of boat to open up a new world——

But the ancient sailboats had many shortcomings, the most fatal of which was that they were too fragile.As long as the sailboats of that era were damaged—or any breaches occurred in the hull—the elemental balance of the entire ship would quickly become unbalanced, resulting in a wreck or an air crash.

Early sailors used the experience of those sailing ships on water to give this situation a proper name 'water ingress', because once the hull is damaged and water ingress occurs, the hull will lose its balance and capsize.

The brave navigators in the early years overcame such difficulties, set out from Cintaan, and set out from Colin-Ishurian, extending the footprint of human activities from the stormy sea to today's Giant Tree Hill area.

From San Juan opened the sea route to Rotao.

And during these great adventures, the technology of human shipbuilding has also undergone revolutionary changes.

The first is the perfection of the Guy generator.

The second is the improvement of wind element circulation. The circulation distributed outside the hull is gradually built into the hull, and the magic power circuit is gradually penetrated on the structure inside the hull.

From there the circulation flows between each of the one-chamber structures - balancing the sailboat on the center of gravity rather than the hull as it would otherwise be.In this way, even if the outer hull is damaged, the sailboat will not be completely unbalanced and capsized.

At the same time, the Gay generator also forms multiple systems, often with three or four recirculation circles, even if one of them fails, the remaining ones are enough to make the sailboat hover over the empty sea.

The influence of this design continues to this day, but it also leaves a negative impact-that is, the new circulation system often puts higher requirements on the materials used for shipbuilding, and requires the shell materials to have higher wind element suitability.

So that the internal circulation will not be dragged down by external materials.

The reason why Fang Plover was troubled by the high price of ship materials for so long when he was building the Seven Seas Traveler was that he finally solved the problem thanks to the help of Ms. Kuisu, her logging team and Princess Istonia. For this reason.

The same bad is.

Today's shipbuilding process has become more and more complicated. From a project that could be completed by three or five people in the past, it has become a complex and systematic project that costs a lot of money and countless manpower.

In short, the design of sailboats has become increasingly complex and expensive in the past seven centuries. Shipbuilding has changed from a work that could be completed by a few craftsmen together to a complete competition of national strength among major powers. .

It is precisely because of this that the construction project of the sailboat is called the jewel above the crown of contemporary magic arts together with the Dragon Knight project.

Such a complicated project seems complicated and even unfamiliar even to the geniuses who have come this far.

Basically, in addition to the main teams in the first four divisions, even top teams like the Kapuka Craftsman Association and the Guta people may not be able to complete the construction of the sailboat independently.

Not to mention the overseas team.

But for those people, there is at least a second-best option.

The tower provides the most basic ship types for the contestants, and in the tower there is an auxiliary fairy soul named 'Soul of the Tower', which can provide some guidance and assistance for those teams that are not so good at shipbuilding.

Therefore, even if the contestants do not have any relevant knowledge reserves of shipbuilding at all - as long as they have the basic quality of craftsmen, they can still build the most basic ship shape with the assistance.

But relatively speaking, whether it is the choice of ship type or the progress of the project, it will be far slower than other teams.

Therefore, the level of the tower does not involve elimination, but those who are familiar with the trial of the steeple actually understand that from this level on, the various delegations have been divided.

Not to mention that this level is also deeply affected by the results of the previous two levels. If a team does not get enough fairy dolls in the tree sea trial, then it may not even be possible to complete their own sailboat in this level. very difficult.

After all, the soul of the tower can only be used as an auxiliary, and the shipbuilding process itself still needs real 'workers'.

This is not the Sea of ​​Trees space, the effect of multiple parallels has been greatly weakened here, and it is impossible to rely on less than ten contestants to build a real sailboat on their own.That's why the commentators on the main stage value the Trial of the Sea of ​​Trees so much.

Not without reason.

In fact, in every competition in the past, some teams fell behind in this stage. There is no time limit for the tower stage, but those who complete the sailboat construction first can often enter the next stage first.

It's just that this year's competition is special.

Although the plans of the imperial people did not start, the alliance had a substantial impact. The empire workshop distributed most of the spoils obtained from the space of the sea of ​​trees to each team in the alliance.

This made it possible for the teams that would have fallen behind in the tower stage to catch up with the first-line teams by virtue of the benefits they gained from the Sea of ​​Trees Trial, in addition to the first few teams that left the stage.

There is no live broadcast of the tower session.

However, Geros can still make predictions based on the results of the previous session. After reading all the details of the previous game, he couldn't help raising his brows slightly, and he also noticed that this year's competition was unusual. .

But soon, those teams who completed the construction work first began to enter the fourth level of the competition.

There is no big challenge in this level. In fact, it is mainly a test of the seaworthiness of the sailboats built. The level is called Yunhai. In fact, it only needs the participating teams to drive their own sailboats through a simulated empty sea area.

They may face some unexpected conditions in this sea area, such as storms, submerged waves and turbulent air currents, and they may have to pass through the elemental layer, but all challenges are based on the sailboat itself.

without interference from other teams.

As long as the contestants are familiar enough with the sailboats they built, they will basically not be eliminated in this level.

However, there have been several mistakes in history. It is not that the sailboat of the team did not fall apart under the wind and waves in this level.But once the schedule is halfway through, the elimination system will take effect.If you make a mistake in the sea of ​​clouds here, you will lose the overall qualification for the competition.

From this level, the tower trial entered the cruel knockout stage.

However, the situation of this competition was much better than expected. The three teams that set off first all passed the sea of ​​clouds link smoothly, and there were hardly many twists and turns in the process.

And the identities of these three teams are not too beyond people's expectations. They are the Imperial Workshop, the Sanshak Artisan Association, and the Colin-Ishurian Artisan Master Group. The ancient tower artisan association set off later. , the Kapuka Artisan Association and the Mirro Temple Artisan Association.

But when Jellosh got the list of the teams that will start later, the Imperials had already entered the fifth link first.


This is also the most interesting part of the whole tower test. It requires contestants to use their own floating ships to cross the real land bridge and finally reach the end of the sea of ​​clouds.

The realm of heaven.

The door of the world is the legendary existence for any chosen person who goes to Altaria. How many people come to this dream world after listening to such a story?
The pioneers set foot on the land bridge, passed through the turbulent sea area, passed through many dangers and miracles of nature, and finally reached the door and opened it.

Go to the second world.

Although the checkpoints in the tower test are only simulated links, for many craftsmen, this may be the only time in their lives that they have the opportunity to witness what the real land bridge looks like?

While entering the fifth hurdle, the broadcast of the continental league was finally able to continue.

The moment the images of the Imperials and their giant ships appeared above the arena, the audience in the arena where the main stage was located couldn't help but let out a low cry:

"It's the Imperial Storm!"

Deep cheers erupted one after another on the field.

Because that was the pride of the imperial people.

Its reputation spread far and wide in the southern border of the empire. It was the flagship of the Second Fleet of the Empire, which had participated in the Battle of Doomsday and completely defeated the Lizardman Fleet in the Battle of the Ancients.

It is also one of the oldest legends of the Imperials, and one of several early designs of the most primitive constructed battleship, which has continued since the battle between the Lightleader and the Silver Helm.

Dragon Knight battleship.


 I got up late recently, so the update will be a bit late, but there should be no need to ask for leave for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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