Pillars of Ita

Chapter 984, Scene 315 How to Instruct and Organize the Production under Magic Skills

Chapter 984, Chapter 310, Act [-]: How to Instruct and Organize the Production under the Magic Technique

The exploration of the crystal veins was not easy. The place where Whisper found was in the north of the birth point. Aether erosion created a deep valley in the forest. Along the direction of the magic flow, a huge feldspar crystal grew from the cliff rock covered by vegetation. .

Clinique spar shines magnificently in the sun.

This is a natural source of crystal minerals.The real crystal veins are buried in the huge crystals, and those crystals that have absorbed magic power are the basis of all magic skills.They can be made into the main core crystals, node crystals, and magic storage crystals of the magic furnace, the energy supply crystals and element crystals on the magic guide, and even the resonance crystals on the plug-ins.

But there are already uninvited guests in the deep valley.

The bottom of the valley was infiltrated by magic power into a magnificent blue, and there were many constructed creatures wandering below, like mindless ghosts, covered with vines, walking aimlessly among the crystal clusters.

Fang Plover was taken aback when he saw those things, and almost blurted out the word 'Dream Furnace Creature'. It has a dark and tall black iron body, arms hanging down, walking on all fours, and a dark red light shining on its head.

But after a closer look, it turns out that they are not. Their bodies are covered with rust, and they are not endowed with the agility of creatures. They cruise around empty and stiff, lacking any signs of intelligence.

The goblin puppet 'Vina' flew out, her emerald long skirt fluttered in the wind, and a pair of ponytails woven with silver silk floated up. She opened her platinum-like eyes and stared at the valley.

Three "Sword Plover" six-legged stepping constructs similar to those invented by Fang Plover but magnified ten times jumped out of the forest, suppressing a patrolling construct creature from all directions.

Their wooden bodies seemed very light, and the construct monster swung one of them flying with its arms, but the second one took over, and the construct made a beep and punched the 'Sword Plover' through, half The frame of a body and a pair of feet were shattered.

The third 'Sword Plover' followed.

Fang Plover raised the magic glove, and the surrounding trees bent and disintegrated, forming sharp claws and feet. The undamaged parts flew back from the Sword Plover, together with the main core crystal and seven node crystals in its body. fly back together.

Assembled together with the new body, a new 'Sword Plover' appeared in front of everyone.

The light path spread along the feet of the square plover, and the earth and rock rolled up and piled up to form a rock shield, covering the feet of the sword plover, making it a brand new and improved model.

All this is like magic, and everyone is almost dumbfounded.

As soon as the video crystal of 'Sword Plover' lit up, he stood up and formed a connection with 'Weina'. The fairy puppet glanced in that direction and pointed with his hand.The fourth 'Sword Plover' rushed towards the construct.

At this time, Mu Lan found the right opportunity, and swung her sword in that direction with all her strength. A fiery arrow shot out from the magic sword in her hand, passing through the gap between the two 'Sword Plover' impartially, The side armor of the construct in the middle.

This sword in this space is equivalent to a full-strength strike by a magic swordsman of the same level, without any discount, the fire blade directly pierced through the side of the construct, leaving a golden-red cut there.

The high temperature poured into its body, almost melting everything.The body of the tall and dark construct burst into sparks of magic power, trembling and fell head-on, its body torn apart——

"Gulland, Xiaoyao, take it back," Fang Yan pointed at the construct and shouted, "Others continue to push forward, Mu Lan, hand the sword to MTT when your magic power is exhausted."

He said that he put his hand on a towering ancient tree.

If you see a world full of stars in your eyes.

Shifting stars.

The light path stretched on the trunk, the wood bent under his gloves, and they automatically grew into regular shapes, forming another sword plovers.

All the previous parts have been recovered, and the crystal is inserted into its core. The video crystal on top of its head lights up, but because it is not connected to the fairy doll, it is quietly dormant aside.

"If my magic power is exhausted," Fang Yan replied, "Sister Luo Wei, I will replace you."

