Pillars of Ita

Chapter 982 Scene 313 When everything seems destined

"Artush, is this the young man you were talking about?" In the silver space, two people were standing out of thin air.An old man with all gray beard and hair was looking at the pool below with vigor and vigor.

"Yes, my old buddy," said the man next to the old man wearing a silver-gray robe, and it was Artush who had a relationship with Fang Plover at the Arbitration of Ein Brock.

He let out a long sigh and said, "That's Her Royal Highness, I saw it with my own eyes, old man, how could I lie to you? More than 600 Sorin Moons rose and fell, 50 years have passed, and it was the Everything turned to ashes, and I still remember..."

"I understand, I understand," the old man also sighed, "It's just that the old friends of Ishurian haven't sent us any news. I thought they failed, just like they have repeatedly hit the wall in the past 1000 years. It's just... ..."

"After the fire 50 years ago, everything has disappeared," Artush replied. "We have no reason to think so. Towers stand, towers fall, everything is in ruins, and the moon of Thorin reflects on the top of the minaret. , Angela's eyes are fixed on the history and the years, time does not change, all efforts of mortals may be in vain—"

"But there will always be a little change," Artush said again: "Otherwise we would not be able to get to where we are today. They have handed everything over to us, and this has become a responsibility we must bear, for ourselves and for ourselves. our world."

"...The old friends from the Tower of Thorin succeeded?" the old man asked with a trembling voice.

"I was also curious," Artush shook his head. "The fire destroyed everything, but many documents are still in our hands. We don't know anything about the progress after that, but... now I seem to understand."

His eyes fell on the crystal, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was a little shaken: "The sixth technical route..."

"...Is this God's will?"

The craftsman's hall in Tansnier was buzzing with people. In the distance, the royal guards were guarding three floors and three floors outside the majestic crystal tower. I heard that His Highness the Great Princess came here again to support what she saw. those young people.

Erna stood aside, looking elsewhere anxiously from time to time. Today is the day when the main match of the Continental League is officially broadcast to the whole continent. There are too many idlers in the guild waiting, and she is a little worried about the safety of Her Highness the Princess.

The middle-aged man with a frosty face looked at the president of the craftsmen's association in that direction, then lowered his head, looking at the picture projected in the crystal on the counter.The waiter at the side looked at the man who was tightly wrapped up with a strange face, and he kindly introduced:
"Sir, what appears now is our Colin-Ishurian team."

"Do you recognize that crystal?" The man suddenly asked.


The man raised his head and looked at the waiter with dark eyes, he smiled, his chin was unshaven.

He looked at the crystal, and there was an indescribable light shining inside, "Traveler, Chenlu, this is your son, have you seen that, he has grown up enough to stand alone, and he can go further than us?" Far……"

He raised his cup and drank the bitter coffee inside.The man knew in his heart that those two people didn't necessarily want their children to come to this world, and he also didn't expect things to become like this.

He stared at the shining crystal and thought, maybe there is a divine will in the dark.

"The sixth technical route." He said.

"Huh?" The waiter looked at the man in front of him unexpectedly. He was not actually a craftsman of the Craftsman Association, but just a handyman.

"Young man, that is a non-attribute crystal," the man stood up and said to him, "The last missing piece of the puzzle..."

"Sir, what are you talking about..." The waiter subconsciously stretched out his hand under the counter. He always felt that something was wrong with the man in front of him. Could it be an assassin?
Her Royal Highness is still there, although in order to experience the feeling of watching Mr. Ed's game with everyone, she deliberately asked the Tansnier Craftsman Association not to disperse the idlers.

But Xing had already stood up, threw a few coins on the counter, then picked up the communication crystal and hung it by his ear, turned and walked out.The last few words the waiter heard clearly were that the other party seemed to be communicating with someone:

"Little girl... I saw Little Plover again..."

"Don't call you a little girl? Haha, then let Quelod come..."

"What did you say, I can't hear clearly, there are a lot of noises."

The sound gradually faded away.

The waiter looked at the back of the man walking out of the craftsman association with some doubts.

What a weirdo, he couldn't help thinking, but he finally took his hands off the alarm bell with a sigh of relief.

