Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1064 Scene 391 Andreus

Luo Hao was crawling out of a tunnel in disgrace. He looked back at the magnificent building complex that had already been turned into a sea of ​​flames. The flames were still raging in that direction. In the distant flames, Parker and the box also got out of the tunnel. come out.

And finally May.

The Pappalar complained loudly while spitting ashes: "That damned Julius, next time I see him, I will definitely pull out all the hair on his body, not a single hair is left!"

"As I said earlier, the other party looks a bit weird," said the box, "but you insist on going. Fortunately, I discovered their plan in advance—"

"It's my credit."

The magic sword 'Gwendes' speaks fiercely, but the boy holding the sword does not accept it, and others cannot understand its words.

He used a roll of cloth to wrap the cage-handled rapier in his hand two or three times, causing 'Gwendes''s voice to become muffled before he heard Papalar say: "...because those are nothing at all. Firehammer dwarves, but Ashhammer."

"What difference does that make, Mr. Parker?" May asked.

"You have not come into contact with them in Kaolin-Ithurian or Lotao," said the Papalar man. "They are the most loyal believers of the Dark Saints like the black dwarves underground. You regard them as among the dwarves. Just be a Dragon Worshiper."

"But there are Dragon Cultists among the dwarves," retorted the Chest. "The hero of the Battle of Baine and his treacherous squire."

"Don't tell me that," the Paparall choked, "I've experienced those things in Duoliphon, and I know better than you. But now is not the time to talk about that, our first priority is to find the flat hair The bastard settles the final score, fortunately Miss May is nearby, otherwise we would be in big trouble this time."

"You're welcome, Mr. Parker." May climbed up from the tunnel, patted the dust on her body, and said modestly: "The leader asked me to take care of Mr. Box, I was nearby when I received your request for help, so Coming right away."

"That owl might not be there anymore," Luo Hao said, staring at the flickering flames in that direction, "Miss May destroyed its clockwork servant, and we also killed the Gray Hammer dwarf. It should have already fled."

"Escaped?" Parker said angrily, "Then what should we do?"

"Even if everything it says is false, at least the star anchor at the auction is real," Luo Hao put his shield on the ground, covered the edge of the shield with his hands, and calmly analyzed: "The brand new The anchor must be the work of some master forger."

The Papalars seemed a little frightened and shook their heads repeatedly: "Why, we still have to deal with those people?"

"This time we are looking for clues ourselves," Luo Hao said: "But before that, we have to contact the team leader and the others. We have been trapped underground for such a long time, and the mainland league should have ended long ago. There is no news from us. , the Seven Seas Traveler may be worried already."

He looked at May who was on the side: "Miss May, you arrived later than us, did you receive any more news before then?"

May shook her head, and said softly: "He seems to have entered the Winter Solstice Tower, and I don't know anything about it after that, Mr. Luo Hao."

Luo Hao took out the communication crystal.


"So, you entered the Rust Foundation's underground auction house and fell into a well-designed trap, and you didn't get out of it until now?"

The crystal was projected on the holographic screen in the air, Luo Hao nodded, "That owl claims to be an investor of Transformation Foundation, but according to our private investigation, the real name of the other organization should be Rust Foundation. The attribute crystals are very interested, and that’s why we were trapped underground, there are a lot of gray hammer dwarves in that underground auction house, and the other party may have an affair with the cultist.”

"The Rust Foundation?"

Luo Hao looked at Fang Yu and his group: "Has the leader heard of this name?"

Fang Plover shook his head. He looked at the other people around him. Jita was wrapped in a blanket and sitting beside a simple tent, with the light of the bonfire on his face. Looking at him, he also shook his head slightly, expressing that he did not Never heard of this name.

Sylviede was packing her luggage, and from time to time cast her eyes on Miya, who had silver hair scattered behind her back, pointed ears, and wearing loose clothes—belonging to the square plovers—kneeling quietly on the Fang Plover side.

The wolf girl's eyes were demure, as if she was staring at the fire in a trance.


"I have never heard of this name, Captain," Sylvide shook her head. "There are thousands of organizations in the empire, but most of them are unknown. If the other party really has an affair with a cultist, it is impossible. Swaggering around.”

She just finished speaking.

Miya said at the side: "Ed, this organization is either a new organization, or it does not use their real name. I am very familiar with large and small organizations in the empire, but this name is not among them."