"I can't do it as fast as you." Luo Wei said with a wry smile.They originally planned to lure out the constructs inside to ambush and destroy them, and most of the players in the past did the same.

But Fang Plover said no, everyone had learned to trust him blindly during the battle with the withered tree man, and he did not disappoint everyone. He just had magical multiple parallel abilities on the outside.

What is shown in this world is incredible power, and even people can't help but think, if alchemists can really do this, then maybe they can really stand shoulder to shoulder with gods with mortal bodies.

Thoughts returned to reality, at the speed of supplementing the construct, they really didn't need to twist around.

"It doesn't have to be so fast," Fang Plover replied, "After we recover a few constructs, there will be enough parts to assemble more 'Sword Plover'. Next, we will build a forward base here and mine Crystal, configure magic furnaces for everyone."

"Next, configure the Magic Furnace for Weiyu and MTT," Fang Yan said. "MTT is the construction craftsman, and he will be the main force. Weiyu can replace part of my work."

"Are we going to build a base here?" Xiaoyao was a little surprised.

Alchemy in Altalia has three elements, resources, manpower and technology.

In this world, mechanical towers represent technology, and the more mechanical towers you control, the more technical nodes you have.

The manpower is their own. Crystal veins can be regarded as a type of resource, but they are not all resources. To rebuild the production system of magic skills, various minerals and magic substances are needed.

"We can't make anything just with crystals," Xiaoyao couldn't help asking, "Why don't we cut a batch of crystals here first, assemble the magic furnaces of the rest, and then see if we can find pig iron?" Or cold iron ore veins, the magic substance forest is everywhere, and it seems that there should be no shortage."

"No need," Fang Yan shook his head. He looked at the deep valley silently, and he already had a completed plan in his heart: "But I need everyone's help."

As soon as he spoke, the others stopped objecting.

Xiaoyao thought for a while, but didn't speak.

The battle in the valley of erosion did not last too long, there were only a few sporadic constructs in total, and they lacked intelligence and had no organization with each other.

Luo Wei told everyone that most of these constructs flowed from the nearby towers, the closer to the mechanical tower, the more such constructs, and under the command of the tower, they will show a certain amount of intelligence .

The closer to the spiers in the central area, the greater the population of constructs, and there will be some high-level constructs among them, and the intelligence of the spiers will be stronger.

Especially the three main towers, where there are a large number of variant structures, and there are also some large structures, even dragon-like knights-giant structures similar to the imperial human wind knights.

"In the Loofah class, they captured a main tower together with the Imperials, and the two sides shared the benefits in it equally. Loofah got the soul of the No. [-] fairy, and with that fairy soul, they came to the end in this trial. Be a winner."

"Loofah finally walked to the Hall of the Holy King, creating a legend. It was from that time that the Continental League gradually became valued by Colin people."

"But it's not as important as it is today." Luo Wei glanced at Fang Yan, obviously understanding that there was a reason why this game attracted attention, "Going forward, no one has broken through the main tower for many sessions, at least Until the time of the VEM Union."

"But the difficulty of the steeple trial at that time couldn't be compared with today's. Alchemy has been improving," she said, "but Olgiffin's trial has actually been increasing in difficulty."

"This session is a juncture," Shui Wuming also said, "from the multi-parallel spread, but it has not yet started to be used on a large scale in the competition, so Olgifen's trial difficulty remains at the previous session." The level. Of course, it is the same for other teams, so this competition is destined to be a competition between dragons and tigers."

"I've looked around—"

Luo Wei gave her a serious look, only then did Shui Wuming realize that these things cannot be brought up on the table, so he retracted the conversation in a daze.

However, in this year's peripheral betting, many people are optimistic that they can break the main tower again, and they even bet that they can break several main towers.

It's just that Fang Plover is not interested in those.

He walked into the valley, looked around the terrain here, but the scene where senior sister Minghe Soul pulled him aside and talked with him about this trial appeared in his mind——

"The people of the Empire may attach great importance to this competition," Ming told him. "They have recruited teams from the outer sea area. Most of the teams selected by the audition are from the Empire. They may not be biased towards the teams from the association, but neither We will form an alliance with you."

