Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1015, Act 346 The Confluence

Chapter 1015 Confluence of Act 346
Countless Wyverns were swooping down from the sky, attacking the Imperial Storm.

Hegrim raised his magic gun and fired two shots at the shadow creature passing by the mainmast, but none of them hit. He was so angry that he couldn't help cursing loudly: "These damned lizards!"

The Nightmare Furnaces were arrayed on the deck, forming a firepower net to intercept these winged monsters. The magic guns fired deafening roars and joined together, and from time to time there were biped wyverns falling down in the flames.

But to no avail, a large number of shadow creatures still passed through the fire net and came between the masts of the Imperial Storm, leaving a huge hole in the sail. "Think of a way," Helium complained loudly to the crystal craftsman behind him as he opened fire, "Can't we use something to drive these monsters away?"

"You think I don't want to?" Hei was also devastated, "I'm trying to activate the infrasonic generator again, but the creature repelling device was damaged in the previous battle, give me some time."

"I want to give you time," Helium said loudly, pointing in the air, "but I'm afraid those things won't let you."

"Shut up, you, don't disturb me."

Juno also watched the battle calmly from behind the battle line formed by the Nightmare Furnace construct.He stared at the hideous and terrifying 'giant pillar' rising from the sky, and there were countless tiny black spots flying down from that 'pillar', like black clouds covering the sky.

That scene can be called shocking, compared to the part that arrived first is just an appetizer, once the main force of the opponent is entangled, the consequences will be disastrous.Almost all the goblin dolls on the deck have been lifted into the air, commanding the flying Nightmare Furnace to go into battle first.

But the hundreds of nightmare furnace structures are nothing more than cannon fodder, and no one can count on how long they can withstand.An extremely fierce confrontation broke out in mid-air a few miles away, and the others could only see dots of fire flickering in the sky from a distance.

But for Trixis, who controls all the fairy puppets, she can see that the images presented in her field of vision are decreasing exponentially.Her face turned pale, but in order not to interfere with the boss's thinking, she forced herself to remain silent.

It's just that at this moment, both of her hands wearing the magic gloves trembled slightly.

"It won't last long," Geogiffin said, looking at this scene with no taboo, "That should still be the World Eater. I didn't expect that we would see this. You have to see the situation in the history books to know. How shocking, if not mistaken, the shadow creatures above should be endless."

Trixes turned her head and glared at the guy angrily.

It's about time, can you say something good?

But the Imperial Gemini didn't care at all, and continued: "Juno, if the information we provided is accurate, Kapuka's people are willing to help us repair the ship. Maybe we don't have to wait for the ship to be completely repaired before lifting anchor. Let the Imperial Storm hide in the clouds and plan later."

"But the wind element hasn't recovered its balance yet," Tracy was taken aback. "Sailing like this puts too much pressure on the ship's structure, and it might hurt the keel."

"Anyway, the boat is a one-time item," said Georgieffin. "We don't need to take it out, and it will hurt if it hurts."

Compared to the others, Juno still seemed very calm, "Let the Ainbrok Artisan Guild leave first, and tell them that we will follow. Let the boat enter the empty gorge of Duria, and hide in the turbulent zone there .”

"If we are lucky, we can enter the end of this journey from the other side of the empty gorge. As for the Kapuka people, seeing this scene, they should understand that what we said is true, and the criteria for judging the tower have changed."

Geogiffin nodded, "That's the way to go."

"Wait..." Tracy finally couldn't help but opened her mouth.luck?Is it possible for the empire to be eliminated at this level this year?
"Don't worry, Tracys," Georgieffin said with a big grin, "This is the Imperial Storm, the first Dragoon-type warship in history. The so-called luck is for ordinary people, but you have to trust Rofin That rascal."

The goblin made the girl blink her eyes.

Georgieffin smiled and said nothing. She looked at the boss at the side, and Juno said slowly: "Among us, the guy among the Colins is not the only one who has been a captain."


"The Imperials opened their shields, what are they going to do?"

