Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1025 Scene 356 Convergence Minor Changes

Chapter 1025 Minor changes in the convergence of Act 356

Brita has gone from the ups and downs of the competition, to the culture and scenery of Shuhai, to a lot of gossip, and finally summed it up with this sentence. "All in all, that's how it ended," she added. "At least for the time being."

Because there are still two rounds left in that competition.

Laila said nothing.She seemed to spend a lot of effort thinking about that game, and she was very envious in her heart. Some people are like the protagonists in life, always shining.Such a person used to be far away from her, but now he is by her side.The bright light in the classroom fluctuated, and the air seemed to be floating with glittering dust, and it was quiet for a while.Many things have changed since that rainy night. The uncertain and disturbing future in the past has gradually made her firm.

At least not so soft and timid anymore.

"Laila, the Imperial Magister Academy competition is about to begin." Brita asked tentatively, "Just like every previous session, this time the seven major families will also participate. Are you sure you don't want to join us? This time we The Holfen School can be said to be the best of the best, as long as you can get a good ranking, it will prove that you are right—”

There was some hesitation in Laila's eyes, but she shook her head slightly. "You know, Britta, Mr. Royce has strictly ordered me not to join yours."

"That old antique." Brita hated the antiquated systems in the college, especially Sir Royce, Lyra's mentor.She sometimes fantasized that she would be a brave knight, wielding a sword to cut off all stereotypes and bad habits, and the original intention of this small society was actually to implement such a spirit.But the academy was too huge, and it looked like a colossus in front of young students like them, which made her feel deeply powerless.

But Laila said softly: "Mr. Royce is not that kind of person. He treats me... well. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to get in here. He is actually protecting us. Most of the instructors in the academy don't like Holfen. School, they think I'm... like him... a liar..."

Brita held up her hand, and a soft light rose from it.She looked at the light, and the light was reflected in the eyes of the two people, "I have verified it personally. The introduction to magic guide says that as long as the ether can be constructed, it is real. This is what they said, but even they themselves don't want to Open your eyes and see. The imperial people are sometimes so hypocritical. They just simply hate the things created in their hearts. The magic technique conceived by Sir Lynn is real, but we still can't see where it is going. That's it, but all because it's been sitting on the shelf for too long, waiting for people to develop. They taught us that the operation of the ether is subjective, so we need to look at different theories objectively, and they couldn't do it themselves .”

Laila listened silently to her friend's complaints.

She used to be very uneasy about leading the other party on this road, but Brita has an inquisitive curiosity about her father, and she is full of spirit of exploration in all unknown areas like a real wizard.This once reminded her of the shadow in her memory, that wise old man was always so enthusiastic when talking about all topics related to magic.

He taught her all about the ether under a dim oil lamp and led her on this path.It's just that the old man kept silent on all topics related to the transformation of magic arts.She once asked what the new technology was, but he just stroked her head lightly, telling her that every path of magic has its meaning, and that future generations don't need to bear the burden of predecessors to live.He just wanted to watch her grow up and become a qualified mage.

That's why she came to this strange city with that letter of recommendation. Everyone in the community here, Britta, Sir Royce, and Mr. Pusher, the owner of the gear and the magic guide book, are all whom she favored. The kind people she met gave her a lot of kindness.

And the group of strange guests, who changed her the most.She has changed her mentality now, and no longer regards those contemptuous gazes as swords to hurt herself and the people around her.People's attitude towards magic should be to explore Guanghai's ultimate truth, and to demonstrate a technology is a long-term work, and one should not rush for a while, at least it is not something they can do now.

Before that, they should grow up well and become a true mage.

Britta babbled on for a while, and then sighed disenchantedly.It's not that she doesn't understand the status quo, many eyes are fixed on her close friend, just because she is Ash Lynn's daughter, every move of the other party will attract criticism.The society they formed had already attracted a lot of gossip, but she kept insisting that it had nothing to do with Laila, so it didn't make the disturbance too big.