"Miss Miya hasn't heard of it either?" Fang Yan turned around.

Miya nodded, her voice was as peaceful as if she was singing a poem: "The cult organization in Oshu is not a secret."

The Dragon Worshipers, the Hidden Society, the Shadow Snake, the Silver Triangle, and the Wolf Maiden listed all these organizations, but none of them had any foundations.It may be the vest of a large organization, or it may be an unknown new force——

"But is it superfluous to put another vest on top of the vest?" Miss Scholar asked in a low voice with her arms around her knees.Her eyes flickered, and she suddenly remembered something: "I seem to have heard this name before."

The others couldn't help but look at her.

Miss Scholar remembered that when she tracked down those mercenaries employed by the Seven Sorcerers family, the other party mentioned in the conversation that she wanted to take 'Brita' to meet with people from the foundation. foundation.

However, there may not be so many foundations in the empire, and the possibility of the two being a coincidence is very small. That is to say, the Rust Foundation may still be related to the Seven Sorcerers family?

Everyone was silent for a while, unable to figure out the connection.

Seeing this, Fang Yan changed the topic: "Let's not talk about this foundation. Since he failed to do anything to us, it will not be too late to discuss it when we see each other next time. Now that you have escaped from that place, what will happen next?" What are your plans, do you have any clues about the purpose of the box?"

He paused, "I heard you mentioned that there was a star anchor in that auction. Most of the star anchors on the market have their own owners. There must be a creator behind a brand new star anchor. Most likely it is the one you want. The legendary foundry I was looking for."

"I heard?" The Pappalar shook his head, "No, no, it's not that I heard it, but it's something real."

He mysteriously took out a transparent crystal ball from his bosom. A precise compass was embedded in the crystal ball by some unknown means, with many circular orbits surrounding the orbiter inside. How a person rotates, several of the orbits maintain similar angles.

The lady scholar on the other side of the screen couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw this scene: "Star anchor?"

Not just Jita.

Even Luo Hao looked at Parker in shock: "When did you steal it?"

"Steal?" the Pappalal man was fuming, "This is a trophy, how can it be called stealing? When you knocked down the clockwork servant to the ground, I took advantage of the chaos."

"But at that time, wasn't the star anchor in the center of the auction venue, guarded by more than a dozen Gray Hammer dwarves?"

"Ahem... are you questioning the ability of the King of Nightingales?"

Luo Hao was speechless for a moment: "Isn't that still stealing?"

"That's plagiarism," Parker said seriously, "it's the King of Nightingales' superb stealing ability."

"Okay," Luo Hao sighed, "You have the final say."

Miya turned her head at this time, looked at him and said, "Ed."

Seeing this scene, Fang Yan also became excited, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Where there are star anchors, there are coordinates!

What are they going to the empire to do their best? Isn't it just to get a ticket to the second world from the Continental League?There are actually two ways to go to the second world, one of which is called a one-way ticket, which is also a single ticket.

This qualification is slightly more common. It means that the chosen ones or aborigines can obtain a ship ticket from those ship groups that are qualified to travel between the two ends of the Sky Gate, and go to the second world through these ship groups.

But this kind of qualification is not available all the time. There are not many ship groups that can shuttle through the gate of the sky, and most of them are often in the hands of those top guilds, ultra-sports alliances, or powerful political entities.

These convoys only go to the Second World at fixed times of the year, or go back and forth. There are at most one or two routes in a year, and they may even go back and forth once in a few years. Every opportunity to go back and forth, the materials and personnel carried by the convoy , are often fully arranged, and occasionally a few tickets can be squeezed out, and the price is sky-high.

But even the sky-high price is not unacceptable, but in this way, they will not be able to bring the Seven Seas Traveler to the second world.

Although a floating ship may not be anything compared to the qualifications to go to the second world, the Fairy Heart on the Seven Seas Traveler is a unique product in this world.

Then the first possibility is ruled out, leaving only the second way to go.

That's what people usually call it - group tickets.

But a group ticket is actually not just one ticket, or many tickets – it’s an anchor.

As long as there is a star anchor, he has the ability to determine the coordinates in the turbulent flow and illusion of the mainland bridge. He has experienced that ability once in the illusion of the Silver Tower. He originally thought that the mainland league would let Qihai The tour group gets a ticket.

But unexpectedly, his experience in the mainland league became the most important gain for his empire.