"No way, the shield can stop those monsters!"

The barrage in the stray horse's live broadcast room was making a fuss, not just the barrage, and the stray horse couldn't help being surprised, and the coffee cup in his hand stopped in midair involuntarily.

After all, it is impossible for him to know every detail of the history of alchemy. In the final analysis, he only turned to this industry temporarily.

But he knows that if he doesn't understand, there must be someone who understands better than himself.The stray horse put down his coffee cup and silently cut the sound signal from the main stage.

The voice of Geros came directly, "The Imperial Storm opened its shield, which seems to have a miraculous effect. But it's not surprising, I think many people don't know much about the history of the magic skills of the mortals in Atalia... "

The magic technology of mortals was passed on at the end of an era, and the Numelin elves supported the mortal empire to fight against the green star, and several kingdoms of mortals were also established at the end of that era.

The magic shield technology was born even earlier than this. Their earliest purpose was not to be used in wars between mortals, but to fight against these creatures from the darkness.

It's just going back to its old job at the moment.

"However, after many years of development, the magic shield technology is different from the past," Gerald said, "Today, they are more inclined to prevent magic and ether beams, and the strength of the shield drops very quickly under physical attacks—"

"...I didn't expect them to record all this in the Millennium War..." The young partner muttered to himself, "But what is the meaning of the Silver Tower projecting this scene?"

"Do they really think that this year's competition is so intense?"

Geros shook his head without saying a word.

He didn't answer the question, the occultists—no, it should be said that whether it is the occultists, the silver-helmed secret guards, the Light Commander, the Oathkeeper, or even the elves are quite mysterious, they kept silent about the great war thousands of years ago.

So no one knows exactly what happened then.

This year's competition has obviously gone too far, but the Silver Tower has no intention of stopping it, and for the audience, this competition is undoubtedly several levels more exciting.

He didn't know whether he should stop it. On the one hand, the popularity of the mainland league was rising steadily, and the number of viewers had reached an unprecedented height in history.But if this development continues, if there is an own goal in the end of the game.

The final negative effect must be unprecedented.

But the main committee of the competition didn't say a word, so he could only continue to bite the bullet and continue explaining.

Soon the expected bad news came——

"The Hanruina Artisan Association has been eliminated."

Looking at the report backstage, the young partner quietly reminded, "This is the second branch."

The first one was the unlucky Kapuka Artisan Association, but fortunately, the imperial people rescued the Kapuka people out of some mentality.The Kapuka Artisans Guild lost two-thirds of its competitors.

But there are still three players left on the field.

Geros first pressed the message and said, "Now the result is clear, and the judging criteria for the tower have changed. The originally expected arrival at the Gate of the Sea is not the end of the fifth level, but the end of the fifth level." Six levels."

"...and crossing the forbidden sea area is the fifth challenge set by the tower."

"The players seem to be keenly aware of this and united with each other. This is undoubtedly very different from the situation in every continental league game in the past. As for the result, we will wait and see—"

"At present, the most leading should be the Sanshak Artisan Association in the Hill of Giant Trees."

To be precise, it is the allied forces of the White Tree Society, the Sanshak Craftsman Association, the Ancient Towers, the Pillars of Stars, the Taxin Singers and the Shocking Blade. The six floating ships are now aligned in a row, forming an offensive front. .

Breaking through the blockade of the World Destroyer.

The Hana no Tsuki and the Giant of the Pillar of Stars Artisan Association in the periphery fired continuously, using artillery fire to form a barrage to prevent the shadow creatures covering the sky from getting closer.But several shadow flying dragons still broke through the line of defense and came over the fleet.

It's just that at this time, a green glow shoots out from the Son of the Storm of the Sanshak Craftsman Association, passing between the shadow creatures like a sharp blade, splitting one of them in two.

Whenever the green light flashed, the shadow creatures spread out in all directions as if they were instinctively afraid, allowing the six airships to move forward.