After all, the atmosphere in the college was not so strict that they would be punished for talking about a non-existent school, but if Leila also joined in, it would not be necessarily the case.Those people will definitely say something, Ash Lynn's daughter is plotting to restore the school again, ruining the atmosphere of the college, let's see what happens to Holfen College!The reason why Laila didn't choose to do that was because she didn't involve more people.

"We must participate in the competition," but Brita said firmly, "Laila, this is not for Sir Lynn's name, although there are more or less personal grievances for you. But it is more about me My own insistence, I think is the right conclusion, if a mage doesn't even have the courage to prove his conclusion, then we might as well do something else as soon as possible."

Lila listened to her friend's statement, and saw that she began to criticize the empire's mage community, especially Sir Royce's stubbornness and old-fashionedness, so her face turned pale.

Britta noticed something from the change in the other party's expression, and turned around when the expression changed, only to find Sir Royce standing at the door of the classroom with a straight face.

Brita was taken aback, and quickly said: "Sir, sir, this is not backbiting. Everything I said is well-founded. You always tell us to face up to our problems, but we have to face up to our own problems, right? ’” she tried to argue.

"Then don't I have to thank you for pointing out my problem." Sir Royce gave her a cold look.He looked at Laila, "Laila, come with me."

Britta quickly gave the latter a look of helplessness.She actually breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Fortunately, that old man didn't cause trouble for her.

Laila shook her head helplessly. She looked towards Jazz, feeling a little worried, but what she was worried about was that her friend's words would cause misunderstanding.The knight's face was clouded, but fortunately he didn't teach them anything.

She followed silently with her head down, and the two walked out of the classroom through a long corridor.At the end of the corridor, Lyra was familiar with Jazz's office.After entering the office, Royce closed the door behind his back.

Laila thought that a storm was coming, but Jazz was silent for a while, and his tone slowed down a lot:

"Laila, I told you you couldn't play in the house competition."

"Yes," Lyra whispered, looking down at her toes, "I understand, Sir."

"Look up at me."

Lila raised her head somewhat unexpectedly, and saw Royce's gray eyes, but the other person's eyes were soft, "Lila, Ash and I used to be best friends, that's why I approved you to enter the academy."

"I know, sir," Lyra said quickly.

"I heard the conversation between you and Brita." Royce slowed down, "Thank you for your understanding, Lila, and Ash will be pleased to see you now. I didn't let you You are involved in all this because what happened 20 years ago is so far-reaching, and many eyes are still on the Holfen School, on the problems left by Ash. But these problems should not be carried by students like you, but Prejudice in people's hearts is often difficult to eradicate."

Lyra didn't expect Sir Royce to say such a thing, and looked up at him in surprise, "Sir?"

"It doesn't make sense for me to say these things," Royce replied, looking at the display on the table not far away, "but what the little girl said is right, a mage should dare to assert her opinions. She is an excellent student , will definitely become an outstanding mage in the future. As for you, Laila, you also have your own way to go."

"Sir, have you changed your mind?" Lyra asked uncertainly.

"I have no intention of directing your decisions," Royce said, "You should examine your own choices. I give you too much protection and it is not conducive to you becoming independent people. By the way, I noticed that your magic wand is actually not Appropriate, remember that the magic wand is the most suitable tool and weapon for us, a good magic wand will be more conducive to your understanding and manipulation of ether, especially choose carefully."

Laila opened her mouth, she knew it in her heart.But financial constraints prevented the girl from choosing her own tools and weapons so independently, she bowed her head a little ashamed.

Sir Royce glanced at her. "I also have a new magic wand here, which is more suitable for astrologers. You can take it."

Lyra's eyes widened. "Sir, but..."

"Okay," Jazz's tone became cold and unreasonable again, "You are my student, I just hope to see my students go further and not lose my face."

These words blocked the girl's words.

He asked her more about her recent work, and Laila responded.In the end, Sir Royce said that he still had work to do, and let her leave alone.

