Pillars of Ita

Chapter 1078 Scene 405 Fishing in Troubled Waters

Fang Yu naturally understood the meaning of Alyssa's last reminder. Several famous battles in the Crown of the Silver Forest all took place under specific circumstances.

But he does not need to be the omniscient one. Marshall's conversation with Banwin allowed him to understand an implicit message, a dimension that he had not originally imagined, that is, the actual existence of the 'Obelisk' - regardless of its reality It exists or not, but it is enough that those who want to enter the valley believe that it exists.

The dazzling light reflected in the night sky was actually a magic flare, but it was also a signal gun.

As the light descended in the direction of the AOA, the person who launched it had actually verified Fang Yu's thoughts.Although when Banwen said those words, 'Ts-x' had already self-destructed, so he didn't know whether the other party was the Falcon Group or some other adventure group.

But that doesn't matter.

The first person to shoot in the forest was Fang Plover himself, but to the outside world, the first person to shoot was actually AOA. When the Falcons thought that there were other teams in front of them, they decisively fired flares in this direction. Trying to find out the existence of everyone in AOA.

This is like a signal gun, igniting the tight string in the hearts of every elite team of a top club with a mission in the forest. Fang Plover can completely understand why these teams reacted so violently.

Because of the 'Obelisk'.

On the Seven Seas Traveler, the cat girl Daryl was holding up one end of the mast hanging between the vines under the command of the boatswain above. As a Templar of the Shadow Tree Temple, she has extraordinary strength. The broken mast It was so light and almost weightless in her hands, "Move to the left, Miss Darlier!" Baggins leaned half of his body out of the side of the ship and shouted to her.

But Dalil suddenly raised her head, and the communication crystal on her collar lit up. She straightened up and looked in one direction.There, the Seven Seas Traveler opened the hatch on the other side, and several Lancers were flying towards the mining area, dragging long cyan wakes.

They carry a person, Miss Scholar.

Miss Catman then turned around and said to the boatswain above: "I'll leave this to you, Mr. Baggins. The captain has the order." On one side, there were two mining guns with cyan wind element beams emitted from the back. The cavalry flew over one after another and took the mast from her hand.

Dariel jumped down from the tall tree.

Baggins watched the other party disappear into the depths of the jungle without asking any questions. Of course he knew the current situation of the Seven Seas Traveler. There were several hostile adventure groups outside the valley. The manpower on the ship was stretched thin and could be transferred to other directions at any time. .

However, he had not experienced similar dangers in other worlds, so he seemed very calm. The boatswain looked at the two lancers holding up both ends of the mast, turned back to the direction of the Seven Seas Traveler and said: "Excuse me, Tower. Miss Ta."

But Miss Goblin was sitting in the core cabin and could not answer.

He ordered the two Lancers to slowly raise the mast.

Fang Yu had already told her the entire plan, but before that the Seven Seas Traveler must be prepared. In short, it was a bluff.Therefore, she must at least raise the broken mast before then, and subsequent repair work can be completed on the deck, so that outsiders cannot see the damage condition of the Seven Seas Traveler and the specific progress of the repair project.

But it will take time to recover the two masts. Dariel was transferred to stop those people and help them buy time. Miss Nightingale was also in that direction, and she rushed to join them.

After a while, Siesta also appeared on the deck, putting on the pair of heavy gauntlets on her hands. The thick wooden boards creaked as she walked on the deck, "Sister Siesta, where are you going?" ?" Tian Lan also chased out from below and asked the former.

Our poet lady was also called up temporarily. Fortunately, she hadn't fallen asleep yet and didn't need to change into pajamas.

But the former looked at her and didn't answer. He just walked to the side of the ship and jumped out from a height of dozens of meters with his hands.

Tian Lan stared at this scene with wide eyes, watching the maid fall into the forest below without any protective measures. It was like a piece of iron smashing through the tree canopy, falling heavily to the ground with a loud noise, and the air flow stirred up the fallen leaves all around. Blow away.

She smashed a big hole in the forest canopy, but looking through the hole, Siesta stood up from the ground unscathed, swept the dust off her skirt, stood up and walked forward.

"Sister Siesta is so powerful." Tianlan sighed.