Forin is silently guarding the running device, which is the center of the entire airship, and the core of the power supply is the heart of the giant tree that is shining with green light.

It is fixed in the center by two metal ring rails, and the ring rails themselves are placed in a huge magic furnace.

There are several craftsmen from the White Tree Society behind him, and even an alchemist from the Temple of the Secret Tree. Forin turned his head and glanced at these people one by one, "As everyone wishes, Guanghai will be restored." Now."

Several people looked at each other upon hearing the words, opened their mouths and did not answer.

Forin also seemed unwilling to dwell on this topic. He knew in his heart that the recovery of the World Tree was not important to some people, but the recovery of the Sea of ​​Flowing Aether was closely related to everyone's interests.

But he can't blame others, after all, the purpose of his coming here is also to go to the second world.

He remained silent and didn't speak. Being in the tower was only a possibility, and he couldn't be sure whether the occultists would stop them, but these people were willing to take risks even for a possibility.

The young alchemist couldn't be sure what the future of the giant tree would hold.

He just thought of the situation when he came, and everyone pinned all their hopes on them.

Forin sighed, and said, "Inform the Guta people and let them hold on for a while. It takes time to prepare to enter the World Tree passage. In any case, the game must continue."

The others breathed a sigh of relief, and someone immediately replied: "The Guta people have already answered before, and they can hold on for a while, but we don't have much time left."

Forin doesn't speak back.

He only raised his head and put his hand into the glowing green light.


Geros silently watched the green light envelope the United Fleet on the Hill of Giant Trees. The next moment, the six floating ships disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

The shadow creature that suddenly lost its target hovered in mid-air, like a black cloud, and the World Destroyer in the distance let out a frightened howl, and the distant howl even passed through the screen was enough to shock the mind.

That is the transmission technology that the Hill of Giant Trees is proud of. Through the crystal tower, material information is transformed into ether veins. They have performed such a good show in the sea of ​​trees.

But people have never heard of it, and crystal projection can teleport the ship and its crew.

Geros had a vague guess that the projection essence of the crystal tower of the Hill of Giant Trees still comes from the inheritance of the elves. It has a predecessor. In the past, the Numelin elves used this technology to travel to and from the battlefield.

Therefore, the army of elves and knights of light often appear and disappear, competing with the army of the destroyer.

That skill is called World Tree Passage, and it uses the power of the holy white tree Telaka.But of course the Sanshak Craftsman Association did not have such a technical level, and he immediately thought of the mechanical artifact they got from the main tower.

If he is not mistaken.

It should be the World Tree Heart.

However, these speculations are too complicated, and it often takes a long speech to explain them. As a professional commentator, he is very clear about what he should say and what should be omitted.

Since the audience has already subconsciously thought that it was the crystal tower's projection technology, then it's okay.After all, these two technologies are actually of the same origin in essence.

However, after the competition is over, you can use your official identity to post a blog post to popularize science, so that both professionalism and fun can be taken into account.

After thinking about this matter clearly, he turned his attention to other pictures.

What about the Corinthians?

Why is there no news from the Colin people?

At this time, the news of the elimination of Hanrui's delegation had already spread, causing a lot of discussion in the live broadcast rooms, but for those who are familiar with this competition, this news is not a surprise.

In the final stage of the Spire Trial, a total of more than eight teams need to be eliminated, and this is just the beginning.

And at this time, Geros finally found the location of the Colin people in many surveillance images. Since the signal was lost last time, the Colin people appeared again, and the Mountain of the World has disappeared.

But the people of the Empire, like the people of the Hill of Giant Trees, also encountered the Destroyer.

Or rather, the World Destroyers are lurking under the entire sea area, and the tentacles they see come from the same huge activated continent.

Those tentacles are rising continuously, obviously the giant is slowly floating on the surface of the sea, and in about a few hours, people will be able to see its true face.However, this news is not good news for any of the participating teams.

But in comparison, Colin's response seems to be very easy.

"I rely on!"

