Pillars of Ita

Chapter 914, Act 245, Round 1

"This time our opponent is the boat of Nottings, you should be quite familiar with this opponent."

Although Soul Fingerprint said so, his gaze still turned to Fang Plover.Fortunately, no matter how ignorant and ignorant Fang Yan was, he had never heard of this guild.

He hastily nodded to the other party.

We all know his legendary background as a 'stowam', and seeing this scene couldn't help being funny.

The most active Xiaoyao couldn't help making some strange expressions.But being glared at by Shui Wuming, the latter was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his expression and pretended to be serious.

There are many old European guilds, and there are many strong ones in the traditional sense.However, apart from the well-known twelve-color irises, there are four first-line guilds surrounding it.

SK, FNC, Nightcrawler, Nottingham's Ship, the strength of the four major trade unions seems to be quite different.Further down are the Seven Alliances, the All Saints, and the Golden Night Knight.

These four first-line guilds, together with the free guild forest knights from the outer sea area, are the five pillars of the second division, and are collectively known as the five knights of Europe.And the twelve-color irises are His Majesty the Supreme King.

And the first opponent they faced this time, the boat of Nottingham, belonged to the head of the five knights, the strongest among the top European giants.

"Except for the Empire and Gudasock, all other regions are the same as Colin-Ishurian, with four places to participate." Luo Wei was afraid that he would not understand, so she explained on her behalf, "The Empire was the last contestant. The winner can have five nomination qualifications, Gudasock three, plus four from the outer sea area, and the six selection positions, a total of exactly thirty teams."

The outer sea area that Luo Wei mentioned does not refer to a specific area.Instead, it refers to the Imperial Hanruina Offshore Craftsmanship Association, the Colin-Ishurian Gray Whale Offshore Craftsmanship Association, the Great Tree Hill Silver Isle Chain Craftsmanship Association, and the Secret of the Stars Craftsmanship Association in Rotao. Four artisan guilds.

These artisan associations are located on the outer edge of the continent, and are not ruled by the main regime of the continent where they are located, but are independently governed by the artisan association.They formed a special force in the previous continental leagues, and they calculated points separately.

However, if counting the outer sea regions, then each continent has exactly five places to participate, and the winner of the previous competition has an extra one.

"Mimenos Craftsman Association, do you know them?" Shui Wuming also asked him.

Fang Plover nodded, of course he had heard of the White Tree School.That is a rather peculiar branch of the alchemy inheritance. Back then, the Numelin elves migrated to the Hill of Giant Trees and communicated with the wild elves in the forest there, leaving behind the two descendants of today's elves.

One is the Avenquin elves, who have been living in Kaolin-Ishurian after the disaster of Azsolin.The other is the shadow in the woods, wood elves or tree elves.The people of the Ash Tree now mainly live in the Sea of ​​Silver Trees, Ravenriel and Sanshak.

Legend has it that this line of elves has a weak blood relationship with the Numelin elves.Their talent in magic skills is enough to prove this point. Wood elves' spellcasters are mainly divided into two schools, one is the forger, and the other is the druid.

Miss Attila is the Druid.

And the blacksmiths mostly live in the Holy White Tree Palace - the elves build towering white oak tree houses among the towering giant trees, decorate their window lattices and vaults with exquisite white branches, trim out the palace, and It is called the land of the gods there, Nulin Nari.

The elves of Nulin Nari master the ancient blessings and the arts of the goblins, especially at forging magic items. They have created many beautiful and powerful relics throughout history.Gita has a magic ring called the Ring of Jorian, which is the work of the elves.

In addition, Sanshak's famous dagger was also forged in Nulin Nari 300 years ago, and it came from the hand of the elf king of that generation.

But not every wood elf has magical talent.

Usually only women have the talent of druids, and they are chosen as unicorn maidens for the people of the White Tree Temple after they reach adulthood.Blacksmiths are even rarer. In addition to the bloodlines of the elves royal court passed down from generation to generation, most of the blacksmiths are also high-level court warlocks.

