Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1072 Scene 399 is broken and the plan is exposed

Adni seemed to see the doubts in their hearts, shook her head and said: "I am not as powerful as you think, I just know some tricks to hide from others." She looked at Dariel again, "Just now I was in the forest. Met this lady.”

Fang Yu lowered his guard, and Miya also let go of her hand on the star dagger, which meant that Miss Catman's perception was not wrong. She was in the forest at that time.Fang Yu asked: "Miss Adni, did you recognize the origin of this silver coin when you stopped us just now?" Although the other party showed goodwill, the purpose of his visit was still unclear.

The girl then turned her gaze to the silver coin embedded in the stone, and then looked at them with a somewhat surprised expression.In fact, she already recognized the other party. She had recognized the identity of these people since she saw the floating ship a few days ago.

Although she had been hiding in the wilderness for the past few months, she had not received news from the outside world at all, not to mention that Xing had told her that he was the son of the Traveler.

"A few days ago, I happened to be in the valley when your ship crashed. I saw the whole process of its crash with my own eyes," Adni said quietly while keeping her eyes on Fang Plover: "This is the first time I have seen it in four years. When I came to this valley for the second time, I remember that when I came last time, this silver coin didn’t exist here.”

"What?" Fang Yu did not notice the unusual gaze of the other party, because his attention was completely attracted by the other party's words, and asked: "Miss Adni, you are saying that this silver coin appeared here later. Is this true? Of?"

The girl nodded, "I'm not sure when it appeared, but at least before you arrived here, the gray mist on the silver coins blocked the flow of nearby ether veins. That was the real reason why your sailboat lost control. "

Several people looked at each other, especially the thoughtful look in Miya's eyes. Is there really an invisible will control behind the transmission of the Hailin Crystal? Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why this silver coin appeared in this place.

Fang Yu was silent for a while before asking:
"Is that substance called gray mist?"

"That's just the name I gave it," Adni shook her head. It was obviously not the first time she had seen this thing, but she seemed unwilling to talk more. "The gray fog here is generated by divine power, and its source is this silver coin."

"Isn't it possible that the gray mist elsewhere was not born from divine power, Miss Adni?" Fang Plover keenly grasped the subtext in the other party's words.

Adni glanced at him, "You want to know? It's not that I can't tell you, but you need to do me a favor."

Only then did Fang Yu feel that the other party seemed to recognize him, but that was not a big surprise. He had already become a household name in the empire after playing in the Continental League.What's more, maybe his portrait is now on the Empire's wanted poster.

"What's busy?" he asked.

"I want to go somewhere," Adni looked at him and said, "After your boat is repaired, let me take your boat temporarily and take me to that place."

Fang Yu was silent for a while. This was not a difficult request in itself, but if the place was particularly dangerous or in the hinterland of the empire, they would not be able to go. "Where is that place?" he asked again.

Adni changed the subject. "Have you seen those people outside? Do you know what they are looking for?"

"Obelisk," Fang Plover's eyes flashed, "Miss Adni, are you looking for the obelisk too?"

But the girl shook her head gently, "I didn't. It seems that you don't know how that legend came from. Have you heard of the Pirate King's secret treasure?"

"The secret treasure of the Pirate King?" Tian Lan groaned and immediately remembered something.

Adni was also a little surprised: "It seems like you have heard of this treasure house."

Fang Piao glared at Miss Poet angrily, which frightened the latter and quickly shrank behind Miss Scholar she had promised to protect, leaving only a pair of eyeballs rolling around outside.

Fang Plover nodded and admitted frankly: "We have indeed heard of it, Miss Adney."

"That's fine, don't let me explain," Adni said, but she didn't seem to care much. "It is said that after the pirate king William was betrayed, the treasures he collected throughout his life were missing. There have been rumors from the outside world, That treasure house is located in one of his secret lairs on one of the islands in the Storm Sea of ​​Harena."