Now that he has the star anchor and the experience, all he needs to do is...

"We still need an experienced navigator——"

Miya spoke again.

She glanced at everyone present with her silver eyes, "Ed, I have traveled to and from the land bridge more than once, and I can provide you with some experience and insights, but I don't know anything about navigation, and I need a professional navigation expert."

Fang Yu's eyes had already fallen on his ship officer.

The other party is not only good at sailing, but also familiar with the navigation notes left by Sir Mawei. If there is anyone in the world who knows more about the Continental Bridge sea area, then it is undoubtedly this man from Corrin-Ishulian. Great explorer.

And that was her father.

Sylvester has been preparing for this great voyage for many years, and it can be said that no one is more qualified for this job than her at this moment.

Facing his gaze, the aristocratic daughter couldn't help smiling, and her eyes shone brightly and tenderly.

The dream she was looking forward to seemed to turn into reality at this moment.

Miya looked at the two of them with great interest.

"Parker," Fang Yan said to the group on the other side of the screen, "remember your first credit, Luo Hao, you guys find a way to bring this star anchor back intact, and when things are done with the box, we can prepare to go to the second place. The world is gone."

"Going to the second world?" Parker himself was taken aback. He looked around at the crystal ball in his hand: "Is this thing so important?"

"It's more important than you think."

Fang Plover replied.

Star anchors are extremely rare in the first world, so the qualification to go to the second world is so precious. Most of the materials that make up the star anchor itself can only be obtained from the deep sea, which is extremely precious.

Not to mention, only a legendary foundry can make star anchors, fix them in non-attribute crystals, and not damage the fragile structure of non-attribute crystals themselves.

Although he also thought about whether he could use β crystals to replace the original non-attribute crystals of Star Anchor, even so, the internal structure of Star Anchor could not be completed by himself.

Collecting those materials often requires the power of a small country, and even those top large guilds have invested several years of time.

But I didn’t expect that such a precious thing could be obtained so easily.

Thinking of his experience in the Continental League, Fang Yan couldn't help but lament for a moment the wonders of the world, what was lost, what was gained - he thought he had lost that opportunity, but he never thought that he would get it back in such a way.

Parker was a little complacent after hearing that description. If Pappalal had a tail in his life, then the tail behind him must be raised to the sky at this moment. He carefully wiped the dust that did not exist on the star anchor, and then stuffed it back into his pocket. inside.

And boasted: "Don't worry, I promise to bring this little thing back intact."

"What about now?" Fang Yan then asked: "Luo Hao, Zizi, where are you going, or should we come to meet you?"

Luo Hao thought for a while and replied: "Although the auction was a trap, we still got some clues from the meeting. This star anchor seems to come from a place called Andreus. I checked, That place is in the northern border of the empire, after crossing the Gray Sea, on the border of a small principality."

Fang Plover was stunned when he heard this, and even Jita beside him had a curious look on his face.

"Andreus?" Miss Scholar asked softly, "Isn't that nearby?"

"What?" Luo Hao was taken aback, "Could you be over there, Commander?"

Fang Plover hesitated for a moment before saying: "...We should be located within the territory of the Principality of Kenli. If there is no accident, Andreus is to the north from here."


Fang Plover was a little embarrassed for a moment, and looked up - this place was just a temporary adventurer camp, with disorganized tents forming a circle of camp around the edge of the cold northern forest, with the adventurer gathering place in the center.

This place should be called Kampa, just south of Andreus, located in the northern border of the Principality of Kenli, and further north is the Sea of ​​Storms—that is what the Osyrians described—Henruina.

According to common sense, these places should be inaccessible, and they are areas where Naga and storm giants haunt, but I don't know where these adventurers came from and why they gathered here.

Fang Plover heard the news about the obelisk that the other party talked about, and probably guessed that there might be an obelisk in the nearby forest, and these adventurers probably came here for this.This reminded him of the experience when he met Tianlan and the others in the northern border.

At that time, the legend of the seven obelisks was widely circulated, and adventurers from all over the world gathered near El Pachin, but it is said that no obelisk was found in the swamp near Traveler's Rest monument.

Related rumors have also been put to rest.

And that was also the opportunity for him to meet his destined Miss Ship Officer.