"During the Ogilfin Spire Trial, although the main committee of the competition has restricted the way of combining vertical and horizontal, in order to win the victory, it is reasonable to make trouble."

"You have a very high voice in this class, and you have mastered multiple parallel skills that are more proficient than most teams. In addition, the Ishurian delegation can occupy a place in the Spire Trial all the year round. They chose to target you. Take a step back and say It’s about increasing your chances of qualifying.”

"But the Imperials occupy two places all the year round, sometimes even three, and they have a great advantage, and they also have multiple parallel skills that are not weaker than ours," Fang Yan asked, "Why does Sister Ming think that other teams just choose Will it be against us?"

"Because the Imperials are too strong."

"That's really bullying." Fang Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

But he just smiled, and the smile was fleeting, and soon returned to calm.

Seeing his calm face, Ming also asked with a smile, "Have you considered how to break the game? It will be too late to think about it after you were besieged in the Olgifen Spire Trial."

Fang Plover nodded.

"Ed," the soul fingerprint on the side couldn't help mentioning, "You are talented in battle artisans, but in that world you rely on fairy dolls to fight, and every extra fairy doll is equal to more More than double the combat power. You have powerful computing power, but a clever woman can’t cook without rice. Sister Ming is right. You have to think about this. This time, because you are too famous, the second division may not be able to Stand with you."

She wanted to say something more, but Ming interrupted her from the side, and said with a smile: "The little guy has already thought about it, leave it to him."

The soul fingerprint was a little helpless: "Sister Ming."

"The end of the craftsman's trial test is the craftsman's understanding of magic skills, fingerprints," Ming smiled, "Even if it is a team competition, it can't be won by a large number of people alone. They see it too simply, and the imperial people must be very clear about this."

She looked at Fang Plover with some appreciation, "The little guy has seen through it early on, and he is exactly the same as that little girl Loofah."

Fang Plover withdrew his thoughts and looked towards the sky. It was already dusk, and the setting sun after falling into the clouds cast a layer of copper-colored afterglow on the entire sea of ​​trees.

There are still two hours until nightfall.

He really doesn't need to think about those too complicated things.

The Imperials may be thinking about how to get as many advantages as possible, and win the game in one fell swoop by virtue of the accumulated advantages;
But all he considered was how to reproduce everything he had seen here.

"What does he want to do?"

The studio fell silent.

After asking the director to cut the scene, Geros looked at this scene with some surprise. He was very impressed by the battle just now.

But with the keenness of hosting games for many years, he faintly felt that what would happen next would not be simple. As for his assistant, he was already a little incoherent.

What a young man.

Fang Plover stood quietly in the valley, drawing those blueprints one by one in his heart - where is the best barrier, where is the tower, inwards is the mining area, where a clearing can be leveled.

Then, it's time to start.

He stretched out his hand and connected the magic glove with this world - in the real world he needs to complete this step through the magic circle of ancient alchemy, but this step is omitted in this world.

The first thing he felt was the active wind element, the ubiquitous atmosphere and wind, the connected earth, rocks, earth elements, trees, vibrant vegetation, and hidden ore, gravel, and crystal veins.


What they form is an abstract world shining with stars, and what he has seen in the planetarium can only be regarded as a corner of this world, as small as a grain of sand.

And this truly vast world is tens of thousands, billions of times larger than the hotel in Sid Town, and the edge of the world is even a little blurred, which is the end of his computing power.

But suddenly it lit up, and a new piece of starlight network was connected in, much smaller than his original one, and then another piece.

Fang Yan felt something in his heart, and opened his eyes to look in that direction. There stood Luo Wei and Wucun respectively. The magic crystal stored on the magic furnace behind them had already been fully charged and was emitting a radiant brilliance.

"Sister, Wucun, let's start."

He said.

A path of light centered on his magic glove passed through the air and spread in all directions. The light passed through the stars and changed their positions.

The flowing wall solidified, flashing an intensified luster, changing from dark brown to blue gray, layer upon layer like a rock.