"But then there was another rumor," the girl continued: "It was said that the secret lair itself was actually located in an ancient ruins. The seven obelisks and the place where the twelve stars shined in the prophecy were located. Within that ruins.”

"Is that true?" Miss Scholar raised her head and asked softly. She keenly heard the key to Adni's words - rumors.

"Of course it's not true," Adni shook her head, "Maybe I don't know whether it's true or not, but half of this rumor is true, that is, William's secret treasure is indeed hidden outside the storm sea, and the clue is in this valley inside."

She looked out of the valley, "Those people here are not actually looking for the obelisk, but are looking for clues to the legendary pirate king's secret treasure." Her eyes fell on Fang Plover again, "The obelisk is very important to the large guilds in your world. It is very important to us, but treasures and silk are equally touching."

Only then did Fang Yu understand the origins of those people outside. At the same time, this was also the first time he learned the full story of the rumors circulating here. It was not that they had not inquired about it, but it was about treasures, and it was impossible for others to tell him the relatively true truth. information.

But what he never expected was that those people had the same purpose, or maybe by some mistake, what they were looking for happened to be in the same place.

He couldn't help frowning.

Adni continued: "So my purpose is exactly there. If you are not there, I will find another ship to go to sea, but it will not be as safe."

Fang Yu was a little surprised and said: "So why does Miss Adni think we are more reliable? Are you willing to share the location of the secret treasure with us and don't worry about us getting interested in it halfway?"

"I don't know where the treasure is, I only know that there is a clue hidden in this valley." Adni shook her head gently, "I am not interested in the treasure itself, I just want to find some information from it, if you are interested in the treasure , we can each get what we need.”

Fang Yu looked at the others, then nodded, "We agreed."

They were bound to get the Pirate King's secret treasure, not to mention they also got the key to the secret vault from William's sunken ship, but they really didn't know the specific location of the treasure vault, they only knew that it should be located in Hanruina in the stormy sea.

Adni did bring them a useful clue. The clue to the Pirate King's secret treasure was actually hidden in this valley.

After hearing his answer, the girl nodded, raised her hand, and a ray of silver flame appeared in her palm.Seeing others looking at her, Adni quietly explained: "This is the silver fire."

But as for what the Silver Fire is, she didn't say anything, and just walked straight towards the silver coin, "The divine gray mist in Ms. Roman's coin filled the valley, blocking the flow of ether veins here. Due to the ether network channel If it is not smooth, the wind element magic will naturally not be able to circulate, and your sailboat will not be able to take off."

"If you just take it off, the gray mist flowing in it will become chaotic due to loss of control. Although they will eventually dissipate after losing their source, it may take months or even years."

She looked at Fang Plover, "I guess, Mr. Ed, you can't afford to wait that long."

Tianlan let out a soft cry. She was about to say something, but suddenly remembered Fang Plover's warning just now, so she quickly closed her mouth and looked at the latter cautiously.But Fang Yu didn't mind. In fact, before he opened his mouth, Miss Nightingale at the side had already said, "You really recognized us."

Adni looked over. "You are all well-known in the empire, so it is not surprising that I recognize you. In fact, I already knew your identities when I saw the Seven Seas Traveler, but I didn't make up my mind to come out and meet you at that time."

"Really, but we are wanted criminals in the empire," Alyssa said somewhat tit-for-tat, "Isn't Miss Adni afraid of misunderstandings if she mixes with us?"

Fang Yu didn't object to Miss Nightingale's method of asking questions. The other party actually didn't have any objections to anyone, but was just responsible for the safety work on the Seven Seas Traveler, out of professional instinct.

Adni didn't mind, and just said: "In fact, it is because of your relationship with the empire that I can trust you."

Fang Yu couldn't help but be startled after hearing this answer, "Is there any quarrel between Miss Adni and the Empire?"

The girl did not answer this question, but it could be seen from her calm eyes that even if she had nothing to do with the Empire, she must not like those Empire people.Indeed, not many people would like the Imperials.