He couldn't help but look at Sylvaide, just in time to see the other person's eyes meeting - only a white hand stuck out, blocking the two of them - and shaking.Miya looked at the two narrowly, and smiled slightly: "Don't be in a daze, there are still outsiders here."

Fang Plover blushed, and quickly looked away.

Sylvaide also smiled slightly and looked at the wolf girl, it was just an inexplicable spark in the air that did not exist.

It made the Captain and Miss Scholar on one side be silent.

But of course they didn't come here for the obelisk, but were teleported here by the inexplicable green light that appeared at the end during the shocking battle in Ayin Block.It actually took them some time to figure out what this place was.

Those adventurers thought that they were speculators who came here with the same purpose. In order not to arouse suspicion, they chose to settle here temporarily.

Although this is not within the empire, the Principality of Kenli is located on the northern border of the empire. The wanted order for them is likely to be sent here within a few days. Without knowing how long the incident has passed, several people The decision is still to wait and see.

Throwing the Miss Ship Officer and the wolf girl who met their gazes aside, Fang Plover asked dryly: "You mean that Andreus will have clues to the legendary foundry, but as far as I know, there is only A frontier town."

"You have to go and see," Luo Hao didn't know anything about the situation on the other side of the screen. He saw Miya—and recognized the sea witch. Although he was a little startled, he wisely didn't ask: "However, if the Seven Seas Traveler is over there, maybe I can inquire about the news for you."

Fang Plover scratched his head in embarrassment.

"That... We can't contact the Seven Seas Traveler for the time being."

"Huh?" Luo Hao was stunned for a moment, "What's the matter, isn't Miss Tata on board?"

"That's not true," Fang Yan shook his head. He had actually contacted his Miss Dragon Soul, but the condition of the Seven Seas Traveler was probably a bit bad after the transmission, and it should have run aground in a nearby forest.

Miss Tata has already reported the current situation on board, Miss Catman Dalil—or Muppet, Baggins, Siesta, Tianlan are all on board, everyone is fine, but the Seven Seas Traveler cannot be started for the time being, Have to wait for them to come to the rescue.

However, there is something weird in the nearby forest, and Fang Plover doesn't know if it is related to the rumored obelisk, so they can't locate Miss Tata, and Miss Dragon Soul can't return to his conscious world to communicate with him. And will.

In fact, this was the reason why he stayed in this camp with Sylviede, Mia and Jita.

These days, they have been searching around the camp center. It seems to others that they are looking for clues to the Obelisk, but in fact they are only looking for the whereabouts of the Seven Seas Traveler.

After listening to Fang Yan's talk about the series of events that happened after the mainland league, Luo Hao couldn't digest it for a while, and said in a daze, "So...we are wanted again?"

"It's an old tradition," the Paparals didn't care. "Those annoying bureaucrats can't tolerate new forces. It will be a matter of time before we conflict with them. I remember when I was still in Sanshak when……"

May interrupted his nonsense: "What Mr. Ed did was correct, it was not our fault, and the Empire should be responsible for it." She said seriously, "It is unreasonable for the Empire to arrest Mr. Ed of."

"Uh..." Fang Yan said embarrassedly: "Actually, not only me is wanted, but also you, including Miss May, so what I mean is that you should be careful when you are still in the empire."

May was taken aback for a moment.

She couldn't help but startled, she had never been wanted before, and she just happened to be on the Traveler of the Seven Seas the last time she was in Colin-Ishurian.

She was blushing, and for a moment she didn't know how to react as a "wanted criminal" of the empire, she looked very cute.

"Sorry," Fang Yan said, "Miss Mei, we implicated you."

"No, it's okay," May said quickly, "Mr. Ed, I'm also a member of the Seven Seas Brigade."

"Okay," Papalar said, "let's not talk about this, how should we leave the empire to join you, our purpose is the same, isn't it, it seems that going to Andreus is the best choice. "

Luo Hao agreed with this proposal, nodded and said: "Since it will take time for the captain to repair the Seven Seas Traveler, then this period of time is just right for us to leave the empire to join you. After all, according to the current situation, it is not safe to stay in the empire. .”

Fang Plover nodded, agreeing to the proposal.

But he reminded him again and asked Luo Hao and his team to help keep an eye on the whereabouts of the elementalists in the team. After all, they had lost contact with Luo Yu since they left Aiyin Bullock, and they had also heard from Dragon Queen Alessa. Nothing.

... (end of this chapter)

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