In the shade of the trees, the unknown small bar on Yisi Avenue is also full of people at the moment, and everyone is looking up at the picture on the projection crystal.

"Hu Di, Hu Di, it's Mr. Ed."

"I see," Hu Di looked at everything in the picture, and replied softly. He has grown a lot in the past two years, and his old youthfulness and shyness have long since disappeared.

Youth has now become mature.

He looked softly at Miss Cat who walked from the counter to his hand. Although he had experienced a lot, everything at that time was still unforgettable.

The person who changed him and Miss Spoon at that time has now stood on a broader stage.

And what the other party is chasing now, he already can't understand.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and brushed Miss Cat's fluffy hair with his hands, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

I feel a little proud in my heart.

He had witnessed the beginning of that legend.

At the same time, Abpenand's arena was completely silent.

Soul Fingerprint looked at Mingzheng and smiled: "Sister Ming, it seems that Ed told you a lot, but he didn't tell you a lot."

"This little guy," Ming was stunned for a long time before he couldn't help but laugh, "but I knew a long time ago that he has a lot of secrets. That stubborn girl of Miya is always so lucky. Always on point—"

"Sea Witch?"

"The Association of Twins, Crown of Hailin," Ming smiled and shook his head, "The inheritor of the sixth technical route, I don't know what's 'little secret' he has."

"But the value of the non-attribute crystal is too great," the soul fingerprint was a little worried, "Is it true that Ed made it public like this..."

"Have you forgotten the Southern Territory Competition?" Ming couldn't help but adopt a nostalgic tone. "In the eyes of many people, it's a technology that should be cherished, but in the eyes of the little guy, it's far better to spread it."

"...That's why Mileusimis and the former warlock president of the Southern Alliance like him so much." Ming turned his head and looked at the soul fingerprints, "How do you think mortal craftsmen have come to this point?" One step at a time, they helped each other in the dark ages, the whole world faced disaster together, and people united together..."

"The man with the same name has selflessly dedicated technology to the whole world," Ming said, "That's why Aitaria is what it is today. Of course, the past is the past, but people still have those things in their hearts." Good memory, at least they can tell what is justice."

"No matter how numb it is, there is no one who doesn't want to be with beautiful values. Some people just lack courage, but some people represent such courage," Ming looked at the little guy in the painting with admiring eyes, "he And Loofah has that potential."

"You are quite optimistic about Ed, sister Ming." Soul Fingerprint couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

She more or less lamented herself.

How long ago did they not have the same values, but there are too many constraints in reality, and the contract from the guild prevents them from doing all that.

"Because I saw an old world that is getting looser and looser." Ming raised his head, his eyes seemed to be able to pierce the gloomy sky, "What happened at Covenant Mountain has never ended. When some people blindly believe that their power can change All the time, then the collapse of order is only a matter of time."

But the human heart yearns for order, and when it collapses for a while, it will eventually be rebuilt.

What will happen to those who trample on it?
The soul fingerprint looked at the picture in silence for a moment, but thought in his heart——

Why is it that one man is in trouble and seven temples are ruined, his body is dead and his hands are laughing at the world?

If benevolence and righteousness are not applied, the offensive and defensive momentum will be different.


Buzzing buzzing sounds gradually sounded, and only then did Geros remember that he was the main commentator of the game. He seemed to have made a big mistake. Since the officialization of super sports, there has never been such a big noise on the field. flaws.

In fact, he still had a chance to make up for it, as long as he pretended that it was a program effect before, and he could resolve the current predicament with a sudden inspiration.But now his mind is also buzzing and buzzing, and he can't help but look back——

His assistant was also no better than him, the poor young man was sweating profusely, looking at him dumbfounded.

Both of them are professional alchemists, so they naturally guessed a vague possibility from the clues.

It's just that his mind is in a mess, and he seems to want to tell himself that this shouldn't exist, but the facts speak louder than words. Is there any other possibility besides that possibility?
The magic furnace lit up with pure white light, which was a spectrum that did not exist in the dictionary of alchemists.

"Is that..." the assistant asked dryly.

Geros glanced at the latter with some gratitude, and then took the conversation, "Yes, my partner, that may be the same as you guessed."