The boatswain was not surprised when he saw this scene. The maid had been like this since he first met her. Looking back on the past ten years, Siesta had hardly grown any bigger except that she had grown taller. Variety.

At this time, Baggins saw a black spot rising in the forest. They were flying closer and closer. They were the screaming banshees returning home. Of course, he knew that it was their captain who was controlling these constructs. It was not that he had not seen them before. I have passed the battle craftsman, but I can't help but feel curious every time I see these magical things.

It is not surprising that a single flexible structure exists in the hands of others, but the flexible structure on the Seven Seas Traveler is more like a well-disciplined army, a war machine, well organized in the hands of their captain and Miss Tata. sequence.

The boatswain had rarely seen anything like this.

The Screaming Banshees flew back into the open hatch below and gradually disappeared from the boatswain's sight, but then the second batch took off again. This batch of Screaming Banshees was even more numerous than the first batch. And this time the constructs they carried were also different from the last time.

Baggins has seen enough of the flexible structures that Fang Plover uses every day, and he can actually recognize their models. Those are not newly added structures - he can't name the latter yet - but mirror images. .

The densely packed screaming banshees were taking off, and behind them were several streams of cyan wind elements, and a group of lancers also slid out of the hatch - those were the main battle structures - the boatswain understood that at the mouth of the valley The battle will begin soon.

Miss Catman was walking silently through the forest, but suddenly she raised her head and saw a black cloud flying over her head.

Those were countless screaming banshees. They flew densely across the valley, and then began to lower their altitude in batches. It was like countless pictures were splitting in Fang Plover's field of vision, changing into several levels.

One of them began to approach the bottom of the valley, and then released the pylon at his command, allowing the Mirror Imager below to fall into the valley.

The whole process was not smooth. A large number of screaming banshees crashed into the tree canopy, creating bright flames. They lost their balance and finally hit a tree trunk or a rock. They simply lost their voice amid a few magic sparks. .

Unprotected mirrors do not always land safely. At least one-third of them have malfunctioned to varying degrees, and some simply fall to pieces on hard ground and are directly scrapped.

But there is no other way. The Screaming Banshee is not a professional carrier structure, and its flight mechanism is not as easy to control as the Clockwork Goblin. On such a large scale, even with the Seven Seas Traveler onboard, With the help of force, he still felt the same difficulty.

If they had prepared in advance, they might have a better chance of being intact, but the fact was that they didn't have that much time, not to mention that Miss Tata also had to be distracted. She had to pay attention to both the mining area and the Seven Seas Traveler.

However, Fang Yu made a rough calculation and found that it was enough.

The Screaming Banshees dropped the mirror imagers in three batches. In the end, the intact rate was only about half. Almost one-fifth of the Screaming Banshees were lost in the process, and the loss of the mirror imagers was even more heavy. That was almost The entire inventory on the Seven Seas Traveler was something he spent several years saving up bit by bit.

Fortunately, there are mithril veins that can restore a wave of health. Although there are many Mirror Imagers and Screaming Banshees, they are still cheap. Even if they lose dozens of units, the total cost is less than 100 million Lisels. If they can successfully fight for it, then Much time.

Then there should be more money earned from mining.

As Dariel moved forward, he silently looked at the scene ahead.Countless screaming banshees landed in batches, then climbed up and returned, like a well-disciplined swarm, with an invisible hand behind them controlling everything.

Although a single Screaming Banshee cannot even be used as a sword in front of her, the flexible structure that is only suitable for more than ten levels poses almost no threat at her level, and is not much different from a toy. .

But once anything reaches a large scale, it will produce a spectacular scene. Just like the scene in front of you, although I have seen the goblin lady attacking the imperial fleet with lancers once in Ayinbrok, there is no difference between that time and now. Too same.

This was the first time she saw that person's method. There was indeed an invisible hand behind it controlling everything, and that hand belonged to the leader of the adventure group she temporarily belonged to.

Is this the true level of what outsiders call the Dragon Alchemist? No, it should be called the scourge of the empire now. It’s not like Dalil has never seen the images of the Battle in the North. Those images are what all large guilds will know. Researched repeatedly.

As a selector of a certain level, she would naturally be exposed to these things.