Ordinary elves often benefited from the popularization of magic skills, used magic furnaces, and joined the ranks of contemporary alchemists.Alchemy was popularized in the Hill of Giant Trees about 500 years ago and became mainstream, and the first artisan guild was formed in 672.

That is the Memenos Artisan Association.

In other words, the Silver Tree Sea Chief Craftsman Association.

The elves combined their magical forging skills with alchemy to create their own extraordinary alchemy, and that school was called the Silver Tree Sea School, or the White Tree School.Today, alchemists from this school include both natives and chosen ones.

The headquarters of Nottings' Ship is located in the Sea of ​​Silver Trees.Although there are some free-chosen alchemists from the Artisan Guild, most of them are from the Nottings Ship Guild.

Especially their opponent this time.Soul Fingerprint has already distributed the information in hand to everyone, and that page is filled with information about their opponents, which indicates the origin and origin of each player.

Except for one person from the Freedom Guild, all the others were from the Nottings Ship, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were members of the Nottings Ship Craftsman's Guild.

"The Hill of Giant Trees is not the same as us." Luo Wei's voice was soft and soft, very sweet, which did not match her appearance, "The artisans of Galand will always be the home team of Colin-Ishurian, so we This team includes top players from various regions and guilds. But the home team of the Hill of Giant Trees is not the Silver Tree Sea Chief Craftsman Association, but the Sanshak Craftsman Association."

"Why?" Guland couldn't help asking in a low voice when he heard this.

He is from Istonia, and he is an aborigine, so he really doesn't know much about the outside world.In Colin-Ishurian, the Artisans of Grande is the undisputed core of the regional divisions, even the Council of Elfindor and the Artisans of Eldron are a head behind.

The boy really can't imagine that the artisans of a continent will not be able to represent this region.

But Fang Plover was not surprised.

"Rorshaan's goblin is here, and the headquarters of Twelve Colors Iris is also there."

In the Seven Seas Brigade.

Tianlan and Parker came from Sanshak, which is also the hometown of the Paparars.The peculiar terrain there undulates like sea waves, forming a wave-like landscape. It is one of the most magnificent scenery under the sea of ​​clouds. It has always been sung by bards——

That is the hill of floating clouds.

A branch of the tree elves, the Quivenlar elves live here.The Quelraven elves are called the Light Family, and they are also the only elves who participated in the battle against the dark dragon. The army they formed in that war has a famous name in later generations.

The one who directs the light.

The first generation of Quevenlar Elf King is the leader of the Light Bearer.

The Elven King Quevenlar held one of the five holy dragon-slaying swords, and formed an alliance with the goblins of Roshian, joined the human coalition, and made legendary achievements in that battle.

After the Lightbringer disbanded, the Quevenlar elves continued to maintain contact with humans.They built a city on the Cloud Hill, where they mixed with humans, and that city was Sanshak.After the goblins returned to Luoxia'an, a small number of tribesmen also settled there.

Now there is flourishing business there, and it is the place where people gather in the hill of giant trees, and it is also the economic center.

The Silver Tower on the Hill of Giant Trees is watched over by the Keeper of the Lightbringer.The skills left by the goblins of Rorshaan also made the Sanshak school the strongest school in the hill of giant trees.

many years ago.

The reputation of the Sanshak Artisan Association has surpassed that of the Silver Tree Sea Artisan Association.

But the key reason is actually the latter——

Because Twelve Colors Iris can send the strongest artisan representatives in the second division to participate in the battle, other guilds want to achieve better results in the continental league, so naturally they must strive to get their main artisans to join the home team.

"Some of the elves are born with magical talents, and this talent will also appear in the summoners, so there are many elves in the second division." To the standing whiteboard, "Confronting an opponent like this, you've probably never experienced before—"

"Six of the eight players in Nottings' Boat have magical talents. The free guild's picker also has magical talents, and he is also the strongest natural language. The position of a player in Zhizhou, so the strength should also be evident."

The elves applied their magic power to alchemy, and the White Tree School was born.This craft is far superior to other schools in terms of magic tools, plug-ins, purification, and seeking extreme values. It is somewhat similar to ancient alchemy, but it is not exactly the same.