"We may have witnessed a history..."

"Although it hasn't been confirmed yet..."

He tried to choose his words wisely.

In the live broadcast room of the stray horse, the discussion was much more intense.

There are not many knowledgeable people, and Ma'er sorted out the part he understood from the scattered information.He consulted all the information he had at hand before he could finally come to a definite conclusion:

"...That seems to be a non-attribute crystal. The non-attribute crystal magic furnace of Aitaria once represented the long-lost sixth technical route of the alchemists; everyone, as we all know, the mortals of Aitaria have elements suitable for them." nature, and the magic furnace and crystal can amplify this characteristic, so that mortals can also have the opportunity to have the ability comparable to magical creatures..."

"The alchemy in Altalia has witnessed the rise of mortal civilization. It is just like tools to humans on earth. It is a symbol of the birth of mortal civilization."

"But not everyone can have the matching fitness as they wish. Most people are still trapped in a mediocre and ordinary life. The existence of non-attribute crystals is the best answer to this question. In fact, non-attribute Crystals are still used in the field of magic arts, and its biggest feature—"

"... Even ordinary people without elemental fitness can use the normal power of ether."

Ma'er took a light breath, and a question in his mind suddenly had an answer.Today's non-attribute crystal magic furnace has many defects, the biggest one of which is that it cannot break through the level barrier.

But is it the same with the one in Ed's hand?

An indescribable light flashed in his eyes, "Everyone, you should still remember that Ed did not pass through the star gate through a formal way. Later we all thought that he later acquired elemental fitness because he obtained the dragon knight system." .”

"do you still remember?"

But what if it's not...?
The wandering horse vaguely felt that he might have witnessed the arrival of a new era.

The live broadcast room suddenly fell silent.

That was a very rare scene in any live broadcast room of an event. Most of the audience were not fools. With the ultra-sports league so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they almost immediately thought of a very bold possibility.


"Fuck you!"

"If you don't need to get elemental fitness through the star gate..."

"Isn't the visitor's access authority can be converted into a regular one?"

"What about the system?"

"Stupid, tourists also have a system!"

"Essentially tourists are also recruited through the star gate, but they can't break through the level barrier. But the inability to break through the level barrier is not because of the system itself, but because there is no elemental adaptability..."


"Wouldn't it be called by all the people in the future?"

Everyone has a feeling that the sky is falling.

The wandering horse suddenly found that the audience in his live broadcast room was much smaller. In fact, not only his side, but also the audience in the broadcast stream of the entire game was rapidly decreasing.

The stray horse immediately realized something keenly, subconsciously clicked on the official website of the Star Gate Agency, and the page of the tourist application channel was completely stuck.

Although the foundation of communication between the two worlds is much weaker than the communication network in the real world, after several upgrades, there has been no such network congestion for a long time.

What happened, the wandering horse was obviously clear in his mind.

Heaven has changed.

he thought.

The future Atalia will no longer be what it is today.

Who would have thought that a match that was not too big or too small would fundamentally shake the pattern of super-sports.

In the network operation and maintenance department of the Stargate Administration, a few young people are sweating profusely watching the large amount of access data streams uploaded from the earth. Because the instantaneous frequency is too high, several waves of network attacks are almost directly formed. .

what happened?
Is there war on Earth?
They were at a loss. Although the Continental League was very popular, not everyone would pay attention to it, not to mention it was still on the space station, during the on-duty period.

But the automatic door opened quickly, and several black trench coats walked in from there. The leader was the supervisor of their department, and he directly ordered everyone: "Close the passage immediately and carry out maintenance."

He paused, "The opening time will be announced later."

Only then did the young people frantically operate.

In the Wandering Horse live broadcast room.

Ma'er found that the official website of the Star Gate Agency quickly hung up the maintenance page, and the tourist channel was temporarily closed. He knew what would happen, so he couldn't help turning his eyes back to the competition.

He just silently looked at the boy's face that he was already very familiar with.


Some changes are happening.

But someone obviously saw farther. On the ice field, Shana's wanton laughter suddenly stopped in summer.

He turned around and saw R looking at him with a half-smile.