The light path is divided into four, like a towering tree with countless branches, extending outward along the undulating land. Wherever it passes, the ground will automatically split, forming layers of stairs.

Under the stairs, the crystals were extracted by an invisible force, divided, purified in the flickering light, formed into the same size and shape, and neatly stacked together.

In the live broadcast room, Geros and his assistant stood up from their positions at the same time in a gaffe.

They stared at the scene dumbfounded.

what is this?
Now they feel that they are not commentators, but audiences.So where is the commentary, who will tell them what it is?
The light is continuing to move forward, and where the white light path passes, the world is being artificially transformed little by little, shaping it into what it should be.

The calculations of the heavens flowed into Fang Plover's world of will through the starlight, which was a calculation that mortals could not handle——

But he doesn't have to deal with it himself, the system magnifies the craftsman's computing power through attributes, and this world further magnifies such power.

Multiple parallels are at home here, and it allows alchemy to demonstrate the same ability as the creator.

If the computing power of Fang Plover itself is ten, then he is one hundred under the blessing of system attributes, and one thousand or even higher in this world, and the world under exponential amplification——

It is a miracle in front of everyone.

"This is simply magic..." Xiao Yao looked at this scene. It was not the first time he saw Fang Plover using multiple parallel skills, but every time he saw it, he was shocked: "Compared with this, we are as good as Wu Wu. Saving that is nothing at all.”

"The principle is the same," Weiyu shook his head, "It's just Ed's computing power, should I also work part-time as a battle craftsman?"

Xiaoyao was a little speechless, "Do you think it was brought by a battle craftsman?"

"I just heard that battle craftsmen have very strict requirements on computing power." Wei Yu said.

Shui Wuming shook his head, "You are not familiar with battle craftsmen, whisper...Ed is also a monster in the field of battle craftsmen."

The three of them couldn't help being silent for a while.

"Tell me," she asked, "did Loofah's teammates feel the same way we do now?"

Weiyu shook his head.

"Why," Shui Wuming turned around, "Have you seen what happened then?"

"Have you forgotten my background?" Wei Yu said with a wry smile, "Senior Soul Fingerprint participated in that competition. How should I put it, Loofah is actually not the same type of alchemist as Ed. After that, you go to the first The second world, you will understand..."

"Should we help?" Xiaoyao turned around and asked.

"How can I help?" Shui Wuming looked towards Luo Wei and Wucun, "We don't have a magic furnace."

"Go and move things," Xiaoyao said, pointing to the stacked crystals, "I saw that Ed only purified them, but they still need to be classified. The main core crystal needs to be equipped with a basic energy-conducting circuit, and the resonance crystal needs to be cleaned in advance. Entering the formula, other crystals also need to be pre-processed, although manual work is slower, but we are also idle when we are idle, right?"

Shui Wuming and Wei Yu glanced at each other and nodded.

Looking down from mid-air, the light path seems to form a huge magic circle in the forest.

There is nothing there, only flat ground, stacked crystal materials, and high stone walls.

The light swept across the ground like mercury pouring down the ground, and the surface seemed to be automatically leveled, as if it had been tamped, and a layer of concrete reinforcement was even poured on the surface.

Smooth as a mirror.

After the high wall was erected, the rocks and wooden planks drawn from all over the place automatically set up the tower. Luo Wei and Wucun's magic gloves also emitted a soft light, but they only needed to do reinforcement and modification work in the back.

The uncovered soil automatically formed a mine pit, and countless crystals were automatically extracted. Xiaoyao and Weiyu were able to participate in the transportation at first, but it was too late to carry it later.

In the end, Luo Wei asked 'Weina' to control the structure of the Sword Plover and participate in it, so that it could match the work efficiency of the Upper Plover.

But even a square plover cannot build a forward base in one go, and the light path extends to the limit and only covers an area with a radius of [-] feet.

Moreover, the magic power of the magic storage crystal was exhausted quickly, and the magic furnace could not be used because of the red temperature. He had to stop and rest, and Luo Wei and Wucun took over his work.