Seeing Lila close the door, the expression on Royce's face changed a little. He stared at the oak door for a long time without saying a word for a long time.

When Laila went out, she was still a little uncertain.Because everything changed so quickly, the Jazz seemed to want her to participate in the college competition.

She should have been happy, but she was a little confused for a while, should she join Brita and the others to revive that path?But that road is undoubtedly very long, and it cannot be achieved overnight. She does not possess Brita's firmness, and only has a kind of soft tenacity in her heart.

Choose a direction and go forward.

Maybe someone could tell her the answer, and a figure flashed in her mind.


"College competition?"

Jita was looking up from the thick books, and the scholar lady looked a little petite amidst the mountains of books.She raised her head, and the round mirror frame was sliding down the bridge of her nose. She quickly supported it with her hand and asked in surprise, "Is it the one I imagined?"

Luo Yu, who was also holding a book and leaning on the bookshelf, asked at this moment: "If I remember correctly, that competition was not ordinary for you, Miss Leila. The battle between you and Sir Ash Lynn There must be a lot of eyes on you now, are you really thinking about participating, and how do you plan to deal with the malice behind it?"

His words were very calm, and he didn't seem to have considered whether such words would hurt the girl in front of him.Jita seemed a little worried, and quickly added, "We're just worried about you, Laila."

"I understand." Laila lowered her head and replied hastily: "The competition in the past was indeed of extraordinary significance to Holfen Academy. It also changed many things, including my father's fate. But now, It's just an academy game for me..." She mustered up her courage, "I, I don't want to stand still forever..."

"So you joined Brita and the others not to prove anything in the past, but to prove that you have the courage to move on," Luo Yu asked, "Indeed, a person's life is very long, and it is impossible to stay in the On one point. Now that you have your own reasons, why don't you try it, Miss Lyra?"

"Because I'm still worried, as you said, Mr. Luo Yu...I'm Ash Lynn's daughter, and I can never change my parentage," Laila gripped the new magic wand tightly with her knuckles Pale, as if holding something unreal.She seemed to have made up her mind and said, "I can not be afraid of the vicious swords embodied by the words behind them, spitting out letters like poisonous snakes, making a slight noise, but I am always worried that other people will be involved, I don't know that. Right or wrong..."

"No one knows whether one's decision is right or wrong, and the way to define right or wrong is not always the same." Luo Yu closed the book. Although he was dull, his words were still sharp. If you take responsibility, then at least he has grown a lot. In fact, everyone can’t give you many answers to this question, because we are the same, and everyone in the Seven Seas Brigade is just walking on their own path.”

He put the book down, looked at Laila and replied, "But once you make a decision, Miss Laila, at least we will still support you, and the rest of the Seven Seas Brigade should be the same."

Miss Scholar nodded repeatedly, "Yes, Miss Laila."

Laila closed her eyes.These her benefactors are also the ones who changed her the most.Each of them gave her endless encouragement during that rainy night, especially Ed's glorious deeds in the Continental League, which gave her many examples.

She seemed calm when she heard it, but her heart was already extremely complicated.

Because that was the shackles she wanted to break free from. The identity that she could not decide was like a heavy shackle imposed on her. She wanted to overcome everything, pursue true freedom, and become a real person.

She was cowardly.

But someone gave her the courage.

Laila opened her eyes again and looked at Luo Yu and Jita, full of gratitude, "Mr. Luo Yu, Miss Jita, you are the most outstanding wizards I have ever seen, and it is from you that I know a lot What should a true mage do. Of course, Mr. Ed is the same, if you have the opportunity, I hope you can thank him on my behalf..."

"We are just the chosen ones, and the chosen ones can't really understand the meaning of this world. On the road of pursuing the truth, you have actually gone further," Luo Yu replied.

He turned his gaze to the book on the table, "But if you really want to pick up the Holfen school's magic, I can help. I'm also studying the notes left by Sir Ash Lynn these days, But there are still many questions."

