There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1452 A Role Model Among Men

Chapter 1452 A Role Model Among Men

Ouyang Nishang smiled.

Shen Chuhua looked at the baby in her arms and felt like it, "Sister-in-law San, let me hug her, she keeps looking at me and smiling!"

Ouyang Nishang nodded, and hugged the child to Shen Chuhua, "Baby, give auntie a hug, come!"

Shen Chuhua just took over the child.

There was a sound of opening the door, and then Zhan Xicheng walked in, "Chuhua is here?"

Shen Chuhua and Ouyang Nishang looked at each other and smiled, "Yes, third brother, you're back!"

"Well, you two go downstairs to eat cake, I'll change clothes, I'll hold the baby, I bought Nishang's favorite cake, you go eat some together!"

"Third brother is really caring to third sister-in-law!"

Xi Cheng could only smile, "You are the only one who can talk, you can eat more later!"

"Thank you third brother!"

"By the way, Chuhua, I met Zhang Taotao again at the bookstore today. I found that she seems to be a bit different from the past. She seems to have changed. I can't say what she has become, but let me tell you. Ah, you have a lot of contacts with her on weekdays, you should pay attention to yourself!" Zhan Xicheng reminded.

"Third brother, where did you find something wrong with her?"

"Well..." Zhan Xicheng thought for a while, and then said, "Today at the bookstore, I found that she seemed to find me on purpose. Although she didn't say it directly, I'm not a fool, your third brother. It can be seen that she met me by chance on purpose,

I am a married man, and she still met me by chance, which shows that she has bad intentions, but fortunately, I keep my life clean! "

Ouyang Nishang couldn't help laughing.

Zhan Xicheng came over and put his arms around his wife, "I'm telling the truth, what are you laughing at, Nishang? I know I'm your man outside, and I never have anything to do with other women. I love you , I love you my wife!"

Shen Chuhua shuddered instantly, "Am I not supposed to be here?"

Zhan Xicheng smiled, "Stop making trouble, let's get down to business, today she deliberately pretended to be sprained, asked me to take her to the hospital, and wanted me to hug her? There was no way, so I found a rickshaw driver , she's probably going to let go of her anger now!"

Zhan Xicheng thought that Shen Chuhua and the others would be surprised when he said this, but unexpectedly, Ouyang Nishang and Shen Chuhua were very calm, as if they knew about it a long time ago.

"Third brother, you are awesome, you are really a role model among men!"

"That is!"

Saying that, Zhan Xicheng went into the back room and changed his clothes, and then took the child.

The child is leaning in his father's arms, happy!

Shen Chuhua and Ouyang Nishang went downstairs hand in hand.

Come to the big restaurant.

In the restaurant, snacks are placed.

Father is drinking tea.

The eldest brother Zhan Xicheng is also there.

Both of them held a newspaper in their hands.

"Father, brother!"


The two greeted their father and elder brother at the same time.

Zhan Muchen nodded with a serious expression, "You are here, sit down, the third brother bought a cake, you can eat it!"

Shen Chuhua sat down, then looked at his father, "Father, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Zhan Muchen put down the newspaper, "After Mr. Zhang passed away, Zhang Yunnian's influence in the north was gradually taken away by others. It is said that a man surnamed Wu, he is now considered to be the most powerful person in the north, heh!"

Shen Chuhua picked up the newspaper, and there was a man in his 30s on the newspaper, with a heroic appearance, occupying the front page of the newspaper.

Wu Hongshan.

He now has great influence in the north, and his business is almost extending to the south.

(End of this chapter)

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