In the Wandering Horse's live broadcast room, as soon as they saw the main stage cut to the main group of the Kaolin people, they couldn't help but swear.

Rows of pitch-black constructs are forming on the Star Flower. Those tall and slender construct creatures are holding magic guns, wearing a peaked helmet, and dark red light is shining in their pupils.

It doesn't look like a flexible structure, but more like a line infantry in the army.

They raised their spears in rows and fired at the dark creatures flying in mid-air. Compared with the volleys that the imperials used the nightmare furnace to form a fire net and fired in turn, they seemed to be chaotic.

But if you distinguish carefully, you can't help but let people gasp.Those constructs actually aimed and fired separately, and their targets hardly overlapped. Every time they fired, a large number of bipedal dragons fell from midair.

"This attack power...?"

"They fire separately, and the goblin dolls control each construct individually. What is the level of the goblins of the Colin people? How did they do it?"

At this point there is not even a need to distinguish.

Just looking at each round of firing of the Dragon Hunters, the effect is completely different from that of the Imperials before, even catching up with the effects caused by the magic cannon barrage of the Flower and Moon and the Giant.

Leaving aside the accuracy, the long-range attack power of the Dragon Hunter alone is enough to make people speechless.Compared with those top structures, there is naturally a distance, but first of all, it must be considered that this is just a rookie game.

Most of the constructs here do not exceed the third level.


"What type of variant is that?"

But no one could recognize the origin of the dragon hunters, not to mention that the silver giant ship itself was not unprepared, every gun door on the side had been opened, and the black muzzle was ready to fire at any time.

It's just that the Collins didn't let them roar, in fact, they didn't need it much.Because at the same time, a large number of Lancers took off from the deck and joined the air battle in a battle formation.

The computing power of the Colin people seems to be endless.

Everyone was guessing the strength of the student who constructed the queen on the ship, Luo Wei.But few people know that the latter is actually not doing much at the moment, just helping other people measure the distance on the artillery deck.

Fairy Heart has completely taken over control of all constructs on board.

It is far from even reaching the upper limit of what she can control.

Luo Wei looked at the data on the ruler and counted for a while, but couldn't help but look in the direction of the core cabin of the Star Flower. She turned her head and exchanged glances with the others, and they all saw some shock in each other's eyes. color.

Is that the Dragon Soul from Tower No. [-]?

But what they were curious about was—

Why would Ed be certain that the Dragon Soul in Tower No. [-] must be the most suitable for them?
It's a pity that the answer can't be revealed after all, only Xiaoyao couldn't help but lower his voice and said, "This is too exaggerated, it feels like cheating. It's a pity that Miss Dragon Soul can't be taken out..."

"What are you daydreaming about?"

Shui Wuming glared at this guy.

She looked out the porthole, and there happened to be a silver light flashing in the empty sea in that direction.

"It's that dragon knight!" The wandering horse dropped his jaw in shock in the live broadcast room, and they naturally recognized the pure white knight, but how did the Colin manage to control so many constructs at the same time.

Bring another Dragon Knight?
But the Pure White Knight is destined not to give them an answer, it is only here to find the real giant dragons hidden among the dark creatures - although those are still not the dark dragons, at best they are the hybrid descendants of the latter.

But once they get close to the Star Flower, it is easy to cause a lot of losses to the dragon hunters on the deck.

The pure white knight quickly found the target, Fang Plover also caught the fleeting shadow in his field of vision at the same time, he raised the magic glove in that direction and was about to make a move, but at this moment——

Miss Tata stopped him.

"Mr. Knight, the space fluctuates abnormally."

The tacit understanding between the two made Fang Yan stop suddenly.

Right in front of the white knight, just like that, a huge green vortex appeared out of nowhere between the clouds.Immediately afterwards, a giant ship crashed straight out of the clouds, unbiased, and hit the dragon beast.

Before the latter could utter a howl, it plummeted directly under the clouds.

The fleet of the Hill of Giant Trees arrives.


(End of this chapter)

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