There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 144 Li Yuezhi agrees to the marriage

Chapter 144 Li Yuezhi agrees to the marriage

People from the Zhan family took their seats one after another, while the others were arranged by the steward to help them sit.

Most of the dining tables are empty on weekdays, but now they are sitting just right.

The servants arranged the cups, plates and bowls on the table and retreated.

Zhan Muchen sat on the main seat in a long coat, glanced at everyone sitting with his eagle eyes, and said in a low and majestic voice, "Today is Mr. Li's funeral. Mr. Li is our hero in Jiangdong, and he is also I love brothers and sisters.

Today, everyone here will send him off for the last time. Mr. Li knows the truth, and he should rest in peace. "

All of you, keep listening.

Zhan Muchen said again, "At the funeral today, I read Mr. Li's last wishes. First, I hope that all the high-ranking people in Jiangdong will stick to their duties, protect their homeland, and hope that we can achieve great things together. Are you willing?"

"Mr. Zhan!" Zhang Yishan immediately said as a military commander, "Don't worry, we will do our best to guard Jiangdong and create wealth together with Mr. Zhan."

Qi Si's shrewd eyes flickered a little, and he immediately followed up, "Defend Jiangdong and create great achievements together!"

Several other high-level personnel hurriedly said in unison, "Guard Jiangdong and create a great cause together!"

Zhan Muchen nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Second brother, Mr. Li has high hopes for you. Although the future is uncertain, you must keep in mind Mr. Li's teachings, and don't relax for a day."

"Yes, father! Don't worry, my son will do his best to protect Jiangdong." Zhan Nanwei sat upright and nodded with a heroic expression.

Finally, Zhan Nanwei looked at Li Yuezhi who was sitting next to his second child, "Yuezhi, I watched you grow up!

Although you are Mr. Li's daughter, I have already regarded you as my own child.

The last wish of your father, I hope you marry the second child!

What do you think, you might as well say it. Our Zhan family is open-minded. If you don’t want to marry, we will never force you. If you agree, you will live in the Zhan family from now on. Our Zhan family will definitely not treat you badly. "

As soon as Zhan Muchen said this, Zhan Nanwei subconsciously looked at Shen Chuhua.

And Li Yuezhi also looked at Zhan Beichen.

Zhan Beichen paid special attention to the eyes of the second brother. When he saw the second brother looking at his wife again, he suddenly tilted his body and hugged Shen Chuhua who was sitting beside him in front of everyone. stroking her shoulder.

Shen Chuhua was startled and lowered his head.

Zhan Nanwei immediately withdrew his stiff gaze.

Li Yuezhi also looked away, she had already thought clearly today.

She agreed to this marriage for the time being, and lived in Zhan's house first, as long as she lived under the same roof as Zhan Beichen, she did not believe that she could not compare to that Shen Chuhua.

"The education my father gave me since I was a child is traditional. Yuezhi should agree to the orders of my parents. I believe that my father's arrangement is the best!" Li Yuezhi's voice trembled when he said this.

Zhan Nanwei was a little surprised, he didn't expect Li Yuezhi to readily agree.

"Okay!" Zhan Muchen's face was filled with joy.

Zhan Nanwei's heart raced, why did no one ask him if he wanted to marry a wife?

"Father!" Zhan Nanwei said.

Qi Mei glared at her son viciously, then sat next to Zhan Muchen and burst into laughter, "Master, we will love Yuezhi more in the future!"

Li Yuezhi is the post-Cunsi, such a daughter's family is naturally qualified to be the future Mrs. Zhan.

The son married her, and the future Mrs. Zhan's throne was basically secured, and it might not be easy for the third and fourth to fight for it.

(End of this chapter)

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