There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1384 Premonition 1

Chapter 1384 Premonition 1

Lord Belle's bright eyes were wide open, and he was very angry.

"You slaves, when the previous dynasty was still there, you relied on your masters to harm others. Who are you talking about being loyal to? In fact, you are despicable, and the despicableness in your bones will always be I can't change it either!

The former dynasty is gone, so many good things are not left behind, they are all ruined, but you rubbish is still there, it is really embarrassing to the ancestors. There are so many concubines who died unjustly in the harem, tell me, how much blood is on your hands? "

The old mammy stared, "No, Lord Belle, when the slave was in the front court, he was the one who served the queen mother.

The empress dowager is kind and generous, she never lets us harm others, nor does she allow us to harm others!In the previous dynasty, although there were many dead people in the harem, the slaves never harmed anyone!

Lord Belle, please be careful, don't forget, I brought up your child, how can you say that I will harm you!

If Lord Baylor said that, he would really be wronged by the servants, so he might as well just hit him head-on to death! "

In order to put aside her own relationship, the old mammy started to die or live!

Everyone present can see that this person is pretending!

Zhan Beichen handed over a long sword, "Master Baylor, this is your family matter, you can handle it yourself, we will go out and wait for you!"

After finishing speaking, Zhan Beichen winked at the people around him.

The members of the Zhan family and Zhang Taotao all walked out, only a few guards of Zhan Beichen held hands again, just in case.

Master Belle held a long sword and stared at a group of nuns and court ladies with a cold look in his eyes.

"Lord Baylor, spare me!" The old mother suddenly climbed up to Lord Baylor's feet, holding on to Lord Baylor's trouser legs tightly, "Please forgive me, Lord Baylor, this slave has been by your side to protect you, for the sake of your peaceful life." An An, in the future, I will inherit the family business and even restore the imperial court. I will always be with you, wishing to use my life to protect you. How can you kill me? You can’t kill me even if you kill anyone, can you? , Lord Belle!"

The maid behind her looked a little scared when she saw Lord Belle's appearance!

They all started crying, "Lord Baylor, please spare me, Lord Baylor, please forgive me!"

"Shut up!" Lord Belle stared at them angrily, "You keep saying that it's for my own good, do you think I don't know who sent you?

You are all from Dafujin. If I'm not mistaken, there are people in your group who have hurt my child and wife, right? "

The old mammy stared and refused to admit anything, "No, Lord Belle, what are you talking about? This is absolutely impossible? When did we hurt your child? We only If you can do your best to protect them, you let us go, let us go, and I will take you back to reunite with them, okay?"

"How do you know where they are? You said you didn't collude with Da Fujin? My wife and daughter were all imprisoned by Da Fujin, and it was you people who made trouble! It's really a shame for our ancestors. Today I will clean up for them. you!"

"Don't...ah..." The old mammy looked at Lord Baylor trembling with fright.

Master Belle swung his long sword, and the old mammy was wiped on the neck immediately.

A group of maids screamed in fright and begged for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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