Pillars of Ita

Chapter 927 Act 258 The Story Can Tell Everything

Chapter 927 Chapter 250 A Story Can Tell Everything in Eight Acts

May raised her head and looked at the two bright lights that criss-crossed and cut through the rain.

The box is also watching this scene, but the silver light in his eyes is calculating the data, and presenting the data as an actual preview on his retina.It was a silver world, and two silver shadows had passed through the alley step by step, one left and one right, heading straight for this direction, a female nightingale and a male nightingale, wearing a long cloak and holding a curved blade dagger.

The box didn't open its mouth, and chose to share its psychic ability, and projected that silver world into reality, making Miss May also be in it.Mei saw two silver phantoms arriving at her side, one in front and one behind, and then disappeared like sand in the wind.

Fight the enemy first.

Mei Yi didn't look aside, an electric arc appeared from the magic furnace to the gauntlet, and activated the ability.She didn't know how the box did it, but she also understood what the spell did.

It is this moment.

Mei Yi let go of the big shield, raised the ax and halberd in both hands, and charged forward.And the large shield overturned and fell into the rain, splashing a splash of water.Miss Knight took a step before that moment, and swung the halberd forward with all her strength.

A bolt of lightning hit the rain curtain.

With an exclamation, a figure flew upside down and looked at May with an incredulous gaze. "How did you know that!?" he yelled in disbelief.

But May didn't answer, and she couldn't.

She only turned the long handle of the ax and gun, and when sparks splattered, a curved dagger emerged from the rain, and Miss Knight stood upright.A female nightingale followed like a shadow, and the green eyes of the other party under the hood were still full of shock.

But the two nightingales reacted very quickly, and immediately backed away after missing a single blow. They fell into the continuous rain and pulled their cloaks so that their figures almost merged with the color of the water.But Mei Yi looked resolute, turned the ax and halberd to the ground.

"Earth—" Miss Knight shouted, "Shock!"

There was a loud bang, with the tip of her spear piercing the ground as the center, a rock spear thrust forward within the cone-shaped explosion range.The two nightingales had just landed, but they had to jump up again, trying to do a somersault in mid-air to avoid the blow.

But they had just jumped up when they suddenly felt a weight on their bodies and they fell heavily. "Gravity!" The two nightingales almost screamed. There were still wizards nearby, and their last vision was to one side.

On the nearby roof, a faint blue portal is slowly opening.

A young man holding a magic wand was walking out of it, and looked in this direction from a distance. The light in his right hand representing the earth element had just faded away from the glove.Luo Yu stood there, the rain curtain could hardly touch him, just as he approached him, he was blocked by an invisible barrier, turning into a spherical stream of water flowing down.

That was the last scene that the two nightingales of the death guild saw.

Then they fell into the rock gun, made a crackling sound, turned into white light and merged into the rain under the night.

At this time, the musketeers who had come to death had just completed the second round of shooting, but they were blocked by the raised rock guns. The fire, the lead bullets passing through the water curtain, and the white water line finally hit the rock guns, and the rock guns The crumbs flew into one piece.

But May and the box remained unharmed.

"I didn't see them," the box explained to May. "The calculation is the data of rainwater."

Two idiots.

Our Mr. Killer thought to himself—

How can Nightingale's professional ability be so easy to crack?

But even in the shadows, there is still a gap in the way people use their abilities. This is the difference between top-level recruiters and ordinary elites.

May nodded in understanding.Ed had told her about the level of strength of these people, but compared to the one in the Stag Principality, these people should be slightly stronger than Fang Plover's description, and she could roughly estimate the opponent's strength once they fought.

About nineteen to twenty.

It should be the people who belonged to the elite brigade of the Death Descend Guild.

The two highest-ranking nightingales in the brigade were destroyed as soon as they met, and the death came to the guild to panic. The gunslingers lined up and fired for two rounds, but there was no effect. This was something they had never encountered in previous battles.