But seeing it from the image and actually experiencing it are completely different feelings.

With that kind of scenery reflected in Miss Catman's eyes, she was speechless for a moment - could anyone really do this?

But it was at this time that the crystal on her collar lit up again, and a message emerged from her retinas, the silver words dancing: "Miss Muppet, I see you."

The signature below was Alyssa. The female lion knight was horrified, and the hair on her body stood on end. She had previously been attracted by the screaming banshee controlled by Fang Plover, and she actually lost her usual alertness to the things around her.

"Don't worry," Alyssa saw her pull out her big sword, looked around, and sent another message: "I'm on the hill on your left, Miss Muppet, you guard that place, we will support each other, Just build a line of defense here."

She picked up the lighting crystal, covered the front with one hand, and flashed it in that direction.

Darier saw the flash of light on the top of the mountain, and then relaxed. She understood that this was Miss Nightingale's reminder to her, but she was silent for a moment. The other party's level was very high, and everyone on the Seven Seas Traveler gave her a lot of thanks. Little surprise.

She is a paladin chosen by the Shadow Tree Temple from among the Chosen Ones. The natural pantheon does not accept the faith of the Holy Chosen Ones, so she relies on her strength to stand out. Although she is a Free Chosen One, she has never been Losing to those selectors of the same level who came from big guilds.

In fact, she has been promoted to a high-level knight within the Shadow Grove. However, the nature of the temple is very special and requires members to have as little contact with the outside world as possible. If it were not for the order of the saint, she would not be able to stay in the Seven Seas Brigade easily.

Otherwise, with her special background and career, there should be many large clubs approaching her.

Dalil put down the sword in his hand and inserted it into the loose humus soil below. He pressed his hands on the hilt of the sword and stood there.

She pricked up her ears, and her senses became sharp again. The special bloodline of the white-maned lion people allowed her to easily feel the turbulence of the airflow in the wind. Soon her pointed ears twitched slightly and she looked in one direction.A subtle silver light flashed in the forest, and Dariel narrowed his eyes.

This time she saw it. It was Siesta, the ship's maid.

"She is also a combat member?"

Dalil was slightly surprised. The opponent moved very quickly and blended into the forest environment quietly. He was obviously an experienced warrior.

Another member whose strength was not inferior to hers, and someone she almost ignored. She had always thought that the other member was only responsible for taking care of the daily life of the ship officer. A trace of surprise passed through Dariel's heart, and she suddenly thought of a question.

When the Holy Maiden asked her to stay, she just wanted to complete a task, and she was also curious about the Dragon Alchemist, who was widely rumored by the outside world. Since this name spread from the southern border of Kaolin-Ithurion, Even Tree Hill can hear the name of this new talent in the third division.

She just wants to know, is it difficult to live up to the reputation?
But after getting deeper into the team, she realized that the outside world's evaluation of the Seven Seas Troupe seemed to be far underestimated.

This is not something based on the Dragon Alchemist's reputation at all. It is just a 'team formed by him'. This is an emerging adventure group with endless potential. Whether it is Jita or Luo she has seen, Yu is a once-in-a-decade talent that large clubs should invest resources in cultivating.

If you know the origins of these two people, it is not surprising. They were originally the talent reserves for the Oak Knights of Tapolis to make a comeback. They spent a lot of time digging into the youth training camp and invested a lot of money in them. The magic book obtained.

If it hadn't been for various changes that happened later, these two people would never have been able to join the Nanami Brigade. Even now, it is precisely because of the relationship between the two, including the Nanami Brigade itself and the new Momiji, Yugudora, etc. The new Oak Knights founded by people are inextricably linked.Dalier has a general understanding of the backgrounds of some scholar ladies and Luo Yu, so it is not surprising.

But Miss Nightingale was enough to surprise her.

She had never heard of Alisa's origins before, and the Rain Listeners were just a small guild on Fenris Island. If it weren't for the special status of the Solitary White Wilderness, it would have been impossible to cultivate someone like Miss Nightingale and her. sister, and a top-level selector like Xiang Xiang.

But the Solitary White Wilderness almost never appears in the eyes of outsiders, and Miss Nightingale has another layer of military cover because of her sister. The outside world can hardly find out the true origin of them and the box. In the eyes of outsiders, It's like they just appeared out of nowhere.

