Chapter 1447

So there is a way to control Zhang Yunian, let him freely enter and exit the space, and make him come back to life after several deaths.

But now, he is safe only if he stays in the space, if he stays outside for more than three days at a time, he will die.


"Old woman, you are thinking wildly again!" Zhang Yunian's grandfather finished practicing, took back his sword, and came to his wife's side.

Zhang Yunnian's grandmother nodded, "Yeah, I'm really worried for Yunian, I'm really worried that this kid won't think about it, I'm afraid Chuhua will have an accident outside, he and Chuhua have a telepathic connection again!

You said that if it was an hour, it would be okay, and if it is resolved, come back to us immediately, and he will be fine.

But if it is a major event, what do you think should be done?

If he doesn't come back for more than three days, you say, what shall we do then, hey! "

"Okay!" Zhang Yunnian's grandfather sighed, "I told you a long time ago, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, as for us, we will do our best. If there is such a day... we can only support him , he loves someone so much, we can't say anything more, it's not easy enough for a child, don't you think?"

Zhang Yunnian's grandmother nodded, "Yes, that's not it, our child, it's too difficult, it's too difficult for him, isn't it?"

Grandpa nodded, "Let's go, let's drink tea, I will help Yunian Yungong heal later!" -

At this moment, warrior,

Ruan Shiqing returned home.

Shen Chuhua poured water in the living room.

Seeing Ruan Shiqing, she was very surprised, "Shi Qing, where have you been? Have you gone out? It's so late, how unsafe are you going out by yourself?"

Ruan Shi smiled, "No, it's just walking around in the yard!"

Ruan Shiqing raised her head, as soon as she saw Shen Chuhua, she thought of Zhang Yunian.

Thinking of Brother Zhang's intolerance, silently guarding and loving someone.

Thinking about it, her eyes turned red.

Shen Chuhua put down the water glass, pulled Ruan Shiqing into the living room and sat down, "Shiqing, what's wrong with you? Can you tell me?"

Ruan Shiqing blinked, "Chuhua, I'm fine, but I thought of Big Brother Zhang!"

She didn't know why, so she wanted to tell Shen Chuhua that she missed Zhang Yunian. She would not tell Shen Chuhua that Zhang Yunian was still alive, but she just wanted to mention it and tell Shen Chuhua.

Shen Chuhua was startled, "I miss him too!"

Ruan Shiqing looked at Shen Chuhua, "Really? Chuhua, do you really miss him?"

Shen Chuhua nodded, "He's like my own brother. Why do you think I don't miss him? I also regret his death. Sometimes, when I think about it while I'm sleeping, I still think it's unbelievable!"

Ruan Shiqing said, "You miss him, so he must come back to know that you miss him in the dark!"

Shen Chuhua said, "I hope, we can just think about it silently in our hearts. If we are sad all the time, it is not a solution, right? You still have a child now, for the sake of the child, you have to be well, you know ?"

Ruan Shiqing nodded, "Chuhua, I've already thought about it. I'm going to sing. I went to Paramount to sing. I haven't been on stage for a long time. I still miss it. I want to make money by myself. I always stay at home for a long time. I feel uncomfortable all over, but I am worried that my father will disagree!"

Shen Chuhua said, "You can tell father!

My father is very open-minded, and he will basically agree with us when we talk about serious matters! "

(End of this chapter)

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