That mage erected a shield by himself and blocked half of their team's shots. This is really outrageous, and anyone who sees this scene will feel chilled.The operation can also be compensated by quantity, but this pure level and numerical crushing is really hopeless.

A high-level mage who is at least level 25——

The person who came to death obviously misjudged the strength of the box.

Someone else recognized the schist spear, "Knights of ancient teachings," everyone whispered, with a hint of retreat in their voices, "Why is the Holy Guard of Tanluo in this place? Don't they never leave the secret place?"

"No, that's the Chosen One? How could there be a Chosen One ancient knight?"

"I know she..."

Suddenly someone shouted in a low voice.

A student of the Holy Leia.

There was Yi Ji at the scene. Although he was not the ten kings, he was still a person of the first level of the ten kings, a real dragon knight.

The sudden intervention made the Guild of Death Descending hesitate for a while, because it was different from what was said in the information.Where's the Paparallian crossbowman? Where's the nightingale?What about the two casters?Why did he bump into a high wall called the Ancient Knights?

The point is that they don't know whether the other party is with those people, or they are here purely for justice.Everyone knows the character of the Holy September lady who is jealous and hateful, and her students are almost carved out of her.

More importantly, he is the ancient knight who is a rare caller in this world.

Not to mention that there is an even weirder magic swordsman.

The caster was there.At this time, someone finally saw Luo Yu on the roof and recognized the elementalist.It's just that Luo Yu didn't look at them, but turned to the other side of the alley, where a soldier of the patrol guard picked up the magic sword Gwendes.

The result can be imagined.

He seemed to be in a frenzy, his eyes were red, and he was killing his colleagues.It's not that the soldiers of the other patrol guards did not fight back, but they were no match for Demon Sword Gwendes at all.

The soldiers of the patrolling guards were like ghosts, almost invisible among the crowd.

I can only see one person falling down one after another, turning into stars.

How could the guards of the long-standing patrol guards stand up to this? They had already been killed and fled in all directions. There was chaos, and they couldn't take care of other things.

Luo Yu looked at the box.

Only then did the box stretch out its hand in that direction, and the magic sword, as if listening to his call, broke away from the guard with all its strength, and suddenly flew back from that direction.After the soldier suddenly lost the magic sword, he seemed to be in a daze, at a loss, as if he had lost his mind.

"I did you a big favor," Gwendes said smugly. It drew power from the emotions of death, fear and anger, and tried to use this power to influence the box, but it seemed to hit a wall. indifferent.

Demon Sword couldn't help being a little depressed, "What's the matter with you?"

"I have no feelings," replied the box, "didn't I say so?"

Gwenders: "...?"

"I'll send you guys away." A line of text quietly appeared on the box and Mei Yi's retina, it was Luo Yu sending a message to them, "Get ready, don't get too entangled with these people. Ayin Brock is mobilizing the guard Strength, their purpose is to hold us back."

Luo Yu was watching the scene calmly, and typed: "There is no need for unnecessary battles. Especially the box, it has already experienced four or five battles along the way, so it must rest immediately."

And for a moment, another line of text appeared on everyone's retinas:
"We must hurry back to the gear and the magic book. Ms. Alyssa told me that everything has been prepared at Mr. Pusher's side, and the leader is also on his way back. Ms. Ming is with him."

This is a message from Jita.Miss Naturalist is also nearby.

"I am fine."

The box retorted.

But Luo Yu didn't answer.The young man thought for a while and stopped speaking. He was just instinctively stubborn. No matter how powerful he is, the magic power of the magic furnace is not unlimited. Once the spare energy storage crystal is used up, he is just an ordinary person.

What's more, even if the magic power is infinite, the physical strength is not unlimited.Unless he used the magic sword Gwendes like in the Battle of the North, but he looked down at the sword in his hand, and the bloody sword kept bewitching him.

