Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1022 Act 353 Fame

Chapter 1022 Chapter 353 Fame
Alix put away the newspaper in his hand, folded it carefully, and put it back on the stand.

He raised his head and nodded gently into the newsstand, picked up a silver imperial eagle coin with his fingers, and pressed it on the newspaper.

"Don't look for it."

The owner of the newsstand saw more people who read newspapers and periodicals for free, but less people who paid for them, not to mention that he couldn't find the value of the eagle's head silver coin at all.He watched the weird man open his mouth, only to find that the man had disappeared into the vast crowd.

And at the same time that the long-established mage put back the newspaper.

Thousands of miles away, in Ravenstoke in the north of the empire, a few pairs of boots are stepping into the hall of the only adventurer's guild in the town-this ancient guild has been established long before the arrival of the Chosen Ones. spread across several major continents.

Whether it is Kaolin-Ishurian or Rotao, Xintaan, or even the giant tree hills with clumps of branches, they were not so prosperous in the past, but in recent years, under the promotion of the ubiquitous callers, became more and more prosperous.

In the hall, the owner of one pair of boots was yelling loudly. The short guy had the loudest voice, causing others to frown. They almost thought that a hundred or so dwarves had rushed in to enter the Adventurer's Guild.

But in fact the speaker was a Paparal, neatly dressed and wearing a hood, and if it hadn't been for the huge crossbow he was carrying on his back, one would almost have thought it was a traveling Sancik gentleman.

But the real Paparars are shy and suave, and they have made a name for the pleasant hills of Roschel when they travel outside with sticks in their hands.

What about this one?It was a croaking raven, making people disturbed by the noise, more like a mechanism for telling the hour on a wall clock, and even the heights were not much different.In fact, at this time Luo Hao was thinking about how to hang this person on the wall, to see if he could stop the latter's chattering mouth.

"Look at this," Parker straightened his hand as far as possible, although it was not too long, just reaching the latter's shy belly - Luo Hao looked down at this scene with his head frowned.Even though the Pappalar had a brand-new device on his hand, the hammered surface was covered with marks, it didn't look like a magic device, but a work of art.

But in fact, this is popular among some craftsmen, especially the madmen of Fire Hammer.That device looks a bit like Fang Plover's Rocket Fist, but it has a harpoon launcher on it. "This is a new thing popular in the Musketeers Association. Do you know how exaggerated it is? This thing was actually invented by that guy."

"The leader's rocket flying fist?"

"Almost," Parker yelled, "but it wasn't his first creation. He also stole the brotherhood's idea. Nightingales have been using claws for a long time, and that guy has also learned the skills of thieves."

"But the one used by the thieves is just an ancient tool. It is bulky and inconvenient. It can only be done manually. It may not be so easy for you to fly over the wall."

"Shut up, box."

"I didn't speak." The box replied flatly, "It's my magic sword that is talking."

He deliberately said the second half of the sentence in a gloomy manner.

A layer of goosebumps appeared on the back of the Paparael, "What, but I obviously heard your voice."

"Nonsense, because you cannot hear my magic sword," replied the box, "I paraphrased it."

"Reported very well," commented the Pappalar, "don't repeat it in the future."

The magic sword Gwendes chattered endlessly in his arms, and the voice came from under the scabbard, "You don't have to repeat what I said, there is nothing to talk about between me and those ordinary people."

"Especially that short wax gourd." It emphasized the evaluation.

"It says you are a short melon."


Parker jumped angrily, "I just changed the formula of a new type of explosive crystal dust from the Musketeers Association, would you like to try my new type of grenade for your damn sword!?"

The Paparallian angrily adjusted the belt behind his buttocks, and shouted angrily.

Luo Hao felt that it was an absolutely wrong choice for him to apply to take care of these two people. He rubbed his swollen forehead with his chubby hands, and sighed, "Stop arguing, look over there."

On the counter of the Adventurer's Guild, a report about the Continental League is coming from the crystal projector.

Beside the standing crystal, that lovely girl was looking at the three of them with disgust.

It can be seen that that is also a caller.

Selectors sometimes work in the Adventurer's Guild. For newcomers, reception is the easiest job.Moreover, the aborigines are often not used to the unexpected way of conversation of the callers, but the callers themselves are very adaptable.

But there are limits to adaptation.

"Yo," Parker whistled, his tone couldn't be more sour, "that guy is famous again."

The box had an expected look and did not intend to comment on it.

In his opinion, his regiment leader should be omnipotent. Although the level of combat is still open to question, isn't it a matter of course to defeat those alchemists who can't even fight?
Luo Hao listened carefully to the news in the crystal.They went all the way to Avochik (the capital of the empire), just to find the legendary foundry who can seal the magic sword. They have collected some useful information along the way, and they planned to report it to the Seven Seas Traveler, but they did not expect that the mainland The results of the league came out first.

He could imagine the situation in the community at this moment.After all, it is the best achievement in history, not to mention the current decline, even in the golden age ten years ago, it is worth a book.