As we all know, when a craftsman makes a magic tool, plug-in or magic component, the attributes obtained by the finished product are a floating range.It depends on the level of the producer, the degree of completion, the purity of the material, and even the flash of inspiration when making it.

The ancient alchemy in the Hall of Thousand Gates can perfectly circumvent material purification.And at the level of Fang Plover, it can even produce extreme value attributes stably to a certain extent (depending on the complexity of the work).

But the most amazing thing about the White Tree School is that it can surpass the extreme value, and break through the limit of the extreme value itself at the cost of giving up one aspect of the attribute-this breakthrough method comes from the magic power forging skills of the elves.

Therefore, this craft is also called transcendence craft.

Theoretically speaking, people with higher magical talents are more proficient in this craft.

Every White Tree School craftsman in the Continental League has always been the most difficult opponent for the Colin-Ishurians and the Imperials. The Nottings Ship Guild is the second strongest in the hill of giant trees, so it is not groundless. .

Undoubtedly, the Artisan Association of Grande had a 'good start'.

The soul fingerprint pointed to the other people on the paper, "But apart from this free guild's chosen one, the other six people don't need to worry so much. There is no magic talent in ten thousand, since the people of the Nottingham Boat have chosen Focusing on magic talent will inevitably make a trade-off in terms of craftsman level."

"It can also be seen from the data analysis. Their crystal craftsmen are not as good as the silver Wislan's Xiaoyao. The plug-in craftsmen are not as good as Wucun, the construction craftsmen are far inferior to MTT, and the magic craftsmen are also slightly inferior to Mulan. Needless to say, Potions Scholar and Goblin Envoy."

She glanced at Guland and Luo Wei.

The boy was a little introverted and lowered his head.

But Luo Wei looked very indifferent, which made Fang Yan look at this senior with admiration.Senior sister Luo Wei is usually gentle and approachable, but in her own field, she seems very confident.

However, the topic of soul fingerprints changed.

"These six people are inferior to us in all aspects. But it does not mean that we can take it lightly. After all, data is dead, but people are alive. It is not ruled out that the boat of Nottings has hidden a hand. In addition , these three all-around players..."

She paused for a while.

"These three all-round players have no magic talent on the list. It is impossible to determine whether they have not shown it or really don't have it. But I have to remind everyone that players without magic talent can enter this team. It is a silent declaration of strength in itself."

The soul fingerprint focused on one of them.

"Especially this person, Time Traveler, the master of the Nottingham Ship. As a non-white tree school, he can become the main craftsman of the Nottingish Ship and enter this list. What does it mean, you can decide for yourself Imagine."

"He has participated in two main competitions, and he has shown outstanding talent in the classification of magic furnaces and city barriers of large devices. As for other aspects, almost everything is unknown."

"Magic furnace."

Fang Plover thought of his work in the Southern Territory Contest. He is a crystal craftsman, and he has also been involved in the field of airships. He still knows something about magic furnaces.

But the city enchantment, he is really a little numb in this regard.The city enchantment is the most special type that is different from all large-scale devices. It is not like a large-scale magic furnace, and there are some intersections with floating ships and crystal craftsmen, which can be compared by analogy.

And the large city enchantment has been a completely independent category almost since its inception.It was first developed from the category of war machines, and the 'Mobius' mobile fortress belongs to this category.

But later, the war machines have been divided into two categories: large structures and floating ships, and the city barrier has also formed its own category.Among the alchemists in Altalia, those who are good at city enchantment are really rare, and most of them are aborigines, and there are even fewer chosen ones.

Even Fang Plover was a little surprised to hear that there was an enchantment craftsman among the participating teams of Nottingham's Boat.

He thought to himself that the world is so big, it really is full of wonders.

But Fang Plover looked at the soul fingerprints again. If the other party had such an enchantment craftsman, it would not be good news for them.

If the opponent chooses a large-scale device, the category of city enchantment, should they respond?
Who will be sent to deal with it?