But the craftsman told him not to use it lightly until he found a master who could forge the scabbard for him.

"Be careful," Mei told everyone. "The opponent's elite brigade came so quickly, it seems more like they were prepared. They may have captured Lila to lure you, and there may be a follow-up."

Although she abides by rigid dogma, she is actually quite sensitive inside.

But the backhand has actually arrived.

Miss Knight suddenly heard a sharp metallic sound from the sky above her head, she looked up in that direction, and the lights of countless airships were interlacing in the rain, shining in this direction.In the darkness, two long golden flames flashed past.

Drop boat.

Mei knew that there was only one type of unit that was worthy of airdrop combat in Einbrok, and that was the Construct Knights that belonged to the top of the Empire's security force.Although the name is called a knight, those things are actually not individual weapons, but large structures for fighting in groups of three.

Three reminders whether to allow teleportation arrived one after another.

May grabbed Lyra's wrist with a backhand.

Luo Yu was raising the magic wand in his hand, and the crystal on the magic wand was emitting a dark light.

This time it is wind spells, space and field spells.

"Teleportation, stop him!" Someone in the Deathfall Guild yelled, probably a commanding character.

The gunslingers immediately raised their muzzles and fired the triggers one after another.The crimson flames passed through the water curtain like beams of steel rain, and two or three hit Luo Yu's body, but the shield seemed to have no effect, and the opponent shook slightly.



Only then did the person who had come to death realize why the other party had to expend mana to expel the shield in advance. It turned out that the rain would pass through the phantom.But the flow of water on the shield can create an illusion and obscure the truth.

"Find out his real body!" The conductor's voice became a little annoyed, as if since meeting these people, none of their decisions were correct.Teleportation can be interrupted, and there is a long gap between casting and taking effect.

Behind the gunslinger, the swordsmen who had come to death came out more and more.On the other hand, they wanted to stop May and the box to prevent the two from teleporting.

But suddenly, countless light doors opened on the surrounding roofs at the same time, and behind each light door, an elementalist holding a magic wand stepped out of them.And every elementalist looks exactly like the boy before.

Luo Yu was raising his head.

Countless Luo Yu raised their heads at this moment, looking coldly in this direction from far and near, and the members of the death befalling guild felt as if countless eyes were focused on themselves for a moment.

"Damn it!?" The magician and elementalist, who had come to death, were about to counter the spell, and they couldn't help but be stunned when they saw this scene, "There is such an illusion!?"

"It's a mirror device!"

But at last someone recognized it.

That is not a magician or an elementalist's spell at all, but a general-purpose construct, a mirror image device, of a battle craftsman.

The person who recognized him suddenly waved his hand, and a clockwork fairy flew in one direction through the rain curtain. The next moment, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and shattered to pieces.

However, there was a slight sway behind it, and a strange flexible structure also appeared in front of everyone, and it was nothing but a mirror device.And it was knocked crookedly, Luo Yu naturally lost control of it, almost one-third of the phantom on the roof suddenly disappeared.

Unfortunately, the spell has also been completed.

May and the box took one last look at the members of the death guild. The figures of the two faded away one after another, and then Laila's wrist, which was tightly held by Miss Knight. The dim light spread along the girl's arm, gradually fading away. change.

It was only a split second, the three of them disappeared in a flash.

At this time, all the phantoms on the roof disappeared, and Luo Yu finally couldn't maintain his calculation power when the spell was in the final stage, and lost control of the flexible structure.Of all the fantasies, only the real one remains in the end.

Several swordsmen from the Death Falling Guild jumped up, climbed onto the roof, and outflanked them in this direction.Being tricked by Luo Yu, the commander hated him so much, but Luo Yu didn't even look in that direction——

He suddenly cast a glance into the vast rain curtain in one direction.

In that direction he had just lost his vision of a clockwork goblin.