But this fat man is no longer the outsider mentality of being a super sports league audience. If it was in the past, he might point out the news in the community, but now he has lost that interest.

He was about to talk about the Seven Seas Brigade, and at the same time told the two people to be quieter. The Seven Seas Brigade is no longer what it used to be. more and more.

They should be more cautious.

But before he could speak, a strange voice suddenly sounded behind the three of them, "Gentlemen from the famous Seven Seas Brigade, hereby greet everyone good afternoon."

"Oh, no."

"It's good morning!"

Luo Hao and Parker were taken aback at the same time, and turned around in that direction.The box raised its eyebrows vigilantly, holding the scabbard of the demon sword Gwendes, and put the other hand on the hilt, ready to strike at any time.

"Wait, wait," the 'person'—or hardly a person—appeared behind them, a rusted doll in a decent black suit and a A tall top hat is waving to them.

There is also a gray owl standing on the puppet's shoulder.Oh, a long-eared owl was glaring at each of them with fierce eyes.

"Guys, I don't have good intentions—"

"No, there is no malice."

"What did I see?" The Paparars widened their eyes in surprise, "Constructs can talk?"

"No, it's not, this is just my servant, please look here."

The three of them were slightly startled, only to realize that it was not a puppet who spoke.It was the gray bird perched on the puppet's shoulder, the owl, the long-eared owl, spreading its wings and trying to get their attention: "Introduce yourself—"

"So an owl can talk?" Parker interrupted in surprise, "It even has a construct servant, and wants to introduce itself to us?"

"It's not surprising that an owl can talk," Luo Hao said, "You once met one in Al Paxin, have you forgotten?"

"Oh," Parker looked stunned, "I remember, but how do you know?"

"You told me."

Luo Hao looked at this guy as if he cared for the mentally handicapped.

"No," the owl looked at them ferociously, although it was probably not out of its own will, but its natural expression, "it's not some owls, but long-eared owls, we are an intelligent race. Since you are here I have encountered a long-eared owl like me in other places, it may be my kind living there."

"That's good," Zi Zi held his magic sword and kept a vigilant distance from the other party, "So you'd better explain why you eavesdropped on us, and how did you know that we are members of the Seven Seas Brigade?"

His tone became cold, "I see, are you a member of the Guild of Death?"

"Uh, uh," Luo Hao pushed this guy behind him, and said that they are all gone, "Okay, Mr. Long-eared Owl, what's the matter with you? As you can see, you'd better report your intentions , otherwise my companion may have some stress."

"Don't be nervous, everyone," the owl said in a strange tone, "I have no malicious intentions, my humble Julius is a professional investor of Transformation Foundation."

"That's great," Luo Hao thought about this Laoshizi Foundation, but he hadn't heard of such a name after thinking about it for a long time.

He thought about it, and subconsciously refused, "Mr. Ulis, we are not interested in investment products, or other products, or leaflets. We have rejected seventeen or eight people along the way."

"I'm different from them," replied Ulis the owl, "I'm interested in your team. I heard that none of you have invested yet. Is the Seven Seas Brigade willing to cooperate with the Transformation Foundation?"

Luo Hao thought that even if they wanted to cooperate with someone, it would not be with a foundation of unknown origin.

What's more, that's not something he can decide. He interrupted directly: "If you want to talk about cooperation, it's best to go to our head. As you can see, he is in Abenand, or you can Wait for him at Ayn Brock—"

The owl moved its claws on the shoulder of its mechanical servant, and its eyeballs rolled, "But I heard that you are looking for a master blacksmith."

"It's a legendary foundry." The box said.

"It's almost the same," the owl waved its wings. "Perhaps I have news about Master Smith. Are you interested?"

Luo Hao was slightly taken aback, but stopped involuntarily.He looked back at the Paparael. Among the three, the box was not normal when it came to his magic sword. Although the Paparael was a little unreliable, he was at least a normal person.

"I see. Are you going to sell us a message?"

Sure enough, when it came to discussing business, the natural greedy nature of the Pappalals immediately took over, and he found a reason without even thinking about it: "But we don't know if your news is valuable or not?"

He boasted to himself: "You also know now that in front of you are three members of the famous Seven Seas Brigade."

In order to emphasize his own words, the short man even climbed onto a chair beside him, trying to sit on an equal footing with the owl.

It's just that the eyes of the cute girl not far away became sharper, the rag in her hand was tightly clenched, and her eyes were like two sharp swords, trying to poke two transparent holes out of the Paparael on the chair Come.

Parker was not aware of this at all, and continued: "You can trust the reputation of the Seven Seas Brigade, but how can we trust you?"

Luo Hao sighed, but these words were not exaggerated.

The owl actually took out a single eye from its feathers and put it on its beak. It looked at them and said, "You may be mistaken. Youlis is not an information broker, but a professional investor. I want to invite Everyone, go to a secret technology conference."

"Secret... technology, press conference?"

Luo Hao had a little difficulty connecting this news with what they were looking for, "What is that?"

