Chapter 1585

The place of Waikou Mountain is really strange. Due to the special geographical location of this place, it is surrounded by mountains, one mountain after another, one vein after another, and the mountains and hills are intricate. The magnetic field of this place is very unstable, so the battle The direction of the Western Regions determined by Nanwei with the compass before actually had a big error, but Zhan Nanwei didn't notice it, not only Zhan Nanwei didn't notice it, Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen didn't notice it either.

In fact, this doesn’t just happen to them. Many merchants and caravans who come and go will lose their way in the place of Waikou Mountain, and they will not notice anything abnormal.Only the locals know the correct way to cross the Waikou Mountain, but the local villagers of Waikou Mountain seldom come to this place, so the chance of meeting local people here is relatively small.

Zhan Nanwei and his group were no exception this time, they lost their way.They drove for about two hours, and they could always find the same trees regularly. At the same time, Ke Ting and Zhan Beichen also found the same problem. They stopped the car and Zhan Nanwei said: "Four Brother, I don’t know if you’ve noticed. We didn’t seem to make much progress in the past two hours. We always circled in one place for about half an hour, and then we went back to the same place. What’s going on? "To tell you the truth, second brother, I also feel that we are spinning in circles, like a maze. The mountains of Waikou Mountain are surrounded like a lotus flower, and we walked back to the center of the lotus flower. , It's really too strange, it would be great if Mr. Ghost Operator was here." Zhan Beichen said.

"I heard from a foreign friend of mine before that the magnetic field is mostly unstable in places with many mountains and dangerous places. Some methods of identifying directions left by the ancestors will not work here. I have never understood what the magnetic field means. Today I probably Got it, it's a place where the compass is highly likely to fail. It hardly even works," Ke Ting added.

Zhan Nanwei took out the compass again. The direction of the pointer was always fluctuating back and forth in a range every few minutes. This range is a dynamic pointing. When I took it out for the first time, I probably glanced at it and ignored this problem. This time Seriously found this problem.The compass pointer has a slight error on the instrument, and it may actually be a few kilometers away. This is a slight error, and the difference is thousands of miles. "What can we do? Can we walk out of this mountain pass tonight?" Shen Chuhua asked anxiously.

Zhan Beichen replied: "It depends on our luck today. Let's see if we can meet a local villager today. If we do, let him take us out. If not, we can just wait for the sun to rise in the morning. Orientation according to the sun."

At this time, Ruan Shiqing said: "When I was in a private school, I heard the teacher say by chance that not only solar energy can determine the direction, but also at night. But how to determine the direction, he didn't say it at the time, because I don't care about these things. Question. I didn’t ask in detail.”

"How can you be sure at night? It's so dark that you can't see anything. Could it be that you can watch the stars at night?" Zhan Nanwei asked puzzled.

Ye Ru said: "Let's give it a try tonight, maybe we can find something from the stars."

Zhan Nanwei said: "My baby, there are as many grains of sand on the ground as there are stars in the sky, can you count them?"

(End of this chapter)

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