It was okay when the reputation was low, but it was completely different in the eyes of Dariel. In Aitaria, the top selectors did not grow out of the ground. Countless resources had to be invested to build them up. Yes, most of the resources of the entire Seven Seas Brigade were actually invested in Fang Plover.

It is for this reason that he has a resounding name as the Dragon Alchemist in the outside world.

But because of this, most people usually think that the only core of the Seven Seas Brigade is Fang Plover. This is a team that is useless except for the Dragon Alchemist - at least in the eyes of the top guilds.

At most, we can count Jita and Luo Yu, and the latter two have their reasons.

But now, what makes Dalil feel a little confused is the maid - an aborigine. As we all know, the strength of aborigines is positively related to age. The older they are, the stronger they are, usually between thirty and forty years old. reached the peak in time.

This is exactly the opposite of the drafters, who reach their peak between the ages of 27 and 40, and then start to decline. By the age of [-] to [-], most people have retired, and even those who have not retired are only I can now work as a consultant.

But Siesta gave her the feeling that her strength was not inferior to hers.

How could there be so many geniuses of unknown origin on one ship?

And this is no longer something that ordinary geniuses can describe.

Dalil vaguely felt that the outside world seriously underestimated the strength level of the Seven Seas Brigade as a whole, because they put too much attention on Fang Yu, Luo Yu and Jita, and the Holy September. On the legendary disciple.

But are these the only halos on the Seven Seas Brigade?
It was the bosun who looked ordinary. Looking back now, Dariel seemed to have a little too much experience. That was not a level that ordinary sailors could possess.

Yes, the other party seemed to have talked about his relationship with the great explorer Ma Wei. He was Ma Wei's deputy and the former legendary first mate on that ship group.

Dariel suddenly felt a little creepy.

But then she felt a sense of excitement deep in her heart. Even though the character of the female knight was different from that of many people, her former unconfidence and introversion and her subsequent dramatic changes in strength gradually gave her a sense of detachment. Insight.

Although she later joined a place like Shadow Tree Temple, it was difficult for her to come into contact with ordinary Chosen Ones. At most, she could get some outside information through the community, but in any case, this did not change that she was still a Chosen One. fact.

Miss Catman gradually developed a feeling that those opponents from the Falcon Group, AOA, and those troupes on the rankings outside the valley might be able to make the outside world truly realize what kind of team the Seven Seas Brigade is. team.

The excitement ignited in her heart made her feel like she was in someone else's shoes. She gradually realized that the order from the Holy Maiden had made her lucky enough to be a part of this brigade, and she had the strength to participate in all of this——

And this time.

This time she was more than just a witness.

More personally participate in the birth of a legend.

Miss Catman held the sword with both hands, her eyes gradually narrowed, and there seemed to be a bright light in her eyes.

The communication crystal on her collar lit up and sent a message to the maid on the other side. The other party was not the chosen one, so she could only tell the other party through her voice:
"Miss Siesta, we are here to stop our opponent."

"The leader asked us to stay at least AOA, or the Falcon Regiment for an hour. I won't let them go beyond the limit. I need you to support me and Miss Alyssa from the flanks."

The maid's answer was very simple. She pressed her hand on her communication crystal, causing its light to flash.

That means she agreed.

In mid-air, Fang Yu was ordering his Screaming Banshee to return, but in fact he didn't need to care too much, because such a simple task could be entrusted to his Miss Dragon Soul.

Without exception, all the Screaming Banshees had been modified with closed-circulation devices. They hardly occupied any computing power when flying in a straight line. He directly cut off their connection and turned his attention back to the Clockwork Fairy in mid-air.

In fact, his tactics are not blindly imitating the many battle cases of Silver Shadow. Many people have seen the decision-making process of the omniscient one. In the alliance, the opponent's exposure is even higher than that of the core guilds such as Virus, Ming and Chenxi. Much more.

That was the star player of the league, the master tactician in people's minds, the omniscient one, KUN.

Alliance analysts believe that KUN has an extraordinary ability to read pictures. He can always ignore the fog on the battlefield intuitively, analyze the opponent's intentions, and target them accurately.