She brought the silver flame in her hand close to the silver coin. The silver flame suddenly became bright as if it had a soul, and then merged into the silver coin. The next moment, the shining surface of the silver coin became dim.

As if something had been taken back, Fang Yu felt that the ever-present stagnation in the air disappeared. Even Nini flew high and screamed excitedly. She seemed to be chasing something and flying into the air. Hit, but chased another empty.

The invisible power was ebbing, and Nini, who was gradually unable to catch up with its speed, stopped and looked in that direction curiously. Although the night sky remained unchanged, it seemed as if there was an invisible will receding from that direction until it disappeared without a trace. .

Miya pulled out the star dagger and swiped lightly. There was still a faint mist in the air, but it was already many times thinner than before.

"It will take time for the gray fog to dissipate," Adni said after taking back her gloves. "Looking at this level, it will only take a few days. After that, the Seven Seas Traveler can weigh anchor and leave."

"So what exactly is the gray fog?"

Fang Plover had promised her just now, so the girl no longer kept it secret: "Mr. Ed asked whether gray mist can be born outside of divine power. The answer is of course, it can. In fact, Ms. Roman's divine power only imitates its properties. In In the turbid realm, similar gray mist naturally arises from the depths of the abyss. It is actually not uncommon——"

"I've never seen it." This was the first time Miya spoke.Among the people present, she was the only one who had actually been to the Turbid Realm. In fact, Covenant Mountain was located on the edge of the Turbid Realm. Before the incident, it was one of the entrances to the Turbid Realm in the Third Division.

"Because only those who are truly brave may have seen it," Adni replied: "The gray mist blocks the entrance to the innermost level of the Turbid Realm. Only those who want to go through the Turbid Realm to the Stairs of the Sea can I’ve seen the Sea of ​​Gray Mist, but it’s impossible for anyone who can actually cross that sea.”

"My father's fleet also entered that place." Sylvide suddenly lost her voice.

Fang Plover turned around and saw that the noble daughter's face was a little pale.

"Silweid, Sir Mawei's situation should be different," he comforted. "If the sailboat enters the gray fog, the magic engine loses its function, and the ship crashes, then Miya is unlikely to be on the Libra Islands. Saw his flagship, the Queen Bayard.”

Sylvide's expression recovered a little. She was concerned but confused, but she didn't expect this level.

But she still had some lingering fears. Her father's disappearance was like a nightmare in her heart, and it was also her obsession all along. In her worry, she even looked at the sea witch, her eyes always a little unnecessarily weak.

The wolf girl nodded to her.

Sylvide thought of her relationship with the other party, breathed out lightly, and then cheered up.

Fang Yu chose to change the topic: "Has Miss Adni seen similar things elsewhere?"

Adni didn't answer, but her eyes betrayed her thoughts. At her age, it was unlikely that she had been to the second world, and she didn't know where she had seen similar gray fog.

The silver fire in her hand also has a mysterious origin. It seems that she is very skillful in handling Ms. Roman's magical gray mist. It is obvious that she has dealt with similar matters more than once, but it is not an easy thing to make a god look away, and she does not know the details. How was it done?
But Tata looked at the fleeting silver flame and thought of something, "Can that silver flame travel through the Ethernet veins?" Adni raised her head and looked at her in surprise.

"I just saw its nature," Miss Elf also looked at the other party, "You control this silver flame, which allows you to enter the Ethernet Channel, so you can avoid Dalil just now. The investigation is correct?"

The girl's eyes were even more surprised. Apparently Tata had said what she was thinking.

Fang Yu suddenly understood, and Darier also showed a look of surprise. No matter how keen her perception was, it was only for the real world, but there were indeed some special ways to hide herself in the etheric world.

Then of course there is nothing she can do.

Fang Yu thought more. If Adni could travel through the Ethernet vein, wouldn't she have had a similar experience to the scholars in the Silver Tower? She had seen the Glory of the Blue in the Ethernet vein. What?
Have you seen the Shadow Man’s Hunter?