"A meeting of the Fire Hammers," replied Ulis the owl, "you know that those dwarves have a technology club in the empire, they will announce some new technologies at the salon, and there will be a small auction there. There's a star anchor for sale."

star anchor.

Luo Hao immediately caught that key information.

The star anchor itself is a magical product, but its core requires the participation of the foundry, and behind those high-precision star anchors, there are often skilled forgers, and some of them may not be at the level they are looking for.

"How?" Ulis asked, "The foundation is very interested in those excellent teams, and I don't mind showing kindness to you all. If you are interested, I can take you to this private gathering."

At this moment, a line of text was displayed on Luo Hao's system, and the speaker was displayed as a Paparael:
'Hey, did you hear--'

'A star anchor. '

Luo Hao looked at the box beside him calmly, and typed:

'You really trust this guy? '

'I always feel that this matter is a bit weird. The leader's α to β series crystals are famous, and there are quite a few people staring at us now. '

The head of the Pappalar flickered: "I don't think it's anything, I'm familiar with the Fire Hammers." '

Luo Hao hesitated for a moment, he was indeed a little wary, but he had no reason to refuse.They did come for the sword, and they must find a master forge too.

The communication between the two was only completed in an instant. He raised his head to look at the other party, and then moved his eyes to the cabinet of the Adventurer's Guild—the girl was gnashing her teeth and staring at the Paparael.

Luo Hao then said: "It's not impossible, but let's say it first, we are not interested in participating in any auction, we just want to see the star anchor."

He paused, "But we also have business to do here, Mr. Ulis, if you can wait a moment, let us go to the counter to handle some personal affairs?"

"Of course," the owl waved its wings, "there is still time, I can wait for you for a quarter of an hour."

Luo Hao nodded to the other party, turned around and walked back.

The Paparars chased up from behind, but the box asked, "Do we have anything to do?"

Fortunately, these two guys were quite reliable at critical moments, knowing how to lower their voices, Luo Hao gave each other an angry look, "Stop talking nonsense, follow up."


Soft light filtered through the curtains.

Fang Plover's eyelids moved slightly, and then opened, revealing a pair of dark eyes underneath, a little confused, quiet, and the strange pupils expanded like flames.

The golden flame inside is fleeting.

I remember when I was very young, Tang Xin said more than once that his eyes were different from those of others. At that time, he didn't dare to let others observe his eyes carefully.

As if he is some kind of alien.

But when he grew up a little later, it became his unique characteristic, although he also gradually realized that everyone has a different self.

Whether it is physical or psychological.

However, my uncle and aunt have said more than once that they think those eyes are very special, very similar to his parents.

What are your parents like?

In the light that gradually became clear from hazy, the first thing Fang Ploy saw clearly was Miss Tata's quiet expression, watching him tenderly.

She remained motionless, blinking occasionally, wearing a silver skirt, put her hands on her knees, and said softly, "You're awake, Mr. Knight."

"here is?"

Fang Plover knew that he had slept for a while, and had exhausted too much energy in the high tower space, "Has the result of the competition come out?"

Not far away came the subtle sound of a vessel colliding.

Miss Ship Officer was putting the teacup on the tray, and there was a pocket tea set of Miss Tata in it. She was standing pretty by the window sill, blocking the light. When she turned her head, her thin eyebrows were slightly raised. There was a look of surprise.

"Ed, are you awake?"

Only then did Fang Yan realize that he had returned to the Seven Seas Traveler.The reason why he feels strange is because this is the room of Miss Ship Officer.

He was about to get up, but Sylvaide had already walked over and held him gently with her hand, "The result of the game is over, don't worry, my lord captain."

She smiled and said: "You and your team members have entered the next round. The Guta people also have three places, and the Kapuka Craftsman Association has one place. The Koolin people are the big winners this time, and all this depends on Thanks to the efforts of you and your fellows—"

She looked at him a little tenderly.

This competition is actually just for the key to the door.

And half of all that was to fulfill her dream.

Fang Plover quietly lay back on the soft pillow, gently sniffing the fragrant breath lingering between the ears and nose, which is the smell of cypress, lily and sea salt.

The breath that belongs exclusively to Miss Ship Officer.

His naturally calmed down.

"Silver Tower didn't release too many details about the game, they let you rest."

"Miss Tata has never shown her face outside, and the occultists are keeping the secret for you."

While Sylviede was narrating in detail, she placed Miss Tata's tea set in front of her one by one, and poured tea for Miss Dragon Soul carefully.

Her hand is very steady, not a little spilled outside.

The girl gently fiddled with the hair on her forehead, "Miss Tata has been taking care of you these days."

"Miss Sylviede is too." Miss Goblin said calmly.

Fang Plover raised his head, and heard a trace of strangeness in Miss Tata's words. He had felt that tone in the tower before: "Miss Tata?"


Miss Goblin replied lightly.

She looked up at him.

There seemed to be two overlapping shadows, which merged into one deep in her emerald green eyes, and turned into a soft voice:

"Thank you, Mr. Knight."


(End of this chapter)

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