This is where the title of the All-Knowing comes from, and while many try to replicate his tactics, few can truly become him.

Aitaria does not have intuition in the true sense. Even if the prophets claim that they can find clues from the past and the future through the "third eye" that gazes at the stars, in fact, they are just from the ether. Lost information retrieved from the Internet.

Ordinary people will always miss some information that is not eye-catching unconsciously.

For example, an object dropped casually, a name heard inadvertently, a conversation, or even an inconspicuous byte in a piece of news, that information is lost in the corner of everyone's memory.

In Aitalia, people's memories will form a common star and be transformed into a flow of information that permeates the entire world.

Finally, it is merged into the Ethernet pulse.

The job of the prophet is to find what they want from the vast information. The information from rich sources will eventually reflect the general direction of an event, turn it into a vague prediction, and finally form what the prophets call a guide to the future. direction.

For people like KUN, the so-called intuition is actually just a precise analysis of these details and information. Compared with ordinary people, they are less likely to ignore the details and connections between these trivial events.

They are good at discovering, combining it with their rich experience, and drawing conclusions.

And the omniscient one is even more gifted, so he can become the best among them.

According to Fang Plover, he doesn't actually need to bother. The so-called map reading is to judge the opponent's true intention through the fog on the battlefield. If he has the map open, then there is actually no need to read it. Interpretation.

The existence of the obelisk reflected the figure of every hunter in the forest, and he happened to be watching all this through the fairy wall in mid-air.

From where the Screaming Banshee descended in the valley, the farthest 'Falcon Group' from where he deployed the Mirror Imager was at least a mile and a half away - Fang Plover judged that it was the Falcon Group, and relatively For people from the closer AOA.

——He just stepped into the trap he set.

The glow of magic in mid-air has not completely fallen, and the dazzling light is enough to outline the traces of the tiny figures still moving between the woods. AOA's team in the valley at this moment is only half of its full strength, with a total of 32 people. , most of whom are combat members.

Among them, the person with the highest level is the group leader Marshall, a fire element user with level 39, followed closely by the Gray Hunter ZXC with level 37. Most of the other members have an average level between 34 and 35.

About one-third of the team are non-combat members, or semi-combatants, who serve as the team's logistics and support.

Relatively speaking, the scale of the Seven Seas Brigade is much smaller. Even if you include Ai Xiaoxiao, Tang Xin, Aitila and Big Cat Man who are not in the group at the moment, as well as Cui Xisi who has not yet arrived, the Seven Seas Brigade The group size is only 20 people.

Less than half the size of a typical small brigade.

Not to mention a fleet.

Not to mention, the Nanami Brigade currently staying in the valley is less than half of its full strength.

But Fang Plover didn't think too much about the difference in numbers between the two sides. He was still in the Seven Seas Brigade, so it couldn't be a case of less versus more anyway. He only transferred his connection with the clockwork goblin to those in the forest. Constructed.

The vision crystal of a mirror imager was activated. It was hidden in the darkness and quietly looked at the uninvited guests who broke into this place.

Immediately after its magic module was activated, the Mirror Imager has never been a type of construct with combat effectiveness, so its role is only to create illusions, and Fang Plover does not intend to use them to stop the opponent.

Most of the brigade members at this level are very vigilant, and he also noticed just now that the prophet in the other team is very outstanding.

He only asked the mirrorer to generate a tree root or a rock. Those not too eye-catching, but rugged terrains appeared near the AOA people. It was impossible for the fast-moving team to pay attention to everything that appeared in sight. Throw a detection spell on an ordinary thing to find out whether the other party is an illusion.

Not to mention that it's a bit stupid, and the Oracle doesn't have that much mana.

Fang Plover only uses those seemingly impenetrable terrains to guide the opponent to turn and move forward along the valley. This is difficult to feel in the dense mountain forest, especially at night.

But he could see it clearly in mid-air.

AOA's route gradually turned into a diagonal line from going straight into the valley. But after they left, the terrain behind them immediately returned to its original state. Relatively speaking——

The 'Falcon Group' that caught up behind them was getting closer and closer to them.

And that's exactly what Fang Plover wants to achieve.

The good show is about to be staged.

... (end of this chapter)

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