Obviously something was coming from that direction, he looked there, the vast rain line was connecting together, but suddenly something parted the water curtain, and a golden red fire flashed from behind the darkness there——

A long knife pierced through the darkness and protruded in this direction.

The giant knife, which was seven or eight meters long, was reflected in Luo Yu's field of vision, followed by a tall and strange structure, almost three stories high, humanoid, with two feet, but without First of all, every wind element vent behind him emits a blue halo——

With a long cyan trail, it was pushing this strange structure to charge towards Luo Yu.

It held the giant blade in its huge mechanical arm, parted the air, rubbed out golden electric sparks, and slashed down at Luo Yu from a high position.

Build a knight.

The mobilization of the patrolling guards was finally in place.

It's just that when everyone thought that the elementalist couldn't escape, there was a loud noise.

A pure white spear of almost the same length extended from another direction, blocking the blow amidst the flying sparks.

"Dragon Knight?"

An extremely strange sound came from inside the construct.The constructed knight looked up slightly, and a taller shadow was covering it. It was a pure white knight, holding a long spear, and was maintaining an elegant posture, blocking it in front of it.

The construct lowered its head slightly, staring at the imperial construct with a pair of blue eyes.

"Who are you, the dragon knight from where? What is your purpose in coming to the empire?"

The voice asked, trembling slightly.

How could there be a dragon knight here?

Are you kidding me?
That is a weapon of strategic level, and it will only appear in wars between countries. How could it appear here, the first world?Isn't their goal a small adventure group? It might be a good idea to be among the chosen ones.

But what is it in the eyes of the empire?
But Dragon Knight is different.

The operator of the construct has never seen a dragon knight of this style, or in other words, among the existing dragon knights, there is absolutely no such elegant and perfect configuration.

It doesn't even look like a craftsman's creation, it's more like a kind of constructive life. The armor on the body, the spear, and even the source of magic power behind it that he has never seen before, don't look like a product of this era. .

Every dragon knight in existence is registered and known to the world.

But where exactly is this dragon knight coming from.

But the master of the white knight did not answer him.

Luo Yu had no such plan either.The young elementalist just glanced calmly at the imperial construct, then retracted his gaze, and opened a door of light. "Wait!" The operator of the Constructed Knight shouted.

But the elementalist had already stepped into the light gate, and the glowing blue light merged into a line, and finally disappeared.

At the same time, on a tall tower not far away, Miss Naturalist was struggling to close her magic book:

"...The story says that a young craftsman finally defeated the evil god in the vast silver sand sea of ​​Istonia, and brought a long-lasting peace to the kingdom of sand, but Few still remember the end of that story..."

"...The black knights used black long swords, and the white knights used white spears. They pierced the blind god's heart, representing punishment and justice. The sword is indestructible, and the spear is unstoppable."

"...I will write it here, it is the end of the story."

"The story is over, Hinge."

Jita lightly pressed her hand on the icy title page of Guriel's magic book.

Waves of dizziness hit, and the forehead of Miss Naturalist was covered with fine sweat.

But Jita didn't move. At that moment, a strange emotion surged in her heart, as if responding to an ancient voice, bringing the stories she read and the legends she told into her heart one by one.

She completed a new story and recorded it in the vast ocean of words.

She looked up.

The white knight in the distance is passing away little by little, like sand in the wind.

The Narrator's sigil disappeared from her world, and was replaced by a new, silver emblem of the pupil that looked at the world and read all.Jita understood that she had finally taken that step.

From a narrator to a reader's world.

After that, she was the real owner of Guriel's magic book.


Behind the world of rain.

I don't know how far away, in a mansion, under the dark and towering hall, under the gaze of the magic emblem representing the wisdom of the poisonous snake and the ever-changing spiritual power on the dome.

A man dressed as a mage suddenly stood up from his seat.

He stared fixedly at the picture in the crystal ball, and said in a voiceless voice:

"How could it be his student!?"


(End of this chapter)

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