There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1147 Shen Chuhua, You Are My Wife

Chapter 1147 Shen Chuhua, You Are My Wife

"Okay, I'll go down right away!" Shen Chuhua put on a sweater and went downstairs!

When Shen Chuhua went downstairs, he saw Zhan Nanwei lying on the sofa, reeking of alcohol and blood on his arms.

Walking to Zhan Nanwei's side, Shen Chuhua looked him up and down, and probably knew what was going on, so he said to Li Mulan, "Go upstairs and help me get the medical box down!"

"Yes!" Li Mulan hurriedly took the medical box and put it beside Shen Chuhua.

Shen Chuhua said, "It's so late, go and rest, it's good that I'm here, I'll take care of him!"

Li Mulan nodded and left.

In the huge living room, there are only Shen Chuhua and Zhan Nanwei.

After Zhan Nanwei drank a few catties of liquor, his arm injury felt less painful, as if he had been numb by alcohol.

Shen Chuhua cut off his sleeves, checked his injuries, took out medical tools from the medical box, and began to clean and stitch Zhan Nanwei's wounds.

Zhan Nanwei looked at Shen Chuhua with bloodshot eyes.

Shen Chuhua in front of him was extremely serious, every time he treated a patient, Shen Chuhua's face was always so serious.

Snow-white skin, blue silk-like hair draped over her shoulders, under the warm and bright light, Shen Chuhua's clear eyes exude seriousness and even worry, but she is charming in her bones.

Zhan Nanwei was drunk seeing it, this is his wife, the wife of his dreams, now this dream has come true, but he feels a little unreal.

"Second Young Master, don't play childish temper in the future. Your self-harm behavior is really only five years old. It's okay to deceive children, but you don't need to deceive me? Or is Second Young Master acting like this for others to see? "Shen Chuhua asked.

Zhan Nan Weiwei was startled, Shen Chuhua had already stitched up his wound and put adhesive tape on it, and then she sat on the sofa opposite him, which was far away from him.

Shen Chuhua took a sip of water and said, "The location of your knife wound looks like you stabbed it with your left hand, so the knife edge is on the inner side of your arm.

If someone really wants to assassinate you, the wound will be on the outside, this can't fool me! "

Such an adult, is it interesting to act like this?

"My wife is so smart!" Zhan Nanwei smiled wryly.

Shen Chuhua frowned, "Don't be so boring in the future, if Second Young Master is fine, I'll go back and rest!"

Shen Chuhua got up to leave.

At this moment, Zhan Nanwei suddenly rushed towards Shen Chuhua and threw her down almost instantly.

Shen Chuhua lay on the sofa, shocked, "Let go, what are you doing? Zhan Nanwei, let me go! Don't forget, we are just a cooperative relationship. Now that you do this, don't make me look down on you!"

Zhan Nanwei tightly clasped Shen Chuhua's wrist, he stared at Shen Chuhua's angry face and said, "You are my wife, what's wrong if I hug you? Don't move, Shen Chuhua, you have to be awkward with me what?

Zhan Nanwei doesn't want you anymore, isn't it good to follow me?

I, Zhan Nanwei, can give you the unique favor in this world, and I can hold Jiangshan in front of you, why do you always run away from me! "

"Second Young Master, I'll warn you again, get up, if you do this again, don't blame me for being rude, your wound is open, just go to the hospital for treatment!" Shen Chuhua threatened Zhan Nanwei.

Zhan Nanwei's eyes were red, "I won't let go!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head to kiss her.

Shen Chuhua turned his face sideways, stretched out his hand and kicked him down quickly.


Zhan Nanwei bumped against the coffee table, his waist hurting.

(End of this chapter)

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