Farif, Atush, and the others hid themselves in the etheric world to avoid the Shadow Man's detection. That world was actually self-contained, but not continuous with each other, as if it were many divided spaces.

The Silver Tower and the illusionary space are all located in a corner of it, shaped like many large and small fragments floating on the etheric sea. But after the sea of ​​light was extinguished, did some kind of change occur in the etheric world?
Does the incident involving Artush and Farif mean that the Silver Tower has fallen into the hands of the Shadow Man?

Does Ms. Roman's magical gray mist also hint at the changes in Guanghai?
He was making associations, but Adni was obviously unwilling to talk more about this. She shook her head stiffly and said: "I only gained such an ability by chance, but it has nothing to do with it."

She put away the silver coin that had lost its power. "The gray fog blocked the perception in the valley, making it impossible for me to find the clue. I have been looking for its source these days. Now that the gray fog has dissipated, I probably I know where the remaining clue is hidden."

Fang Yu finally came back to his senses and remembered what they had discussed: "Miss Adni, are you talking about the Pirate King's secret treasure?"

The girl shook her head, "It's just a clue pointing to the secret treasure. It is in this valley. I came here to investigate a few years ago and found nothing, but later I gradually understood what I missed at that time."

"Pirate King William left four clues for his secret treasure during his lifetime, but only two of these four clues are real and point to the location of the real secret treasure. One of them is located here."

"Is there really anyone who would leave clues for his treasure?" Tian Lan couldn't help but shake her head after hearing this, "But if I were him, I wouldn't leave such a thing. If I were the Pirate King, I would let that place It is enough that I am the only one who knows the secret treasure.”

She analyzed it logically: "Even if I die, those treasures will be lost, so what does it matter? Would a pirate king be so kind to find an heir for his own secret treasure?"

Of course, the information on the sunken ship is an exception, because it is the pirate king who wants something from someone. He needs the newcomers to avenge him and pay for his treasure. This is considered a deal.

But even in that case, the pirate king actually did not directly tell them the true location of his treasure, which shows that the other party is not an open-minded person.

"But Tianlan," Miss Nightingale said, "you are not the Pirate King."

However, Adni shook her head slightly, "She is right, but the clues were not left by William himself."

"The clue to the Pirate King's secret treasure was not left by the Pirate King himself?" Sky Blue's eyes widened and he asked in surprise.

"It's his partner," Adni replied. "The name is Jedham. He is a talented craftsman. He once cooperated with the pirate king for a long time, but was later rejected by his own boss because of different ideas. Partner killed.”

When Fang Yu heard this name, he was so surprised that he ignored the difference in the other person's tone. He suddenly remembered the origin of those dragon hunters and the words engraved on the nameplate:
3Grd, E. R, Jedham.

Tatd, 031 STU BK, 1, 7
Excluding the production batch at the beginning, the origin, and the production years and dates in the second half, at least one piece of information on the nameplate is very clear, that is, the maker of that batch of dragon hunters was named Jed. Ham's craftsmen.

If the collaborator of the Pirate King is this person, then the identity of the owner of the information on the nameplate will be revealed, and based on the information he obtained, the other party is likely to be the successor of the Flame Workshop that disappeared 300 years ago. the descendants of the latter.

And that once-prestigious workshop came from Jeldham, one of the three geniuses of the empire. In other words, Jeldham may be the direct descendant of Jeldham.

Everything is linked together.

Others have more or less thought of this possibility, but Tian Lan is still struggling with the story itself, "But wasn't that partner killed? How could he leave any clues about the secret treasure?"

"Because he actually didn't mean to leave that clue." Adni seemed to be very patient on this issue.

"That so-called clue is actually just a laboratory buried underground," she said, "because I once said that Jedham himself is a talented craftsman, and William cooperated with him precisely because he liked him. Talent along the way to craftsmanship.”