Mentioning this, Laila couldn't help but said at a loss: "I'm sorry, Mr. Luo Yu, actually I don't know much about what my father left behind, because he never told me about it. What I learned is just some common knowledge Mr. Royce also doesn't let me touch these things, even Brita and the others left behind my father's magic. In fact, it is through their own efforts. I, I only provide them with some help within my ability. ..."

"But it means that Sir Ash Lynn did leave behind truly valuable knowledge," Luo Yu nodded slightly, but he had a different understanding of this, "Even if he himself is gone, future generations can still use him The notes left behind, continue to walk on this road. This is much better than I thought, indicating that Jazz has left a systematic line, which is a bit more powerful for the refutation of the new school as a trick."

"That magic technique seems to have something to do with an ancient alchemy. I have checked the records in the "Imperial Magic Code"..." Miss Scholar flipped a few pages in the thick book. Although she is a naturalist Scholars, but in fact, they can also be regarded as a lineage of wizards, and they have a common language with this.

"It's a magic tool," Luo Yu nodded. "It can guide elements to use the second type of elemental spells to cast spells. It has the same meaning as a magic wand. It's a very rare way of thinking."

Jita raised her head and adjusted her glasses, "It's more like a simplified version of the magic book." She concluded, "Sir Ash Lynn wants to create a weakened version of the exclusive elementalist. Naturalist."

Lila opened her mouth slightly, and looked at the two in surprise. Brita and the others had just come up with a vague idea, but it was only a few days, and the two had already sensed the direction very accurately.

She suddenly thought of something, "...I, the thing I gave to Mr. Friston?"

The horoscope was actually asked for by the chairman himself, because the other party mentioned in words that he had a deep relationship with her father, and the other party gave them a lot of help during that confrontation.Therefore, apart from the book, although that thing was the only relic left by her father, she still reluctantly parted with it and gave it to her father's friend.

The president had promised her that he would treasure and protect that relic, because it was an important design of her father.

Now she suddenly thought of that thing, isn't that exactly the 'device' that Luo Yu and Jita were looking for?

Perhaps that was what the patrolling cavalry was looking for.

But that thing is no longer in her hands.

"Don't worry," Luo Yu shook his head and patted the book lightly, "This is the handbook left by Sir Ash Lynn, the real treasure of those people who are blind. I asked for it before You agreed to look it up and found a way to reproduce it."

He opened the book and put it on the table, and turned to one of the pages, "However, there are still some doubts. The notes left by Sir Lynn are not complete. This may be the reason why he was criticized in the first place. But it is strange What's more, the formula in the notebook doesn't seem to have no answer, it's more like it has been artificially hidden..." He muttered to himself.

"That orbiter is real, we've all seen it before," Jita said, "Maybe we can contact Mr. Friston and borrow it from him. It was originally Leila's father's thing. The chairman will definitely be accommodating."

"The second round of the tower trial is about to begin. He is not in Aiyinbulok, nor is he in Avochik." Luo Yu turned around and shook his head, "You can't contact that gentleman now, actually. So troublesome, we can ask the head of the group."

Miss Scholar was taken aback, "The leader is resting, and Miss Sylwede asked us not to disturb him."

At this moment, Laila suddenly thought of something, "Wait, Mr. Luo Yu, Miss Jita, I still have some documents left by my father. Brita and the others have read them, but you may not have read them. Those documents Keep it in the academy."

"Is it convenient to take it back?"

Luo Yu and Jita looked at each other.

"Of, of course." Laila hesitated again, and said falteringly, "but can Brita and the others come to see it together, they all have to participate in that competition, I, I still have some..."

Although it is said to have been put down.

But everything that happened 20 years ago, the criticism received by the new school, was just like the identity she couldn't decide, how could she forget it so easily?
"I understand..." Luo Yu didn't mind this, "You let them come, we are all just walking on this road, there is no magician who will not be curious about unknown areas, and Jita and I are naturally too Same."


(End of this chapter)

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