Even whether or not the people from the Nottings Ship will send Time Walker to the field is a headache for everyone in the Grande Craftsman Association.

The main match of the Continental League is very different from the Southland competition.First of all, there is no forbidden category in the competition, and the competition items are selected by the two participating teams, and the craftsmen of the designated category will participate.

Each team has nine contestants, and each contestant can only participate in one event.There are four events in each game, and every two games is a round. One person can have a bye, but the two rounds of bye cannot be the same person.

In addition, there are three free positions in each team, that is, the main general. The main general can participate in any category of projects, but it is still subject to the restriction that each craftsman can only participate in one project.

In other words, in the fifteen rounds of matches with 29 teams, each team had to consider not only the outcome of the first half, but more importantly, the strategy for the second half.

If the free agent positions are used up in the first half, then the opponent in the next game will naturally designate your corresponding vacant position.Although most alchemists specialize in one field, they will also learn many other fields by analogy, just like crystal artisans are not completely incapable of flexible construction.

But in the main match of the Continental League, your opponents are all the top players in this field.A little inferior on weekdays will also show a huge point difference here.

The 29 games are accumulated points every game.

If the strategy is wrong in too many games, it will drag down the team's points, and even affect the individual performance of the artisan who hastily played.Although the final stage of the Continental League, the battle of the Holy King is almost entirely based on the individual level of the craftsman.

But in the previous knockout rounds, team points and individual points were eliminated in both directions.In other words, although the probability is very low, it is still possible for top craftsmen to leave the arena early because the team is lagging behind.

From Fang's point of view, the average level of the Grand Craftsmen's Association team is above the line, and they don't care about being eliminated due to insufficient team points.However, if the points in the second round are too low, they will be very passive after the Twin Towers Trial.

This time the third division assigned so many top analysts, and it was precisely this that was considered.

But to his surprise, the soul fingerprint seemed to have not thought of this at all, and directly skipped this topic.

She commented on each of the players in Nottingham's Boat, and after Bi Fang added, she directly made a conclusion.The top analyst of Ragnarok stopped to look at the crowd and said:
"However, after all, the second round is just a prelude to the Continental League. The trial of the twin towers is the key. The final battle of the holy kings can only depend on your own luck. In this round of competition, the boat of Nottingham You shouldn’t try your best, and neither do you.”

Soul Fingerprint took a serious look at Fang Plover: "Especially you, Ed, don't be so stupid as to explain yourself. And—"

She suddenly thought of something.

"...Stop treating everyone like idiots."

There was a low chuckle at this statement.

Fang Plover blushed like a monkey's butt. His behavior of "hidden clumsy" controlling points in the Southern League has obviously spread through the community throughout Colin-Ishurian.

He once thought he was a genius design, but now in retrospect, he can only wish to stab himself to death with a knife.


"Everyone! Ladies and gentlemen! Our opponent has come out," Carl pushed open the door of the hall and shouted excitedly, causing everyone to turn their heads to look at him.

The young man excitedly shook a piece of paper in his hand and made a rattling sound.

"It's from the Artisan Association of Rotao. It's not bad. We're lucky."

The tall African-American youth looked at him and shook his head, "The opponent is strong, what are you happy about?"

"Of course I'm happy," Carl replied, "Didn't Tracy say that this is the first game, and it's related to our attention in this competition. What's the point of being one-sided? Besides, there are Boss is here, what are you afraid of..."

He paused, "By the way, where is Tracy?"

The African-American youth took a step back, and Carl saw the brown-haired girl with a sulking expression among the crowd.

Cui Xisi crumpled a piece of paper in her hand into a ball, and threw it aside angrily.

Carl saw that the paper slip was exactly the same as the one in his hand, so he realized that he was a step behind in the news.He couldn't help asking, "It turns out that you already knew about it, so what's the matter?"

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you," the African-American youth replied, "Trizzy is angry with the people of Prometheus."

"Prometheus?" Carl was taken aback, "What happened to them?"

The African-American youth sighed.

"Trizzy intends to sow discord between them and the Colin-Ishurians, and cause some trouble for that Mr. Dragon Alchemist. You should remember this incident?"