"Jedham has built workshops and laboratories in many places to conduct his and William's secret experiments. One of the most important workshops was built in the Pirate King's lair where the treasure house is located. "

"I understand," Tian Lan suddenly realized, "These laboratories are probably connected. As long as you find one of them, you can know the whereabouts of the other laboratories, right?"

Adni nodded and said that was the case.

"Sister Adni, what you want to find is actually Jedham's workshop, right?" Our poet lady suddenly became smart and asked.

However, the girl had no intention of hiding it and nodded directly, "That is exactly my purpose. I want to get the things in the workshop. As for the treasure itself, I can share it with you."

"But Sister Adni," Tianlan asked again, "I heard your tone was different when you mentioned the craftsman Jedham. You have something to do with him, right? He is a relative of yours? "

Adni fell silent.

Fang Yu was startled and couldn't help but give Tianlan an encouraging look. Sometimes Miss Poet was confused, but sometimes her intuition was surprisingly sharp.

The girl was silent for a long time before she answered frankly: "Jedham is my father."


No one expected such an answer, so they couldn't help but sigh softly.Especially Fang Lu looked the girl up and down. According to his inference, isn't Adni a direct descendant of Jeldham?
So she is also from the Empire?
But it doesn't look like much.

It wasn't until he realized that his gaze was a little offensive that he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Miss Adney, I'm just a little surprised..."

"Don't mind," Adni shook her head very generously, "I want you to take me to find the Pirate King's secret treasure, so I naturally have the obligation to tell you this. I know your identity, but you don't know mine. .”

"And I heard that sailors have to tell the captain their origins when they want to board the ship. Although I don't plan to stay on your ship for a long time, at least I can't break this rule. I believe you all, it's okay to tell you this. Big deal.”

The girl's frankness won everyone's favor.

Fang Plover no longer had any doubts in his heart, so everything made sense. Just like Sylvester, Adni wanted to find the whereabouts of her father, so she wanted to find the Pirate King's treasure house.

Because of this, she didn't care about the treasure, so she didn't mind sharing it with them.And if that workshop was really her father's inheritance, then it should have been her inheritance.

After he clarified his thoughts, he said enthusiastically: "Then Miss Adni, welcome aboard."

Adni nodded, "But before that, we have to find the clue first. The valley was previously shrouded in gray fog, so the various detection capabilities of people outside were unable to penetrate this place. Now the gray fog Already dispersed, they will find this place soon.”

Fang Yu was horrified after hearing this.

He seemed to have just remembered that they had another purpose here, and his heart immediately thumped. If outside adventurers entered the valley, wouldn't their mithril mining plan be in vain?

He had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly asked: "How long will it take?"

Adni answered directly: "Within three days at most."

Fang Yu couldn't help but darken his eyes after hearing this. If he had known earlier, he would have asked the girl to take back the gray mist on the coin later, but he didn't know about this relationship earlier.

No wonder they couldn't find this place when they were outside the valley, and couldn't even contact the Seven Seas Traveler for accurate positioning. In the end, they had to rely on the stupid method of sending someone out to respond to find the valley.

It turned out that there was such a relationship.

But with this comparison, he knew that what Adni said was true. This was a world with magical power. Once the gray fog disappeared, adventurers would have various ways to detect the unusual things here.

But now that the matter has come to this, there is no use in regretting it. He can only seize the time to open more mines and try to make up for the losses. Even if someone discovers the valley within three days, he can still delay it for some time.

But if the elite teams from all the major guilds gather here, then the Seven Seas Brigade actually has no good solution, and before that, they have to take the time to find the laboratory left by Jedham .

Fang Yu couldn't help but asked a little depressed: "Miss Adni, do you have any clues about the treasure?"

The girl nodded again: "In fact, there were clues before I came here. It was just the gray fog in the valley that delayed my time. Now I can roughly determine its location. That place is not far away."

She added: "Now it seems that it should actually be underground where the mithril mining area is."


Fang Yu was stunned.

... (end of this chapter)

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