There is room for the reborn doctor

Chapter 1602 Ke Ting donates blood

Chapter 1602 Ke Ting donates blood

The nurse said to Dr. Jianfeng: "Our hospital doesn't have any stock of this blood type. When you left, all the medical staff in the hospital had tested it and it still wasn't there! What should I do?"

Dr. Jianfeng said: "Let me tell the family members outside first." Dr. Jianfeng walked out of the operating room and said to Ke Ting: "Your brother is in a very urgent situation now, and it is not a problem to take out the knife with Dr. Rowski's medical skills. , The problem is that blood transfusion is required during the operation, and currently our hospital’s blood bank, including all medical staff, does not have this blood type.”

Ke Ting heard this and said to Dr. Jianfeng: "I called all my family members to see if everyone has the same blood type." Ke Ting turned around and drove back to the inn. The room was waiting for Ke Ting to come back. Ke Ting entered the door and explained the situation. Everyone got up and rushed to the hospital.After everyone arrived at the hospital, they lined up to draw blood to test their blood types. Ke Ting saw Zhan Guo and asked Zhan Nanwei, "Who is this second brother?" Zhan Nanwei said, "It's a long story, let's take blood first." Everyone tested After finishing the blood type, it was found that no one's blood type was RH-negative type O blood.

When he was at a loss, Zhang Taotao said, "Ke Ting, you haven't had a blood test yet, you and Bei Chen may have tattoos on their backs..."

Ke Ting said: "Look at my head, I'm so anxious right now, right, why did I forget myself!" Ke Ting hurried to do a blood test, and the results came out after a quarter of an hour. Ting's blood type matches Zhan Beichen's blood type exactly.Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Rovitsky said: "If you are alone, this operation requires about 50.00% of your body's blood volume. You need to think carefully!"

Ke Ting said without hesitation: "Let's draw blood, even if he dies, he has to be rescued." Zhang Taotao grabbed Ke Ting's hand, and Ke Ting comforted: "Maybe this is fate. We started as Opponent, now we are brothers, we are going to the Western Regions to complete our common mission, even if either of us survives, we cannot complete the mission entrusted to us by God, so I must save him!"

Ke Ting said decisively to Dr. Lowitzki, "Let's draw blood!"

Dr. Rovitsky turned around and walked into the operating room to perform the operation against Zhan Beichen. With the assistance of Dr. Jianfeng, Rovitsky successfully completed the operation. After the operation was completed, Zhan Nanwei gave Dr. Rovitsky ten Dr. Lowetski said that saving lives and healing the wounded is his bounden duty.

Rowitzki said: "I should be in West Germany now. Since Dr. Jianfeng is my friend, I came to him, so this is also your luck. I leave one as my salary, and you leave the rest to me." Doctor Jianfeng." Upon seeing this, Doctor Jianfeng said: "You have already paid for the operation fee, this is my job, so Mr. Zhan, please take back the other nine." Zhan Nanwei saw the two of them say so , Zhan Nanwei said: "These nine pieces of gold will be donated to this hospital by me. When someone needs help in the future, please ask your hospital to lend a helping hand!"

Seeing that Zhan Nanwei really wanted to donate, Dr. Jianfeng asked the financial staff to accept the gold and keep it as a health fund.

It's just that Zhan Beichen was still in a coma after the operation. Because the operation went very smoothly, coupled with Rovitsky's precise calculation, the operation only used 40.00% of Ke Ting's body's blood volume, but Ke Ting is lying on the bed now. He was also extremely weak in bed and had to lie in bed for a week.During Zhan Beichen and Ke Ting's hospitalization, everyone took turns to accompany them.

(End of this chapter)

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