When about a quarter of the advance base was completed, Fang Plover no longer needed to personally intervene in it, and the alchemists didn't need to do everything by themselves, they still had magic tools and automatic constructs.

After Fang's rest, Xiaoyao over there also finished cutting the first batch of crystals—Fang's directly took a [-]% new magic storage crystal from the latter, and inserted it into the magic furnace.

This is the meaning of mastering resource points, which is much faster than recharging energy storage crystals with a magic furnace. The so-called good workman must first sharpen his tools, and this is the reason for finding mineral veins in the first place.

He hooked his fingers, and four tall Lancers rose from the ground. The Gay crystal formed their floating platform, and the solid iron and wood formed their arms.

Lancers were originally born out of port machinery, which is a type of work structure.

After removing their attack and matching heat dissipation system, and the wind element vents, the square plovers can be cast with ready-made materials at hand.

Although the wooden structure is a little fragile, it is more than enough to complete the work in the mining area.

He handed over the four working constructs to Wucun, and said: "Wucun, I will hand over the mining area to you. I will only keep a part of the remaining crystals, and I will take all the rest,"

Fang Plover turned back to Luo Wei and said, "Senior sister, what is the limit control range of 'Weina'?"

"About 5000 meters."

"How far is it from that mechanical tower?" Fang Yan asked again.

"Sankongli, less than 6000 meters." The answer this time was a whisper.

Fang Yan immediately said, "Xiaoyao, you and Shui Wuming will stay here first, produce some magic crystals here, and help the rest to complete the magic furnace first. I will give you the blueprint of the α crystal first."

"Brother Weiyu, you and Wucun are going to look for other resources, such as iron ore and some rare metals." He looked at Gulande again, "Gulande, look for the raw materials of magic quality nearby, and try to make a batch The magic reagents and potions are coming out, just in case."

Guland nodded quickly.

"As for senior sister, Mu Lan. Come with me," Fang Plover said, "Let's find the location of the crystal tower and build a relay station about 3000 meters away from the base. After the communication is established, we will contact each other."

"MTT, you stay in the mining area to be responsible for security work, and produce a batch of real combat structures, walkers or similar models are fine."

Everyone nodded.

"Exploring overnight?" Only Mu Lan asked unexpectedly.

Fang Plover nodded.

Weiyu seemed to want to say something, but seeing Shui Wuming, Xiaoyao had no objection, he turned to look at Luo Wei, Luo Wei also looked as usual, not to mention MTT and Mu Lan.

Although the two were his teammates, they seemed to be more convinced by each other.He shook his head with a wry smile, but did not raise any objections in the end.

The initial trust established among the ranks seems to have formed a kind of rapport.

What's more, exploring at night is also beneficial. They don't need to rest in this space. The night will only become a thousand times more dangerous, but it is also a good time to rush to progress.

Especially in the first few days when other teams have not yet gained a firm foothold.

The members of Colin's main group scattered and left.

But the main arena was silent.

Geros and his assistant stood there as if by magic, motionless.

In the separate screens on the field, the Lotao people had already found the crystal vein for the second time, but it took them a lot of effort to win the mine.

And until after sunset, these talents barely made the third magic furnace. They planned to spend some time to continue exploring, so they left two people here to cut crystals and prepare to complete the fourth magic furnace. furnace.

In normal times, Geros would have to make a comment: "The Lotao people have completed the third magic furnace. The configuration of this magic furnace is good news for them who are about to enter the night."

And they found the crystal mine. If the Lotao people can prepare the magic furnaces for the whole team before the next day, then maybe the progress will not be much slower than that of the Sanshak delegation where Forin is. If there is no accident——

They will become the second team to set up their forward base in three days.

That is what could have been the case.

But right now.

This commentator with many years of experience didn't know what to say for a while.

what second?

At this moment, he was only staring at the picture of Kaolin, and said dryly, "... Kao, Kaolin seem to be going to move overnight, heading for the mechanical tower..."

"...but the empire is already ahead of them, reaching the mechanical tower one step ahead..."


(End of this chapter)

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