There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 123 Seeking a Doctor for Brother 2

Chapter 123 Seeing the Second Brother

The man was wearing a moon-white gown and casual clothes, but his posture was imposing, and he was in charge of those Zhan family guards.

This person is Zhan Muchen's second son, Qi Mei's biological son, Zhan Nanwei.

I heard Zhan Beichen mentioned that the second brother is different from Zhan Beichen. Zhan Beichen was trained with the guards to fight and kill to protect Jiangdong's safety. When he grew up, he joined the guards and started business at the same time. The second brother hangs out with the guards all the year round. He has no avatar to do other things. He is dedicated to guarding the land under his feet and is a prudent person.

Zhan Nanwei is black, thin and handsome, a man from the Zhan family, naturally outstanding.

Compared with Zhan Beichen's usual arrogance, arrogance and playfulness, Zhan Nanwei seemed a bit rigid and righteous, as if he wouldn't do anything that violated common sense and rules.

Seeing Shen Chuhua, Zhan Nanwei's serious face was slightly amiable, "Fourth brother and sister!"

"Second brother! I'll come out to get some air!"

Zhan Nanwei nodded, as if he was about to go to the main hall.

But just as he was about to lift his leg, he suddenly stopped.

With a very painful expression, the cat bent down and pressed his right leg with his hand.

Seeing that he was in great pain, Shen Chuhua immediately walked over, "Second brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhan Nanwei took a deep breath, and his tone of voice was still calm, "It's okay, the leg disease relapsed, it happens often, and it will be fine in a while!"

Zhan Nanwei pretended nothing had happened, but his forehead was covered with sweat due to the severe pain.

Shen Chuhua committed an occupational disease.

"Second brother, I grew up as a doctor, can you trust me to help you?"

"No..." Zhan Nanwei was conservative in his thinking, always felt that he should keep a distance from his fourth sibling, and was about to refuse.

Shen Chuhua said, "Second brother just treat me as a doctor, just sit there, and I'll take a look for you!"

Shen Chuhua helped Zhan Nanwei put his right leg on the stone bench.

Roll up the leg of his underpants.

When Shen Chuhua was seeing a doctor, he was very serious and touched Zhan Nanwei's left calf just below his knee.

The muscles are abnormally stiff, and the skin on large areas of the legs is as cold as ice.

On the surface, it looks like varicose veins, but the blood vessels protrude abnormally thick.

Shen Chuhua groped for the protruding blood vessel with his fingers, "Second brother, bear with it!"

Zhan Nanwei responded.

The place Shen Chuhua pressed really hurt.

"Does it hurt?"

Zhan Nanwei nodded, "Well, it's nothing, I'm used to it!

It's an old problem, it's been three or four years, and I've seen both Chinese and Western medicine...

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine said that he suffered from damp and cold outside all the year round and got rheumatism, and the disease will get better after a while.

Western medicine says that this is varicose veins, and it is also an incurable disease. "

Zhan Nanwei said with a bit of bitterness on his face. He has had leg problems for four years, and the attacks have been frequent in the past six months. If this continues, he may have to resign from his current position as the commander and become an idler at home. people.

Every time I think of this, Zhan Nanwei always feels lost.

Shen Chuhua examined it carefully for a while, and then came to a conclusion.

"Second brother, you are not rheumatism, nor are you varicose veins, your leg has been poisoned!" Shen Chu got up and said.

"Gu worm?" Zhan Nanwei was surprised, with a slight surprise on his calm face.

Shen Chuhua nodded, "Cold Silk Gu worms, generally this kind of Gu worms are specially bred by the people of Miao Village to control people.

Cold Silk Gu worms are specially boarded on the limbs of the human body. They rely on blood sucking to live in the human body. In the first few years of being infected with the Gu, you should not be able to detect it, and you will not have any physical reactions. It is only a few years later.

The Gu worm becomes longer and thicker, and it sucks more blood. Every time it sucks blood, you will feel that your limbs are extremely cold.

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(End of this chapter)

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