There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1433 The real purpose 2

Chapter 1433 The real purpose 2

Zhan Beichen felt quite uneasy.

Could that person be Zhang Yunian?

As a man, he actually has a sixth sense, if it is... -

For the next two days, Shen Chuhua didn't know what was wrong, she could sleep very well, and when she woke up, she always didn't want to wake up.

Zhan Beichen was always by her side.

She went to follow Zhang Taotao, but only followed half of it, and she didn't find out any truth.

She didn't think about it any more.

In the past few days, Zhan Beichen asked the kitchen to make delicious food for Shen Chuhua to supplement her nutrition.

After going out to Northern Europe once, Shen Chuhua lost weight.

In the past few days, I have also taken good nutrition. -

At the same time, the third young master, Zhan Xicheng, recently helped his elder brother with some matters. He didn't understand some things and needed to find information, so he went to the bookstore.

The bookstore is very large, on the busiest street of Nanjiang Road.

I went to the bookstore after nine o'clock in the morning, and there were not many people.

Rows of books are in front of Zhan Xicheng.

Zhan Xicheng asked the administrator, and then he knew which row of bookshelf the book he was looking for was probably on.

He was wearing a dark blue suit and walked to the bookshelf.

After walking a few steps, I saw the book I needed on the bookshelf in the third row.

He was just about to reach out to take it, when his hand bumped into another person's hand.

Zhan Xicheng turned his head and saw Zhang Taotao.

She was wearing an old-fashioned slanted blouse, emerald green, with long hair tied behind her head, very delicate.

"Miss Zhang?"

"Brother Zhan!"

Zhang Taotao blurted out as if uncontrollably.

Zhan Xicheng was stunned immediately, ""

This familiar voice, as well as this tone, the face in front of me appeared in the fragment of memory in my mind.

"You are..." Zhan Xicheng narrowed his eyes, "Are you that little girl I rescued in Northern Europe a few years ago?"

Zhang Taotao smiled brightly, and nodded, "Brother Zhan, remember?"

Zhan Xicheng suddenly laughed, "I just said, when you went to our Zhanfu last time, I saw that you looked familiar, and I told my wife, did I meet you somewhere!"

Zhang Taotao felt a twinge in his heart when he heard Zhan Xicheng's words.

But she didn't show it.

There is still a kind and gentle smile on his face, "Just remember it. You didn't think about it before. There are many Zhan family members. I am also afraid that I will admit my mistake, or you will forget me. It will be embarrassing. I didn't mention it. Fortunately, you remember me!"

"Of course I remember!" Zhan Xicheng smiled, "Which book do you want, can I get it for you?"

A few years ago, Zhan Xicheng went to Northern Europe to play, and rescued a little girl at the pier, and that little girl was Zhang Taotao.

Zhang Taotao was like a little beggar at the time. After saving her, Zhan Xicheng bought her clean clothes and left money for her to let her live a good life and not let her continue begging for a living. I didn't expect that It turned out that she was found by the family later and became the eldest lady of the Zhang family.

Zhang Taotao shook her head, "I don't want it, I just look at it casually, the side of the book looks good, so I want to take it!"

"I'm not welcome, this book, I need it, to help my elder brother do things, I need to recharge!"

Zhang Taotao nodded.

Zhan Xicheng checked the time, "It's already noon, let's have a meal together!"

He completely regarded Zhang Taotao as a junior.

Zhang Taotao said, "Sure!"

"What dish do you want to eat?" Zhan Xi asked.

Zhang Taotao smiled brightly, "I'm new to Linyuan, and I'm not familiar with this place. It's just that I don't eat Western food. I really have enough Western food abroad!"

(End of this chapter)

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