"I, I..." Shana was sweating profusely, and hurriedly explained, "You know I'm randomly looking for targets in the community, who knows that this stupid kid will bump into him head-on."

"Don't worry," a smile came to R's face, "I know you don't have the ability to foretell,"

"But that's..." Shana looked unbelievable, "How could there be such a coincidence."

R smiled even wider, "Don't look at me, I chose this little guy because I was actually interested in him. I was a little bored at the time, and I didn't really think about accepting a student, after all, I lost my qualifications , How can I be in the mood to teach others.”

He recalled somewhat: "But he was really interesting, different from us, and I did end up seeing this little guy as the only student."

Shana looked down.

"Don't you think it's too coincidental?" He raised his head again and asked, "I feel a little unbelievable now, multiple parallels, chapters of keys, how could I think of giving him these..."

"You bastard, Ed is not the only person you have deceived."

R stared at his old partner.

"It's not that complicated," he shook his head. "It's just that some people came into being, and the times are like this. Without him, there will be another one."

For beneath the stagnant waters there are torrents.

The turbulent changes push everyone forward involuntarily, and there will always be those outstanding people who stand out.

Maybe that's the fate in the dark.


R thought to himself, the last piece of the puzzle is also complete.

Maybe this is God's will.


But Ed didn't know what was happening outside.

He certainly understands that his actions at this moment will change a lot, and may even shake the foundation of the entire world. From the very beginning, he understood what the realization of the sixth technical route means.

Those cutting-edge technologies are like shooting stars shining in the sky.

But what really changes the world is often the most basic and subtle things. When the foundation of the alchemy system becomes stronger, the world will become more colorful and charming.

The non-attribute crystal represents such a possibility.Its significance may not be inferior to that of the birth of the magic furnace to mortals.

He gently put down the magic furnace.

Naturally, this first magic furnace belonged to him well deservedly.

Everyone looked at him with a shocking color, watching Fang Plover hang the magic furnace on his waist, fasten the buckle on the alchemist's coat, and then put on the matching magic gloves .

Several materials were ready, and Fang Plover started to make the second magic furnace. This one belonged to the fairy envoy Luo Wei, and he made some minor adjustments in the structure.

That's elf magic.

Inheritance from another era.

Countless rays of light lit up from his hand, and in this special space, the Creation Technique became a thousand times sharper, as if that was what it should really show.

It is no longer stagnant, nor does it consume an unbearable amount of magic power, as if its law should be like this. That is the whole picture of this alchemy created by the Numelin elves.

What Fang Plover wants to protect, that is, the true face of ancient alchemy, is completely and unreservedly displayed in front of everyone at this moment.

It is not a craft of purifying materials.

It is a magic formula that improves the efficiency of people's alchemy thousands of times.

It is no longer necessary to rely on those clumsy and cumbersome foreign objects, only to guide the pure ether in the crystal, to exert the true power of the magic furnace, and to truly be a mortal, comparable to the gods of creation.

The metal twists and turns in the countless light beams, turning into shells of different shapes, connecting with each other, the crystals are engraved with magic circles in the changing light, and the pipes grow out of the cold iron, interlacing each other.

A magic furnace was completed in the blink of an eye, but the white light dissipated, and it seemed that there was still a reddish residual temperature on its shell.

Although it was not the first time to watch Fang Plover perform his multiple parallel abilities, every time he saw it, everyone present still felt incredible.

"The remaining materials are enough to make a Magic Furnace," Fang Yan looked at Weiyu, "Next, the plug-in craftsman is very important. How about letting Wucun carry this one?"

Weiyu nodded, not objecting.

"Then the rest of the materials should be enough to make the first fairy doll. Senior sister, you can choose a few assistants to start the preparations." Seeing Luo Wei hanging up the magic furnace, Fang Yan said, "My side is still Xiaoyao stay and help me."

Both Xiaoyao and Luo Wei nodded.

"The rest of the production doesn't need to be done here," Fang Yan said again: "We already have two magic furnaces, so we can consider going to the next level."

He looked up and saw that the door of the gray hall had been opened.

Outside is a lush sea of ​​trees.

That's the second level of the Spire Trial:
sea ​​of ​​trees.


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