There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 154: Shen Chu's Painting Wins People's Hearts

Chapter 154: Shen Chu's Painting Wins People's Hearts

Shen Chuhua tugged Zhan Beichen's clothes and said softly, "Zhan Beichen, stop making trouble!"

Zhan Beichen and Zhan Nanwei retreated one after another.

Shen Chuhua sat down slowly, pulled Zhan Beichen, and motioned him to sit down and eat.

Zhan Beichen refused, and pushed his wife to sit beside him.

"My woman, I will definitely protect her for the rest of my life, and I won't bother anyone to help." Zhan Muchen announced in front of everyone, and then, a pair of deep black eyes looked at Zhan Muchen, "Father, it's not fair!"

Zhan Muchen stared at Zhan Beichen with cold eagle eyes, as if asking, what is this kid trying to do?

"My daughter-in-law was wronged today, and our room was searched, we didn't steal it, right?

That being the case, everyone in the Zhan family is suspected today, and every house has to be searched, otherwise some gossips will spread the matter and ruin my wife's reputation! " Zhan Beichen spoke uprightly to defend his daughter-in-law.

San Yiniang's eyes met Shen Chuhua's, and she knew everything clearly.

Immediately stood up, bowed to Zhan Mu Chen, and said gently, "Master, what the fourth brother said today is not unreasonable. It is a good thing that the fourth child loves his wife. If you lose something at home, it is reasonable to search for it from house to house." Isn't it among them?"

Zhan Beichen raised his lips arrogantly and arrogantly, as if he was determined to speak to Zhan Muchen.

The third aunt Zhan Muchen said this, but she thinks it is the same reason.

Zhan Muchen looked at Shen Chuhua.

She sat beside Zhan Beichen very gentle and obedient.

He was not angry when he was torn out of control by his sister just now.

A pair of star pupils reveals innocence, without seeming to be half-distracted, it looks exactly like that woman many years ago, Zhan Muchen felt guilty for that woman in his heart, so he wanted to make up for it from Chuhua, so he ordered: , "Deputy Lu, ask someone to check, including my room, every corner, check it for me!"

Deputy Lu buckled his boots, saluted, and immediately led someone to investigate.

"Fourth brother, I have fulfilled your wish. Now, feed me immediately, and then shout, I will beat you bastard!" Zhan Muchen's tone had some preference for his son, and everyone heard it.

Everyone started to pick up their chopsticks one after another, but Shen Chuhua noticed that the old ancestor was still behind him.

Shen Chuhua got up and came to the old ancestor, with a smile in his gentle eyes, "Grandma, you have to eat liquid food for the past few days while your wound is recovering, and you can't eat greasy food. Have you eaten it? Let's drink some rice together. Porridge!"

Zhan Muchen felt relieved when he saw Shen Chuhua's understanding and cuteness.

The old ancestor shook his head with a smile, and patted Shen Chuhua's little hand, "Good boy, grandma, you are obedient. I have been eating liquid food recently. I just ate it. Grandma is tired. She went back to rest. The dizziness today I have some symptoms again, I am old and old, I am useless, I have to go back to rest!"

It was only then that Shen Chuhua remembered that before the old ancestor was hospitalized, he often felt dizzy, and sometimes he was dizzy for several days. On the day he performed the operation on the old ancestor, she pressed the neck bone of the old ancestor and learned that the old ancestor had cervical spondylosis.

It's all caused by sleeping on the square, high pillow with sharp edges and corners in the pre-Qing Dynasty all the year round.

That pillow is unscientific and not suitable for the elderly.

Shen Chuhua said softly, "Grandma, your old dizziness is caused by the cervical spine, it's not a serious problem. When you go back to rest, remove the high pillow you usually rest on and lie down. , I will give you a massage, it will be fine in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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