"Remember," Karl replied, "what's the matter, the people of Prometheus were also educated by that guy?"

"It's fine if that's the case," Tracy replied angrily, "Compared to that guy, I wish the people of Prometheus would suffer, but those cowards don't dare to fight at all!"


The African-American youth winked at Carl, signaling him not to make trouble with the other party at this time.

While changing the subject, he said, "Trizzy, I think this matter may not be that simple."

The brown-haired girl was angry, but she calmed down after hearing this, her eyebrows were raised together, as if she was thinking.She turned her head and looked at the other party, "I seem to remember it too. The Irs of Prometheus went to Colin-Ishurian, and they went there with the Marine Corps to perform a mission. After returning With a mysterious look—"

"In terms of time, that guy happened to be in Istonia at that time. Did something happen between then?"

Trixie tapped her chin with her finger, "No wonder those guys from Prometheus are cowering. They don't usually look like this. Irs met that person? But it doesn't make sense either." ..."

She suddenly thought of a possibility that made her feel unbelievable, and her eyes widened.

Carl and the tall African-American youth obviously thought of this at the same time, and they couldn't help blurting out: "No way?"

"Will the dragon knight be defeated by a high-level battle craftsman?" Tracy immediately reacted, and gave the two of them a contemptuous glance, "Is it okay to have some knowledge, but something very interesting must have happened in Estonia... "

She looked interested, "I have to find a way to find someone to find out what Irs did in Istonia."

The African-American youth hesitated to speak.

Carl couldn't help shouting, "Trizzy, you are crazy, that's an action by the military!"

This is a problem.

The brown-haired girl's thin eyebrows furrowed.



This is a legendary city, known for producing a special kind of fluorescent agave.The Osyrians extracted a kind of fluorescent ink from it. This magical ink has been widely circulated among alchemists in various continents, and it is one of the most important foreign trade commodities of the Osyrian Empire.

Bavarian is located on the southern edge of the empire, next to the Agave Forest.Passing through that forest is the famous Xintaan fault zone - the Great Rift Valley.

Further south, there is a wild land beyond the rule of the empire.

But this city is by no means unknown because it is located on the border. On the contrary, it is the busiest trade node in the south of the empire—one of the endpoints of the Xintaan-Gudasok route.

This is usually one of the areas in the entire empire where you can see the most lizardmen.

But Bavarian at this moment is another scene.The whole city has long been decorated with new clothes, curtains are hanging like clouds, and long promotional banners are hung on the huge magic airship.

On one side is the silver lily emblem of the Artisan Association of Grande, and on the other side is the giant holy white tree from the sea of ​​trees.

The cheers from the square had even faintly spread to the players' lounge.

The leader of Nottings' Boat looked at his team members, and finally set his eyes on the young man sitting in the innermost part of the lounge.

"Let's go," he said, "This is your first match, and you already know the characteristics of your opponent. Whether you can win or not depends on your performance on the field."

"Kula," a young man standing beside him suddenly said, "Which side do you think the imperial people are more optimistic about?"

The young man who spoke was none other than the Time Traveler.

And the person he was talking to was not their team leader, but also the young man sitting in the lounge.

The young man lowered his head to check the elastic band on his magic gloves, and after hearing what Time Walker said, he raised his head and looked at him, "Maybe they are almost the same."

He thought for a while and replied.

The young man seemed to react very slowly, and he paused his words, "The people of the empire may not have heard of the dragon alchemist, especially in the southern border of the empire... You haven't heard of it before you came to Xinta'an ?”

"As for us," the boy thought for a while, "they probably haven't heard of it. I don't know if Forin has a reputation here."


Time Traveler looked in the direction of the door.

"If this is the second half of the first round," he said, "maybe we can surprise each other. Unfortunately, it's the first half. We don't need to give latecomers a chance."

The boy didn't answer.

Clearly not interested in the topic.

Time Traveler had already taken a deep breath, and put his hand on the doorknob under the gaze of the team leader.

Then he pushed the door open--

The sound of mountain roar and tsunami came.


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